Decree N° 42227- MP – S. Government declares a state of National Emergency, prevents the arrival of foreigners and suspends lessons in all educational centers in the country. (March 16, 2020)
– Mandatory isolation for those who enter the country will be applied by sanitary order and the suspension of educational centers throughout the country. Click here for more information.
Government activates PROTEGER a plan of 1 trillion colones to deal with consequences of COVID-19 (March 19, 2020).
– The objective of the plan is to accumulate liquidity to react responsibly to the needs and in accordance with the evolution of the emergency. Click here for more information.
Presidential decree for Commercial State-owned Banks to attend the COVID – 19 emergency (March 20, 2020).
– Measure urges banks to reduce interest rates, extend credit terms and extend payments, among other provisions.
Decree N° 42256- MGP – S. Legal Residents in Costa Rica would be stripped of their immigration status if they leave the country. (March 23, 2020).
– As of March 24th, 2020, any foreign person who is a resident or with any approved regular status in the country that leaves the national territory, automatically loses their immigration status. This also applies to foreign applicants who are awaiting approval of their processes. Click here for more information.
– Extension of the measures until April 30.
Decree N° 42253- MOPT – S. Vehicle restriction at nighttime and its exceptions to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 (March 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Applicable on Monday through Sunday Thursday for the entire national territory between 22:00 hours and the 05:00 hours, and Friday through Monday 20:00 hours and 05:00 hours beginning on March 24 .at 22:00.
- Some exceptions to the vehicle restriction are (please review all others in the following link):
- Public transport vehicles intended for the remunerated transport of people in any of its modalities (taxi, bus, vans, minibus, special transport of workers and transport to airports authorized by the Public Transport Council) and that have a public service plate, as well as a cargo taxi authorized by the Council of Public Transport with the respective permit.
- The employees in the public or private sector whose workday includes or coincides with the time slot from 22:00 hours to 05:00 hours or 20:00 hours to 05:00 hours, whether due to entering, leaving or the need to move during working hours, duly accredited. In the case of entering or leaving the working day, the mobilization may be done in a private vehicle or any of the modalities outlined in the previous paragraph.
- Provision of food, pharmacy, and veterinary emergency home delivery services, duly accredited.
- Restriction.
- Extension of the resctriction.
- Decree N° 42287- MGP – S.: Extension of the restriction from April 3 until April 12, 2020
- Exceptions to vehicle restrictions from April 3 to April 12, 2020
- Extension of the vehicle restriction from April 13 to April 30, 2020.
Decree No. 42295- MOPT- S. Daytime vehicular restriction throughout the Costa Rican territory due to the COVID-19 state of national emergency. (April 11, 2020).
– The daytime vehicle restriction is established from Monday to Friday, inclusive, between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. as follows:
- Monday: License plate or AGV that ends in 1 and 2;
- Tuesday: License plate or AGV that ends in 3 and 4;
- Wednesday: License plate or AGV that ends at 5 and 6;
- Thursday: License plate or AGV that ends at 7 and 8;
- Friday: License plate or AGV that ends at 9 and 0;
– On Saturdays and Sundays, between 05:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. vehicular traffic will be prohibited throughout the national territory according to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle circulation plate or of the special AGV circulation permit; and daytime circulation on the same day will be limited to travel to the supermarket, supplier or grocery store, health establishment or pharmacist, as detailed below:
- Saturday: License plate or AGV that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8.
- Sunday: License plate or AGV that ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9
- Exceptions and other provisions are indicated in the link below.
– Exceptions and other provisions can be found at this link.
From May 1, 2020, to May 15, 2020, the resumption of certain activities is authorized under applicable restrictions. The phase-in will be gradual and will depend on public behavior and if necessary, restrictions will be implemented again. On May 11, 2020, further changes will be evaluated (March 27, 2020). More information at this link.
– Locations that may open during the week from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m:
- Cinemas and theaters with ticket office or electronic reservation and seat separation of at least 2 meters between each person.
- Establishments for practicing or training in non-contact sports, observing a maximum capacity of 25% of legal occupancy.
- Gyms with a reduction in their maximum legal occupancy to 25%, with appointment scheduling and different hours for people with risk factors.
- Swimming schools, with a reduction to 25% of their maximum legal occupancy.
– In addition to the list of exceptions already issued, the following locations and services are enabled on weekends from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m:
- Beauty salons and barber shops, with a capacity of fifty percent (50%) of their legal occupancy and only by appointment.
- Retail sale of parts, pieces and accessories for motor vehicles and motorcycles, with a capacity of fifty percent (50%) of their maximum legal occupancy.
- Parking lots or garages.
- Vehicle restrictions remain unchanged: Daytime circulation of vehicles will be from 5 a.m. at 7 p.m., according to the last digit of the license plate. Nighttime circulation will be prohibited from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., with exceptions. On weekends from 5.a.m. to 7 p.m plates ending in odd numbers may pass on Saturdays and even plates on Sundays.
Guideline No. 082-MP-S. On the Protocols for the Reactivation and Continuity of Certain Sectors during the COVID-19 State of National Emergency. (April 28, 2020).
– Officials of the Central & Decentralized Public Administration are instructed to initiate a coordinated and participatory process with the private sector for the application of preventive and mitigation measures of COVID-19, that allow the reactivation and continuity of work centers, activities and services, according to the epidemiological behavior of the said disease. Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42328- MOPT- S. Reform to Executive Decree Number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, called Daytime Vehicle Restriction before the State of National Emergency in the entire Costa Rican Territory by COVID-19. (April 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The vehicle restriction issued in Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, is amended as follows:
- It is extended until 6:59 p.m. on May 15, 2020, inclusive;
- It includes the exception of vehicles strictly for people who must attend the Vehicle Technical Review appointment;
- It prohibits the circulation of special student, tourism or occasional vehicles, as well as special bus, minibus and bus services, except as provided in subsection b) of article 5 of Executive Decree Number 42295-MOPT- S dated April 11, 2020, and those cases duly justified and approved by the Public Transport Council.
Decree N 42330- MOPT- S. Reform to Executive Decree Number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, Daytime Vehicle Restriction throughout the entire Costa Rican Territory because of COVID-19. (May 4, 2020).
