On July 13, 2022, the reform to executive decree 43291-S that facilitates the sanitary registration of low-risk food and cosmetic products was published in the official newspaper La Gaceta.  The reform simplifies the registration of such products to enable immediate approval.

Annex 1 of said reform includes an expanded list of cosmetic products, such as facial masks, face powders, mouthwash, and tonic lotion.

In addition to the above, article 2 of the decree simplifies the sanitary registration of foods with some nutritional descriptor, such as “low fat” on their labeling, among other dietary descriptions, excluding food products that, despite being considered low risk, have health claims.

This procedure must be carried out through the “Registrelo” platform of the Ministry of Health, presenting the corresponding requirements for the sanitary registration of this type of product and providing the proper affidavit signed by the legal representative.