The General Directorate of Immigration and Foreign Affairs decrees* that visitors from the 60 countries corresponding to group 1 of tourist visas for entry to Costa Rica may have their stay time extended from 90 calendar days to 180 calendar days, as established by the following modification:
“Article 2—Modify article 8 of the Regulation for the Granting of Entry Visas to Costa Rica, Executive Decree No. 36626-G of May 23, 2011, published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta No. 118 of June 20, 2011, so that from now on it will read as follows: “Article 8—Foreign persons to whom the General Directorate grants authorization to enter and remain for a period that may not exceed one hundred eighty calendar days in the case of nationals of countries located in the first income group are deemed “Non-Residents.”
However, it is imperative to emphasize that although the group 1 tourist visa may extend to 180 calendar days, immigration officials are not required to grant such a length of stay since the decision is at their discretion.
Said decree also states that those tourists who are granted a visa for less than 90 calendar days may request an extension up to a maximum of 90 calendar days.
*In accordance with Official Decree number 44187-MGP published in the Official Gazette Number 159, scope number 166, on June 15, 2023