– Article 4 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, is amended as follows:
– On Saturdays and Sundays, between 5:00 a.m. and 6:59 p.m, vehicular traffic will not be allowed in the entire national territory according to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle circulation plate or the special AGV circulation permit and it will only be possible to circulate on the corresponding day solely for travel to establishments with a sanitary permit that the Ministry of Health allows open during the weekends on the day mentioned in this article, detailed as follows:
- Saturday: Plates or AGV permits ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8.
- Sunday: Plates or AGV permits ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
– Exceptions indicated in article 5 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, continue to apply.
– Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42335 – MOPT-S. Restriction measure for the entry into the national territory of international flights during the validity of the sanitary measures issued by the Executive Power in immigration matters to prevent the effects of COVID-19. (May 11, 2020).
– International flights that transport those who need to return to the national territory due to COVID-19 can only enter and land in the national territory through the Juan Santamaría International Airport. Click here for more information.
Government presents Schedule of Reopening of Activities. (May 11, 2020).
– The gradual reopening of the national economy in 2020, is scheduled in four phases as follows:
- Phase 1: May 16-31
- Phase 2: June 1-20
- Phase 3: June 21-July 11
- Phase 4: July 12-August 2
– Details on the activities to open in each phase are found at this link.
New Restriction Measures Will be in force from May 16 to 31, 2020. (March 11, 2020).
– The following measures apply from May 16 to 31:
- From Monday to Friday, vehicle traffic restrictions are extended until 10 p.m., as well as the operation of premises with sanitary permits: restaurants, shops, shopping centers, and theaters.
- Motels may open up to 20 rooms at 50% of their capacity.
- Twelve national parks and a private reserve will reopen to the public, limiting entry to 50% of their capacity.
- Beaches will open Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m.
– At this link is a summary of the measures taken.
Document INTE/DN-MP-S-19:2020 “Requirements for the preparation of sectoral protocols for the implementation of Standards and Health Guidelines for Covid-19” is to be applied by productive sectors and other activities in preparation for reopening the economy. (May 18, 2020)
– To implement mitigation and control measures for COVID-19, as well as achieving the reactivation and continuity of the work centers, activities, and services, a Guidance Document was presented to shape requirements for the preparation of health guidelines that the different sectors must prepare for the country’s economic reopening.
– The INTE / DN-MP-S-19: 2020 document can be found at this link.
New Opening Measures Will be in force from June 1 to June 19, 2020. (May 29, 2020).
The following measures apply to the period, June 1-19, 2020:
- Contactless art academies may operate at 50% capacity.
- Restaurants at 50% capacity and open on weekends.
- Gyms and swimming schools at 50% capacity and open on weekends.
- Event rooms for a maximum of 30 people with a maximum capacity of 50%.
- Opening of other national parks at 50% capacity.
- Museums (previous purchase entry) at 50% capacity on weekends.
- Hotels with a greater number of rooms may open but at 50% of their capacity.
- Public parks are enabled for 50% to transit.
- It is possible to implement the 4/3 day (10 hours 4 days) with the possibility of a free Monday or Friday.
- The borders will remain closed until June 30, 2020.
Vehicle restriction continues in the same way and with the same exceptions:
Monday, Friday, inclusive, and in the period between 5:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. as follows:
- Monday: License plate or AGV that ends in 1 and 2;
- Tuesday: License plate or AGV that ends in 3 and 4;
- Wednesday: License plate or AGV that ends in 5 and 6;
- Thursday License plate or AGV that ends in 7 and 8;
- Friday: License plate or AGV that ends in 9 and 0;
On Saturdays and Sundays, during the period between 5:00 a.m. and 6:59 p.m., vehicular traffic will not be allowed throughout the national territory except according to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle circulation plate or the special AGV circulation permit and then circulation is only permitted to the supermarket, supplier or grocery store, health establishment or pharmacist as detailed below:
- Saturday: License plate or AGV that ends in 0,2,4,6 and 8.
- Sunday: License plate or AGV that ends in 1,3,5,7 and 9.
Decree N 42373- MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42295-MOPT-S dated April 11, 2020, Daytime Vehicular Restriction throughout the Costa Rican Territory due to the State of National Emergency for COVID-19. (May 29, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The restriction of vehicles issued in Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, is amended as follows:
- The daytime vehicular restriction is extended until 9:59 p.m. on June 19, 2020, inclusive with the following exceptions:
- Vehicles carrying persons strictly to honor a reservation at hotels, cabins or accommodation establishments authorized by the Ministry of Health, either for entry or exit, duly accredited with the corresponding reservation voucher;
- Vehicles carrying persons required to move strictly to attend their driving test, duly accredited with proof of registration issued by the appointment system of the General Directorate of Road Education;
- Except as provided in subsection b) of Article 5 of Executive Decree 42295-MOPT-S and those cases duly justified and approved by the Public Transport Council, required for the continuity of public services or attention to the state of national emergency, the circulation of special student or occasional vehicles, as well as special bus, minibus and bus services, is prohibited.
- The circulation of special tourism transport vehicles will be allowed, in compliance with the sanitary guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health on COVID-19 and under the corresponding provisions issued by the Public Transport Council to regulate the transit of this type of public transport.
Decree N42382-MOPT-S. Nighttime Vehicular Restriction with Differentiated Time Zones in Certain Cantons of the Country under the State of National Emergency. (June 2, 2020).
– Vehicular traffic will be subject to nocturnal restriction determined by a different time slot for certain cantons of the country to strengthen actions to mitigate the spread and damage to public health due to the effects of COVID-19, and to mitigate the increase in epidemiological outbreaks created by this disease.
– Monday to Sunday, inclusive, in the period between 5:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., vehicular traffic will not be allowed in the following cantons: Guatuso; Guácimo, specifically the Duacarí district; La Cruz; Los Chiles; Pococí specifically the Colorado and Colonia districts; Río Cuarto; San Carlos, specifically the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, Pital and Pocosol; Sarapiquí, specifically the districts of Llanuras del Gaspar and Curuña; Siquirres, specifically the districts of Pacuarito and Reventazón; and Upala.
– Exceptions can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42383 -MOPT-S. Reform to Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020. Night Vehicle Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country before the State of National Emergency by Covid-19. (June 3, 2020).
– Within the measure of mandatory application for natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, are the following cantons: Pococí, specifically the districts of Colorado, Colonia and Cariari; San Ramón, specifically the Peñas Blancas district; Abangares, specifically the Las Juntas district; Cañas, specifically the districts of Cañas and Bebedero.
