Constitutional Chamber declares domiciliary quarantine unconstitutional via executive decrees.
On June 8, 2020, by means of resolution of the process reference 21-2020, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice declared unconstitutional the Executive Decrees n° 5, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 29, regarding the mandatory household quarantine, as well as the Temporary Restriction of Concrete Constitutional Rights Law to Address the Pandemic by Covid-19, and the Law of Regulation for Isolation, Quarantine, Observation and Surveillance by Covid-19.
The Court established that the reasons why it was necessary to suspend the constitutional rights of Salvadorans, as well as the usurpation of legislative functions by the executive body, were not sufficiently justified, on the understanding that the executive body lacks competence to issue regulations that suspend rights and constitutional guarantees.
The Constitutional Chamber has urged the state organs to agree on new regulations that are in accordance with the Constitution, free of defects and that respect the procedure of law formulation in accordance with the competences of each organ.
The sentence gives a reasonable period of 4 days from its notification for it to take effect, under penalty of allowing free movement and a possible risk of contagion.