Elimination of the restriction on the export and re-export of products for surgical use
The Costa Rica´s General Directorate of Customs issued the statement DGA-028-2020, by which it reports that the products indicated in article 1 of Executive Decree No. 42291-MEIC-S-COMEX, may be exported without the prior requirement of the export license, issued by The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce, until that Ministry, communicates to this Directorate, about a national shortage alert for said products, which will be communicated in due time to Customs.
The products to which this requirement is eliminated are:
- Mono-glasses: Mono-glasses with indirect ventilation, transparent lens, foam covered frame and adjustable headband. Ergonomic and panoramic design. HSC: 9004.
- Mask: N95 masks. HSC: 6307.
- Gloves: Nitrile gloves. HSC: 4015.
- Robes: Disposable robes. HSC: 6210.
- Mask: Disposable surgical masks. HSC: 6307.
- Friction alcohol: Alcoholic formulations with concentrations higher than 60% for hygiene and external use. HSC: 3004.
- Multipurpose alcohol: Alcoholic formulations with concentrations higher than 60% for hygiene and external use. HSC: 3808.
- Antiseptic solution for hygiene: Alcoholic formulations with concentrations higher than 60% for hygiene and external use. HSC: 3004.
- Gel alcohol: Alcoholic formulations with concentrations higher than 60% for hygiene and external use. HSC: 3808.
- Ethyl alcohol: Undenatured ethyl alcohol with an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% or more. HSC: 2207.10
Authorization of Extensions of Temporary Import Certificates Tourist Category, by Emergency of COVID-19
By resolution RES-DGA-345-2020 of July 3, 2020, published in Scope No. 171 to La Gaceta No. 168 dated July 11, 2020, the Costa Rica´s General Directorate of Customs authorized until August 18, 2020 , without the express request of the beneficiary, the extension of the term of stay in the country of land, air or water vehicles, which have a tourist category temporary import certificate, issued to foreigners and Costa Ricans residing abroad who entered the country , after December 17, 2019, and which were issued by the National Customs Service, due to the emergency by COVID-19.
Post check:
Once the national emergency is over, the Directorate of Inspection of the General Directorate of Customs can make a subsequent review and proceed with the respective verification.
Disabling of TICA collection service through the SINPE platform
By communication DGA-027-2020 of July 8, 2020, the Costa Rica´s General Directorate of Customs reports that the Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies will execute an adjustment required by the Central Bank, which consists of the migration of SINPE services to technologies WCF; the adjustment will take place on Tuesday, July 28 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For this reason, the TICA collection service will not be enabled through the SINPE platform, so that the Administrates take the forecasts of the case.
The other functions of the TICA system will be enabled.