– Routes number 1 (Autopista General Cañas), 6 (Cañas-Upala) and 142 (Cañas-Tilarán-La Fortuna) are excluded from this measure, since such highways are governed by the provisions of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020.
– Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42384-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-Sdel2 of June 2020. Night Vehicle Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country before the State of National Emergency by Covid-19. (June 4, 2020).
– Within the mandatory application measure fornatural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, the following cantons are included: Pococí, specifically the districts of Colorado, Cariari, La Rita and Roxana; San Carlos, specifically the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, Pital, Pocosol, and Valencia.
– Excluded from this measure are Routes 1 (Autopista General Cañas), 6 (Cañas-Upala), 18 (Abangares-Nicoya), 32 (Braulio Carillo), 142 (Cañas-Tilarán-La Fortuna) and 702 (San Ramón-La Fortuna), which are governed by the provisions of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020.
– Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42386-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, called Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (June 7, 2020).
– Within the mandatory application measure for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, the following cantons are included: Pococí; San Carlos, specifically the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, La Fortuna, Pital, Pocosol and Venecia.
– Excluded from this measure are Routes number 1 (North Inter-American Route), 6 (Cañas-Upala), 18 (Abangares-Nicoya), 32 (Braulio Carillo), 142 (Cañas-Tilarán-La Fortuna) and 702 (San Ramón-La Fortuna),) which are governed by the provisions of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020.
– Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42400-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, called Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (June 10, 2020).
– Within the mandatory application measure for natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S the following canton is included: Puntarenas, specifically the Paquera district. Click here for more information.
Third Phase: Reopening is Canceled due to an Increase in COVID-19 Cases. (June 19, 2020).
– The weekend opening of cinemas, theaters, museums, shops, and places of worship is postponed, along with the weekend extension of beach hours.
– From Saturday, June 20 at 10 a.m. as of Monday 22 at 5:00 a.m. the total vehicle restriction will apply for the entire country, under the scheme used at Easter as follows:
- Vehicular traffic is allowed exclusively for access to health centers, pharmacies, suppliers, grocery stores, and supermarkets by odd and even plates from 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 20 to 5:00 a.m. on Monday, June 22. The following plates do not circulate:
- Saturday: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
- Sunday: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
– The list of exceptions such as productive activities and transportation to work centers, public transport, and taxis is maintained. Home delivery service may operate. Persons who must return from hotels, with the respective proof of reservation, may transit.
– Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42409-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, called Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (June 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Within the mandatory application measure for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S The following cantons are included:
- Alajuelita
- Desamparados
Decree No. 42410-MOPT-S. Temporary Restriction of Vehicle Traffic in the National Territory to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19. (June 19, 2020).
– During the period from 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 20, 2020, until 5:00 a.m. on June 22, 2020, inclusive, vehicular traffic will not be permitted throughout the national territory. Circulation is only allowed on the day corresponding to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle circulation plate or the special AGV circulation permit, to go to the supermarket, supplier or grocery store, health establishment or pharmacist, as follows:
- Saturday, June 20, 2020, plate or AGV permit ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
- Sunday, June 21, 2020, plate or AGV permit ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.
– Exceptions are found at this link.
Masks are Mandatory in Various Services and Shops Starting on Saturday, June 27, 2020. (June 22, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The use of masks is compulsory for certain services or shops. As of June 27, the use of a cloth or surgical mask is instructed as follows:
- For all people who serve the public; in the case of a restaurant, it must be a mask due to the elevated position of the person taking the order;
- For the general public when using paid public transportation, cinemas, theaters, churches, banks, and restaurants while patrons are not consuming;
– Masks can be surgical or cloth, and masks must have general facial coverage since it is important that they properly cover the mouth and nose.
Decree No. 42417-MOPT-S. Amendment to Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to COVID-19 state of national emergency. (June 23, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Within the measure of mandatory application for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, the following canton is included:
- San José, specifically the Pavas district.
- The following are excluded from this measure: Routes number 1 (Ruta Interamericana Norte), 6 (Cañas-Upala), 18 (Abangares-Nicoya), 27 (Próspero Fernández), 32 (Braulio Carillo), 39 (Circunvalación), 142 (Cañas-Tilarán-La Fortuna), 209 (San José-Aserrí-Curridabat), 210 (Desamparados-Curridabat), 214 (San Sebastián-San Rafael Arriba de Desamparados) and 702 (San Ramón-La Fortuna), all of which are governed by the provisions of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020.
Decree No. 42418-MOPT-S. Amendment to Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (June 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Within the mandatory application measure for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation under the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S the following cantons are included:
- San Carlos, specifically the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, La Fortuna, Pital, Pocosol, Venice and the towns of Bonanza and La Vega in the district of Florencia;
- Corredores.
Decree No. 42420-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, Nighttime vehicle restriction with a different time slot in specified cantons of the country before the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (June 25, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Within the measure of mandatory application for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, the following canton is included:
- Guatuso, specifically the San Rafael district.
Government announces a new phase of reopening and updating alerts. (June 26, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Cantons in the yellow zone, with some exceptions, may advance to phase 3 after midnight tonight, June 26, 2020.
- Excluded from this provision are Ulloa (Heredia), La Uruca, La Merced, Hospital, Hatillo, Mata Redonda, Catedral, Zapote, San Rafael de Escazú, Curridabat, San Francisco de Dos Ríos, San Sebastián, Aserrí, San Gabriel, Corralillo (Carthage).
- Orange alert districts will remain in phase 2.
- The National Emergency Commission updated the orange alert in the cantons of Upala, San Carlos, Pococí, and Desamparados.
- Juan Santamaría International Airport and the Daniel Oduber Quirós (Liberia) International Airport will open on August 1, 2020.
Decree No. 42423-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, called Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (June 25, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Within the mandatory application measure for natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding their use and circulation under the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, the following cantons are included:
- Pococí, specifically the districts of Cariari, Colorado, La Rita, and Roxana.
- San Carlos, specifically the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, Pital, Pocosol, Venecia and La Fortuna, in the latter district only in the communities of Tres Esquinas, Los Angeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge and Santa Cecilia.
