In Guatemala, Decree number 4-2020 “Reforms to the Law of Non-Governmental Organizations for Development, Decree number 2-2003 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala and the Civil Code, Decree-Law number 106 of the Head of Government” entered into force, which establishes, among other provisions, the obligation of a Non-Governmental Organization (“NGO”), registered and operating at the time Decree 4-2020 entered into force, to update the information on file.
The Decree requires an NGO to update its information in the Registry of Legal Entities (REPEJU) attached to the Ministry of the Interior no later than February 2, 2022, presenting the following documentation:
1. Form containing:
- NGO data (Name; registration data; place of registration; email; Tax Identification Number; telephone number).
- Information on the Legal Representative (name and surnames; Tax Identification Number; CUI/DPI or valid Passport; email; address).
- Data on each Board Director (name and surnames; Tax Identification Number; CUI/DPI; start and end term of the position; position).
- Signature of the Legal Representative or Counsel providing legal assistance.
2. Copy of a basic services receipt, IUSI, or document issued by the Municipality, dated within three months of its issuance, stating the location of the entity’s headquarters.
3. Proof or certification of bank account for monetary deposits, fixed-term deposits, or savings account in Quetzales or foreign currency, as well as any other financial product or service constituted within the national financial system in the name of the NGO.
Any NGO that fails to comply with the requirements listed above within the established period is canceled and must be dissolved.