On May 21, 2024, the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS) published in the SICOP platform the request of proposal number 2024LY-000005-0001101107, for the Design, Construction, Equipment and Maintenance of the Critical Care Tower for the Children´s National Hospital, Dr. Carlos Luis Saénz Herrera, under the turnkey modality, publicly known as “Torre de la Esperanza Project”.

The tender corresponds to the first stage of the Project, which will be located next to the children´s hospital and includes emergency services, laboratory, x-rays, and pediatric and neonatal intensive care. The project will be developed with public funds provided by Law Number 8793, which assigns 0.78% of the annual resources of the Social Development and Family Allowances Fund (FODESAF) for this purpose.

According to the tender schedule, the opening of the bids starts at 9:59 am on August 8, 2024, with a deadline to object the request of proposal on May 31, 2024.

In BLP, we have a Public Procurement Law Department with professionals that specialize in providing clients with the information that they need to prepare and participate in significant projects such as “Torre de la Esperanza”.

For more information, contact us at [email protected]