- Upala, specifically the districts of Upala, San José (Pizote), Delicias, Yolillal and Canalete.
- Desamparados, specifically the districts of Desamparados Centro, Patarrá, Los Guido, San Miguel, San Rafael Abajo, San Rafael Arriba and San Juan de Dios.
Applicable measures are announced as of Friday, July 3, and until Monday, July 13. (July 2, 2020).
– The entire country (cantons on yellow and orange alert) will have night vehicular restrictions from Monday to Sunday from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am, except the cantons in the border area, which will remain restricted from 5:00 pm to 5:00 am.
– The cantons and districts under orange alert are updated, as well as the regulation of establishments enabled in such areas. The following cantons are included:
- San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Puriscal, Aserrí, Goicoechea, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca, Curridabat, Alajuelita
- San Ramón, Grecia, Palmares, Upala, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Sector Sureste del Distrito de la Fortuna de San Carlos (Tres Esquinas, Los Ángeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia); y La Vega y Bonanza del distrito de Florencia del Cantón San Carlos
- La Unión
- Barva, Santo Domingo
- Bagaces
- Puntarenas, salvo los distritos de Cobano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco e Isla Venado
- Corredores
- Pococí
– The list of exceptions to the vehicular restriction is unchanged (productive activities, work centers, transfers to and from hotels, among others).
– The mandatory use of masks is extended to assistants in supermarkets and stores throughout the country.
Decree No. 42436-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, called Daytime Vehicle Restriction before the state of national emergency throughout the Costa Rican territory by COVID-19. (July 2, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Add Transitory II and adjust the number of the Sole Transitory so that it is listed as Transitory I of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, so that the following is stated:
“TRANSITORY II.-During the days from July 4 to Monday, July 13, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the daytime vehicle restriction established in article 3 of this Executive Decree will be in the period between 5:00 a.m. and 6:59 p.m., in the terms established by said article. For the corresponding effects, the other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied to the time slot between 5:00 a.m and 6:59 p.m. “.
Decree No. 42437-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, called nighttime vehicle restriction to mitigate the effects of COVID-19. (July 2, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Add Transitory V to Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, as follows:
“TRANSITORY V.-During the days from Friday, July 3 to Tuesday, July 14, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the night vehicular restriction established in article 3 of this Executive Decree will be in the period between 7:00 p.m. and 04:59 a.m., in the terms established by said article. For the corresponding effects, the other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied under the time slot between 7:00 p.m. and 04:59. “
– Add subsection x) to article 4 of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, so that it reads as follows:
“X) The vehicles of persons who must travel strictly to attend the Vehicle Technical Review appointment, duly accredited with proof of the scheduled appointment.”
Decree No. 42438-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, Nighttime Vehicle Restriction with a different time slot in specified cantons of the country before the state of national emergency by COVID-19. (July 2, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Within the measure of mandatory application for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding vehicular use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT-S, the following cantons are included:
- Upala.
- Coto Brus, specifically the Sabalito and Agua Buena district.
– The following exception to the restriction is included:
- Vehicles of people who must travel strictly to attend the Vehicle Technical Review appointment, duly accredited with proof of the scheduled appointment.
– Added Transitory:
- During the period from 7:00 p.m. on Friday, July 3 to 4:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, inclusive, the application of the night vehicle restriction with a different time slot established in article 2 of this Executive Decree will be temporarily suspended only for subsections k), l), m), n) and o), in order to be governed by the provisions of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020.
- During the period from 7:00 p.m. on Friday, July 3 to 4:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, inclusive, for the routes established in the final paragraph of Article 2 of this Executive Decree, routes considered as exceptions are routes 1 (North Inter-American Route), 6 (Cañas-Upala), 142 (Cañas-Tilarán-La Fortuna), 702 (San Ramón-La Fortuna), 32 (Braulio Carrillo).
New Applicable Measures from Saturday, July 11 to Sunday, July 19, 2020. (July 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
Cantons on Orange Alert | |
Province | Cantons |
San José |
Alajuela |
Cartago |
Heredia |
Guanacaste: |
Limón |
Puntarenas |
Detailed Weekend Restrictions (Saturday, July 11 and 18 – Sunday, July 12 and 19, 2020) |
Vehicular Circulation for Orange and Yellow Alert |
Vehicular circulation will be from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm, to access establishments enabled by the Ministry of Health. The exception list applies. The following ending plates will not be allowed to circulate on: Saturday: 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 Sunday: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 |
Activities in Orange Alert Cantons |
Activities in Yellow Alert Cantons | Establishments authorized to operate are beauty salons, hotels, restaurants, shops, places of worship, others. |
Detailed Weekday Restrictions
(Monday, July 13 to Friday, July 17, 2020) |
Orange Alert Cantons | Vehicular circulation | Total vehicular restriction for 24 hours, with exceptions for access to supermarkets, pharmacies, and health centers. Only vehicles with license plates ending in the following number may circulate:
Monday: 1 and 2 Tuesday: 3 and 4 Wednesday: 5 and 6 Thursday: 7 and 8 Friday: 9 and 0 Public transport may operate up to 20% of its capacity. Taxi service and special service for worker transportation are enabled. |
Activities | 1. Essential productive activities (agriculture, fisheries, food industry, cement and glass industry, medical devices and their parts, production of chemical substances and pharmaceuticals, information and communication technology services and contact center operations that support essential activities both in and outside the country- call centers). The foregoing includes the supply chains of materials, services, products, and equipment essential for such activities. 2. Fiscal warehouses, companies authorized by the Ministry of Health to receive and dispatch cargo according to resolution Nº RES-DGA-272-2020 as long as they are companies that carry out an essential productive activity, customs agencies, public institutions and other logistic operators required for foreign trade transactions. 3. Supermarkets, suppliers, neighborhood stores, and mini-supers may only open sections for the sale of food, beverages, groceries, cleaning and hygiene supplies, and essentials. 4. Bakeries, butchers, and greengrocers. 5. Pharmacies and medical centers. 6. The institutions that, due to the nature of their functions, must remain open, such as the State’s migration, customs, phytosanitary services, land, sea and air border posts, among others. 7. Home service (limited to food, pharmacy, veterinary, hardware, and locksmith). 8. Agricultural, veterinary and hygiene supplies. 9. Funeral homes or chapels, with an occupancy capacity of fifty percent (50%). 10. Childcare and development centers, and care centers for people in vulnerable conditions and, public and private dependent. 11. Community waste collection services. 12. Supply and distribution of fuels. 13. Public garages or parking lots. 14. Car rentals only to provide assistance services to already rented vehicles, as well as the reception of all returned vehicles. 15. Hotels that provide accommodation services to: a) Foreign tourists who are already in the country. b) Flight crews or special service cases. c) Long-term tourists or residents. d) Public administration or public service providers (banking, transportation of valuables, communications, electricity), and persons who are employed in the distribution of merchandise or food items, first aid, medicines, and agricultural or veterinary supplies. e) Embassy service providers. 16. Farmer’s fairs, with a special time set aside for older adults from 5:00 a.m. to 8:30 am. 17. Activities for the construction of public works exclusively for the attention of emergencies in general or works related to the COVID-19 emergency. The list of exceptions to the restriction of vehicles is reduced to essential productive activities, establishments authorized by the Ministry of Health and basic services.
