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Official name: Republic of Honduras
Capital: Tegucigalpa
Form of Government: Presidential Republic
Surface: 112,090 Km2
Population: 9,346,277 hab (2021)
Official language: Spanish
GDP (PPP) Per Capita: USD $5,728 (2019)
Official currency: Lempira (HNL)
Main competitive advantages of investing in Costa Rica:
Macroeconomic stability
Strategic position and connectivity
Legal security
Integration of global markets
Exports: $7.8 billion (2019)

Main export markets:
- United States of America
- México
- Nicaragua
- Guatemala
- El Salvador
Main export products:
- Coffee
- Shrimp
- Palm oil
- Banana
- Sugar
Honduras is considered the heart of Central America because of its location between Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. The main economic advantages that the country offers are:
- Free zones and other special regimes offer tax incentives throughout the country, as well as simplified customs procedures.
- Free trade agreements to promote access to international markets, especially to the manufacturing and distribution chains of the United States and Mexico.
- Simplified administrative procedures and the implementation of government and electronic commerce that have greatly reduced the steps required to make an investment in Honduras.
The country has seen tremendous growth in the renewable energy industry, adding more than 600 megawatts in photovoltaic, wind and hydroelectric power in recent years. This has been favored by the expansion of Puerto Cortés, the largest port in Central America.
All Honduras products and services have direct access to the main markets of the world thanks to trade agreements, such as CAFTA-DR, which in most product categories eliminates trade barriers between Honduras and the United States, Canada, Central America, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Japan and Australia. Five years ago, Honduras and Guatemala ¬established a customs union to facilitate trade between the two countries, speeding up the process and reducing costs. Both countries have integrated their trade procedures at three of their common land borders and now each only requires a single online import-export instrument called the Central American Invoice and Declaration. Very recently, they advanced a step further with the unification of customs processes between Honduras and Guatemala, known as the countries of the northern triangle.