Transitional provisions to protect employees with underlying medical conditions vulnerable to Covid-19
On November 19, 2020, the Legislative Assembly enacted transitional provisions to protect employees with underlying medical conditions vulnerable to Covid-19 (“Transitional Provisions”). These provisions extend a decree enacted in September 2020 which was in force until October 23, 2020.
Scope of application: The enactment aims to protect employees vulnerable to Covid-19, who will be allowed to telework and enjoy labor stability during the applicable period. According to this regulation, the following employees are deemed to be at risk: persons 60 years of age or older; pregnant women; persons suffering from chronic degenerative diseases, kidney failure, chronic lung disease, or systemic and complicated pulmonary hypertension; persons who have recently been subject to organ transplants; individuals undergoing treatment with immunosuppressants; Covid-19 convalescents in their first month of recovery, and persons with morbid obesity.
Those who fall within any of the categories described above must request a medical disability certification issued by the Salvadoran Institute of Social Security (ISSS), to enjoy the benefits. Employers shall implement home office policies if feasible. Public sector salaries will be paid by employers and private sector wages will be subsidized by the ISSS.
Entry into force: The Transitional Provisions enter into force as from their publication in the Official Gazette and will expire 180 days after publication.
(Official Gazette number 239, published on December 1, 2020)
Transitional Provisions to Regularize Business Licenses and the Registration of Business Establishments during COVID-19
The Legislative Assembly approved Transitional Provisions to Regularize Business Licenses and the Registration of Business Establishments during COVID-19 (“Regularization Provisions”) to enable individuals and companies to renew their business licenses and the registration of business establishments, including branches, agencies, and commercial or industrial premises, in 2020 and those pending from previous years, without incurring penalties or charges. To complete the registration, merchants and companies must submit the application corresponding to 2020 and the closing balance sheet of 2019, paying the fees applicable to 2020.
Entry into force: The Regularization Provisions enter into force as from their publication in the Official Gazette and will expire on December 31, 2020.
(Official Gazette number 234, published on November 24, 2020)