Yellow Alert | Circulation | Vehicular traffic will be from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., with ordinary license plate distribution and a complete list of exceptions (all production activities and work centers) |
Activities | Establishments with sanitary operating permits may open regularly from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., depending on the current reopening phases. The operation of places of worship of a maximum of 75 people, beaches from 5:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., hotels at 50% and restaurants, shops, museums, cinemas, and theaters remain in effect.
Public transport, taxis, and special transport for workers and tourism remain in operation. |
Complete List of Exceptions to Vehicular Restriction in Cantons on Orange Alert
(From Monday, July 13 to Friday, July 17, 2020) |
a. Vehicles for transporting merchandise or cargo of the following essential productive activities: • Agriculture, fishing and food industry • Medical devices and their parts • Production of chemical substances and pharmaceutical products • Information and communication technology services (including their security and stability) • Contact center operations that support essential activities within and outside the country. • The supply chains of materials, services, products, and equipment essential to these sectors. b. Public transport vehicles intended for the paid transport of people in any of its modalities (bus, minibus, microbus, taxi, special stable taxi service), special service for workers who have a public service plate, as well as a taxi for cargo authorized by the Public Transport Council that has the respective permit per day. All of the above will be subject to the special provisions established by the Public Transportation Council for the care of the health situation by COVID-19 on the occasion of this Executive Decree.
Differentiated Vehicular Restriction in Border Areas |
The differentiated vehicular restriction is maintained from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 pm to 5:00 am at:
1. Canton of La Cruz 2. Canton of Upala 3. Canton of Guatuso 4. Canton of Los Chiles 5. Canton of San Carlos: Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, Pital, Pocosol and Venice. In addition, the Southeast Sector of the Fortuna District of San Carlos (Tres Esquinas, Los Ángeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia); and La Vega and Bonanza in the Florence district. 6. Districts of Plains of Gaspar and Curuña of the canton of Sarapiquí. 7. Pacuarito and Reventazón districts of the canton of Siquirres 8. The districts of La Rita, Roxana, Cariari, and Colorado of the Canton of Pococí. 9. Duacarí district of Guácimo canton. 10. Canton of Corredores. 11. Districts of Sabalito and Agua Buena of the Canton of Coto Brus. The canton of Río Cuarto will no longer be subject to the differentiated vehicular restriction. |
Decree No. 42455-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, called Daytime Vehicular Restriction by COVID-19 state of national emergency throughout the Costa Rican territory. (July 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The daytime vehicular restriction measure contemplated in this Executive Decree will be applied from 5:00 a.m. on April 13 to 4:59 p.m. on July 19, 2020, inclusive. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated according to the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
- From July 4 until July 19, 2020, inclusive, the daytime hourly regulation restriction established in article 3 of this Executive Decree will be between 5:00 a.m. and 4: 59 p.m., as set forth in said article. The other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied between the time slot of 5:00 a.m. and 6:59 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- On Saturday, July 11, Sunday, July 12, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the daytime vehicular restriction established in article 4 of this Executive Decree will be between 5: 00 a.m. and 4:59 p.m., as provided by said article. The other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied between 5:00 a.m. and 4:59 p.m., during the dates set forth in this transitory. This Executive Decree is in force from 5:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 11, 2020, until 4:59 p.m. on July 19, 2020.
Decree No. 42456-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, called Vehicular Restriction at night to mitigate the effects of COVID-19. (July 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- From Friday, July 3 to Monday, July 20, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the night vehicular restriction established in article 3 of this Executive Decree will be between 7:00 p.m. and 04: 59 a.m., as provided by said article. The other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied between 7:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m.
- On Saturday, July 11, Sunday, July 12, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the night vehicular restriction provided in the second paragraph of article 3 of this Executive Decree will be between 5: 00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m., as set forth in said article. The other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied between 5:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m., during the dates established therein.
- This Executive Decree is effective from 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 11 to 4:59 a.m. on July 20, 2020.
Decree No. 42457-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, called Nighttime Vehicular Restriction with a differentiated time slot in certain cantons of the country due to the COVID-19 state of national emergency. (July 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Within the measure of mandatory application for all natural or legal persons owning motor vehicles and for drivers, regarding vehicular use and circulation in the terms established in article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42382-MOPT- S, the following cantons are included: San Carlos, specifically the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, Pital, Pocosol, Venecia and La Fortuna, in the latter only district of Tres Esquinas, Los Angeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge and Santa Cecilia, Sarapiquí, specifically the districts of Llanuras del Gaspar and Curuña, Siquirres, specifically the districts of Pacuarito and Reventazón, Upala, San Ramón, specifically the district of Peñas Blancas, Puntarenas, specifically the district of Paquera, Alajuelita, Desamparados, specifically the districts of Desamparados Centro, Patarrá, Los Guido, San Miguel, San Rafael Abajo, San Rafael Arriba and San Juan de Dios, San José, specifically the district of Pavas, Corredores, Guatuso, specifically the district of San Rafael, Coto Brus, specifically the district of Sabalito and Agua Buena.
- From Monday, July 13 to Friday, July 17, 2020, inclusive, the application of the night vehicular restriction with a different time slot established in this Executive Decree will be temporarily suspended for items j), k), l), m) and n) of article 2.
