Continuing education program for lawyers
BLP awards annually the “Alonso Arroyo” scholarship for higher studies abroad to outstanding legalstaff that meets the selection criteria. To date, the scholarship has benefited both women and men,including partners of the firm,encouraging their further individual academic and professional development.
Business Booster and MicroFranchises
BLP supports the initiative of CEMEX in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste Province that provides free advice to small entrepreneur sand micro franchisees to help them develop and market their products in the national territory. We have provided pro bono legal advice to the beneficiaries of the BusinessBooster, from the formation of the business to the commercialization process.
I Entrepreneur
The business competition, I Entrepreneur (Yo Emprendedor), brings together entrepreneurs from allover Central America to compete by demonstrating their ideas and talents.Besides serving on I Entrepreneur’s Board of Directors,BLP donates pro bono work to those who win the competition.
Attention window for Nicaraguan SMEs
BLP and INDE have created a one-stop-shop to provide legal advice to Nicaraguan MSMEs that strengthens their business aptitude and contributes to the sector’s promotion and growth in the country.
Sustainable Development Goals to which we contribute