- From 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 13 to 4:59 a.m. on July 20, 2020, inclusive, for the routes established in the final paragraph of Article 2 of this Executive Decree, they will only be considered as excepted routes 1 (North Inter-American Route), 6 (Cañas-Upala), 142 (Cañas-Tilarán-La Fortuna), 702 (San Ramón – La Fortuna), 32 (Braulio Carrillo).
- During Saturday, July 11, Sunday, July 12, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the daytime vehicular restriction established in article 3 of this Executive Decree will be between 5: 00 a.m. and 4:59 p.m., as provided by said article. The other articles of this Executive Decree must be applied between 5:00 a.m. and 4:59 p.m. as well.
Decree No. 42458-MOPT-S. Temporary Restriction of Vehicular Traffic in the Orange Alert Cantons to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19. (July 11, 2020).
- This temporary vehicular restriction measure is issued to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and the damage to public health that the Orange Alert cantons are facing due to their current epidemiological status, for the period between July 13-17, 2020.
- It applies in the following cantons: a) For the province of San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Aserrí, Mora, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vásquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca, Curridabat and Puriscal. b) For the province of Alajuela, the cantons of Alajuela, Poás, Atenas, Grecia, Sarchí, Palmares, Naranjo, San Ramón, Zarcero, Upala, Guatuso and Los Chiles. In the case of the canton of San Carlos, it will apply in La Fortuna district, specifically in Tres Esquinas, Los Angeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia; as well as in the Florencia district, specifically La Vega and Bonanza. c) For the province of Heredia, the cantons of Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, Santa Bárbara, San Rafael, San Isidro, Belén, Flores and San Pablo. d) For the province of Cartago, the cantons of Cartago, Paraíso, La Unión, Alvarado, Oreamuno and El Guarco. e) For the province of Guanacaste, the cantons of Bagaces, Liberia, Carrillo and Cañas. f) For the province of Limón, the cantons of Pococí, Talamanca and Guácimo. g) For the province of Puntarenas, Golfito, Garabito, Corredores and Puntarenas, except for the districts of Cobano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco and Isla Venado.
- During Monday, July 13 until Friday, July 17, 2020, inclusive, between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m., vehicular traffic will not be allowed in the cantons in Orange alert.
- Vehicular circulation will be only authorized on the day corresponding to the final number (last digit) of the vehicular circulation plate or the special AGV circulation permit, to move to the supermarket, supplier or grocery store, health establishment or pharmacist, as detailed below:
Day |
Authorization to drive according to the last digit of the vehicle license plate or the special AGV license |
Monday, July 13, 2020 | Plates ending in 1 and 2 |
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 | Plates ending in3 and 4 |
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 | Plates ending in 5 and 6 |
Thursday, July 16, 2020 | Plates ending in 7 and 8 |
Friday, July 17, 2020 | Plates ending in 9 and 0 |
Decree No. 42459-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42458-MOPT-S of July 11, 2020, Nighttime Vehicular Restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country due to COVID-19 state of national emergency. (July 13, 2020).
- The following exception is included:
“The vehicle of a person or persons who must travel to the Juan Santamaría International Airport to leave the country or to pick up someone who enters the national territory on a flight authorized for this purpose, duly accredited with the personal flight ticket or that corresponding to the person who will be picked up.” Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42476-MP-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree Number 42458-MP-MOPT-S of July 11, 2020, called Temporary restriction of vehicular traffic in the cantons on orange alert to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (July 14, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The following exception is included:
Vehicles used in construction activities and projects exclusively for emergency responses due to construction safety reasons, duly authorized by the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, and complying with the sanitary provisions issued by the Ministry of Health.
Measures Applicable from Monday, July 20 until Friday, July 31, 2020, inclusive. (July 17, 2020). Click here for more information.
• List of cantons on orange alert:
Cantons on orange alert | |
Province | Cantons |
San José | · GAM: San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Aserrí, Mora, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vásquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca and Curridabat. |
Alajuela | · GAM: Alajuela, Poás, Atenas, Grecia, Sarchí, Palmares, Naranjo, San Ramón y Zarcero.
· Other: Upala, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Sector Sureste del Distrito de la Fortuna de San Carlos (Tres Esquinas, Los Ángeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia); and La Vega and Bonanza in the district of Florencia of the canton of San Carlos. |
Cartago | · GAM: Cartago, Paraíso, La Unión, Oreamuno y El Guarco. |
Heredia | · GAM: Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, Santa Bárbara, San Rafael, San Isidro, Belén, Flores and San Pablo. |
Guanacaste: | · Liberia, Cañas and Nicoya. |
Limón | · Pococí and Guácimo. |
Puntarenas | · Garabito, Corredores, Puntarenas (except the districts of Cóbano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco e Isla Venado), district of Pavón in the canton of Golfito, and the districts of Agua Buena and Sabalito, canton of Coto Brus. |
- Detail of Vehicular Restriction-Orange Alert: Vehicular traffic will be from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm, except for a list of exceptions that DO NOT circulate:
Monday: 1 and 2
Tuesday: 3 and 4
Wednesday: 5 and 6
Thursday: 7 and 8
Friday: 9 and 0
Saturday: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
Sunday: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
- Establishment enabled-Orange Alert: The only establishments with sanitary permission to serve the public, enabled to operate 24 hours a day in orange alert, are:
Supermarkets, suppliers, grocery stores, and mini-supermarket (only food, beverages, groceries, cleaning and hygiene supplies, and basic necessities sections).
Bakeries, butchers, and greengrocers.
Sale of agricultural, veterinary, and hygiene supplies.
Marketing of agricultural, livestock, fishing, and aquaculture products.
Laundries, hardware stores, locksmiths, glass window suppliers.
Riteve (RTV), auto repair shops, equipment and machinery, lubricants, sale of spare parts.
Banking and financial services.
Funeral homes and chapels.
Public and private health facilities may also open, veterinary clinics, pharmacies, farmers' fairs with separate hours for older adults from 5:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., waste collection, fueling, sale of lottery and gambling products duly authorized by the Social Protection Board (JPS), public parking lots, public health centers for persons in vulnerable and dependent conditions, public, private or mixed nurseries supervised by the CAI or the MEP, hotels, and motels (50% of capacity).
– Establishment enabled-Yellow Alert:
- The establishments in the yellow zone with sanitary permission to serve the public will be able to open regularly and continue phase III of reopening from Monday to Sunday (restaurants, shops, and gyms at 50%, places of worship with a maximum of 75 persons, farmer’s fairs with separate hours for the elderly, others), with strict compliance of protocols.
Hotels may operate at 100% of their capacity and with a 50%of capacity in the common areas. The opening of bars, discotheques, casinos, and public parks is not enabled.
Decree No. 42482-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, called Daytime Vehicular Restriction before the state of COVID-19national emergency in all Costa Rican territory. (July 17, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The daytime vehicular restriction measure contemplated in Executive Decree 42295, will be applied from 5:00 hours on April 13 to 21:59 hours on July 31, 2020, inclusive. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated according to the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
– The following exception is included:
- Any vehicle transporting a person who must arrive at the Juan Santamaría International Airport to leave the country or to pick up someone who enters the national territory on a flight authorized for this purpose, duly accredited with the personal flight ticket or the corresponding person to be picked up.
Decree No. 42483-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, called nighttime vehicular restriction to mitigate COVID-19 effects. (July 17, 2020). Click here for more information.
– From 7:00 p.m. Friday, July 3 to 4:59 a.m. Monday, July 20, 2020, inclusive, the hourly regulation of the nighttime vehicular restriction established in article 3 of Executive Decree 42253-MOPT-S will be in effect as established by said article. For relevant purposes, the other articles of Executive Decree 42253-MOPT-S must be applied to the time frame between 7:00 p.m. and 04:59 a.m. on the corresponding dates.
Decree No. 42484-MOPT-S. Vehicular restriction with a differentiated time band in certain cantons of the country under the State of National Emergency by COVID-19. (July 17, 2020)
– Cantons on orange alert:
- For the province of San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Aserrí, Mora, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vásquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca, Curridabat.
- For the province of Alajuela, the cantons of Alajuela, Poás, Atenas, Grecia, Sarchí, Palmares, Naranjo, San Ramón, Upala, Guatuso and Los Chiles. In the case of the canton of San Carlos, it will apply in La Fortuna district, specifically in Tres Esquinas, Los Angeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia; as well as in the Florence district, specifically La Vega and Bonanza.
- For the province of Heredia, the cantons of Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, Santa Bárbara, San Rafael, San Isidro, Belén, Flores and San Pablo.
- For the province of Cartago, the cantons of Cartago, Paraíso, La Unión and Oreamuno.
- For the province of Guanacaste, the cantons of Liberia, Cañas and Nicoya.
- For the province of Limón, the cantons of Pococí and Guácimo.
- For the province of Puntarenas, the Pavón district in Golfito, the Agua Buena and Sabalito districts of Coto Brus, Corredores and Puntarenas, except for the districts of Cobano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco and Isla Venado.
– From Monday, July 20, to Sunday, July 26, 2020 inclusive, in the period between 5:00 a.m. and 4:59 p.m., vehicular traffic in the cantons and districts indicated in article 3 of this Executive Decree is restricted according to the final number (last digit) of the license plate or the special AGV circulation permit, detailed below:
Day |
Restriction to drive according to the last digit of the license plate or the special AGV license |
Monday |
Plates ending in 1 and 2 |
Tuesday |
Plates ending in 3 and 4 |
Wednesday |
Plates ending in 5 and 6 |
Thursday |
Plates ending in 7 and 8 |
Friday |
Plates ending in 9 and 0 |
Saturday |
Plates ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 |
Sunday |
Plates ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 |
– Routes excepted from this measure:
- Route 1 (San José-Peñas Blancas).
- Route 2 (San José-Paso Canoas).
- Route 3 (San José-Orotina).
- Route 4 (Crossing Río Frío on Route 32-Upala).
- Route 5 (San José-Heredia).
- Route 6 (Cañas-Upala).
- Route 10 (Cartago-Siquirres).
- Route 27 (San José-Puntarenas).
- Route 126 (Heredia-Sarapiquí).
- Route 137 (Puriscal-Orotina).
- Route 140 (Ciudad Quesada San Carlos-San Miguel de Sarapiquí).
- Route 141 (Naranjo de Alajuela-El Tanque de San Carlos).
- Route 209 (San José-Acosta-La Fila de Mora).
- Route 230 (Cartago-Turrialba).
- Route 237 (Paso Real Buenos Aires Puntarenas-Ciudad Neilly Corredores).
- Route 702 (San Ramón de Alajuela-La Fortuna de San Carlos)
- The exceptions are found at this following link.
Decree No. 42485-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decrees number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, 42295-MOPT of April 11, 2020, and 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020. (July 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Reform and addition to article 5 of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, reform and addition to article 7 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, and reform and addition to Article 7 of Executive Decree number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, to include the following:
“Demonstration for the application of the exception: To prove or demonstrate the invocation of the corresponding exception, such verification must be given to the transit authority by presenting the institutional or business card, or by using a labor certificate issued in digital or physical form by the employer.
In the case of independent workers, they must carry and present a physical or digital supporting document about their work-the possible data listed in the previous paragraph-or activity carried out that justifies their mobilization in any of the restricted time slots.
– The term of validity of the certificate or the verification document will be two months from its date of issuance. Once this period has elapsed, the certificate or document must be renewed to guarantee its validity.
Opening of Commercial Flights to the Country begins on August 1 with Limited Routes from Europe (July 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The Government of the Republic of Costa Rica announced on Thursday, July 23, 2020, the start of the gradual and safe opening of international flights at the Juan Santamaria (San Jose) and Daniel Oduber Quirós (Liberia) International Airports.
– Travel is authorized from the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada, allowing five flights per week.
Nationals with passports or residents of the European Union, United Kingdom and Canada may enter the country.
– Before the trip, foreigners mentioned above must meet the following requirements:
- Complete a Digital Epidemiological Form.
- Take the COVID-19 test and have a negative result, obtained within 48 hours before the trip.
- Mandatory purchase of medical expense travel insurance covering COVID-19 issues and eventualities of lodging in case compulsory isolation is required.
- At the time of entry into the country, all sanitary protocols established at airports must be followed.
Government presents a plan of measures for the entire month of August. (July 29, 2020)
- Canton Alerts:
Province | Orange Alert | Yellow Alert |
San José | Alajuelita, Aserrí, Curridabat, Desamparados, Escazú, Goicoechea, Montes de Oca, Mora, Moravia, San José, Santa Ana, Tibás, Vázquez de Coronado | Acosta, Dota, León Cortés Castro, Pérez Zeledón, Puriscal, Tarrazú, Turrubares |
Alajuela | Alajuela, Naranjo, Poás | Atenas, Grecia, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Orotina, Palmares, Río Cuarto, San Carlos, San Ramón, San Mateo, Sarchí, Upala, Zarcero. |
Cartago | La Unión | Alvarado, Cartago, El Guarco, Jiménez, Oreamuno, Paraíso, Turrialba. |
Heredia | Barva, Flores, Heredia, San Isidro, San Pablo, San Rafael, Santo Domingo. | Belén, Santa Barbara, Sarapiquí. |
Guanacaste | N/A | Abangares, Bagaces, Cañas, Carrillo, Hojancha, La Cruz, Liberia, Nandayure, Nicoya, Santa Cruz, Tilarán. |
Puntarenas | Corredores, Coto Brus (districts of Agua Buena & Sabalito), Golfito (district of Pavón), Puntarenas (districts of Barranca and Chacarita). | Buenos Aires, Coto Brus (districts of San Vito, Limoncito, Pittier & Gutiérrez Braun), Esparza, Garabito, Golfito (districts of Golfito, Puerto Jiménez & Guaycará), Montes de Oro, Osa, Parrita, Puntarenas (minus the districts on orange alert), Quepos. |
Limón | N/A | Guácimo, Limón, Matina, Pococí, Siquirres, Talamanca. |
Activities NOT Allowed during the month of August 2020:
Activities of massive concentration that will not be allowed in the WHOLE country during August 2020:
- Public shows, popular celebrations, entertainment activities in shopping malls, among others, and the closure of bars, discos, religious activities and processions, and the like are maintained.
– The details of the establishments and activities not enabled are found at the following link: ESTABLISHMENTS NOT ENABLED
Reopening phase:
– This period will be divided into two phases that go from Saturday, August 1 to Sunday, August 9, and from Saturday, August 22 to Sunday, August 30:
- The details of the establishments on orange alert in the reopening phase can be found at the following link: ORANGE ALERT ESTABLISHMENTS (OPENING PHASE).
- The details of the establishments on yellow alert in the reopening phase can be found at the following link: ESTABLISHMENTS ON YELLOW ALERT.
Closing Phase:
– This period goes from Monday, August 10 until Friday, August 21, 2020.
- The detail of the establishments on orange alert in the closing phase can be found at the following link: ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE ORANGE ALERT (CLOSING PHASE)
- The detail of the establishments on yellow alert in the closing phase is located in the following link: ESTABLISHMENTS ON YELLOW ALERT
Vehicular restriction:
Yellow Alert Cantons:
- Throughout the month of August 2020, vehicular traffic will be from Monday to Friday from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday, from 5:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Orange Alert Cantons:
- During the opening phase, circulation will be from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm. During the closing phase, the hours are maintained from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm from Monday to Sunday; however, the circulation of plates is restricted to one day during the week and one day on the weekend.
Vehicles that do not circulate in yellow alert blocks or orange alert blocks in the opening phase. Vehicles that circulate only circulate in the closing phase in Orange Alert Cantons |
Monday | 1 & 2 |
Tuesday | 3 & 4 |
Wednesday | 5 & 6 |
Thursday | 7 & 8 |
Friday | 9 &0 |
Saturday | 0,2,4,6, & 8 |
Sunday | 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 |
Border Zone Cantons:
- The vehicular restriction differentiated by border zone is maintained, from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 pm to 5:00 am.
- Exceptions can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42510-MOPT-S. Reform to Decree Number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, called Vehicular Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country before the State of National Emergency by COVID-19. (July 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The following reforms are included:
– Differentiated vehicular restriction measures will be applied from 5:00 a.m. on July 20, 2020, and until 5:00 a.m. on September 1, 2020.
- Orange Alert Cantons:
- In San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Aserrí, Mora, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vásquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca and Curridabat.
- In Alajuela, the cantons of Alajuela, Poás and Naranjo.
- In Heredia, the cantons of Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, San Rafael, San Isidro, Flores and San Pablo.
- In Cartago, the canton of La Unión.
- In Puntarenas, the Pavón district in Golfito, the Agua Buena and Sabalito districts of Coto Brus, Corredores and the Barranca and Chacarita districts of Puntarenas.
- In San Carlos, specifically, the districts of Aguas Zarcas, Cutris, Pital, Pocosol, and Venice are included in the hourly regulation of differential vehicular restriction at night for the cantons and districts under orange alert and in the border area.
– The following cases are exempt from the established vehicular restriction:
- Freight or cargo transport vehicles. In the case of light-duty vehicles (CL), the nature of their activity must be demonstrated using a corresponding certificate or letter.
- Vehicles used strictly for persons who are required to go to public, private or mixed nurseries supervised by the Council for Comprehensive Care or the Ministry of Public Education, in order to drop off or pick up a minor, with the appropriate letter of verification.
– Excluded from the restriction measure:
- Route 32 (San José-Limón).
Decree No. 42508-MP-S. Reform to Decree Number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020. (July 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The Executive Decree number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, is amended so that Article 12 bis is added and the following is stated below:
“The Ministry of Health may proceed with the suspension of any construction work that fails to comply with the provisions issued by said institution or the relevant sectoral protocols.”
Decree No. 42509-MOPT-S. Reform to Decree Number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, called Daytime Vehicular Restriction due to the COVID-19 State of National Emergency throughout the Costa Rican Territory. (July 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The following reforms are included:
- The daytime vehicular restriction measure contemplated in this Executive Decree will be applied from 5:00 a.m. on April 13, 2020, until 9:59 p.m. on August 31, 2020, inclusive. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated according to the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
– The following exceptions are included:
- Freight or cargo transport vehicles. In the case of light-duty vehicles (CL), the nature of their activity must be demonstrated by a corresponding certificate or letter.
- Vehicles for rent – “rent a car” with proper proof, as well as vehicles that assist on the occasion of said service.
- Vehicles used strictly for persons who are required to go to public, private or mixed nurseries supervised by the Council for Comprehensive Care or the Ministry of Public Education, in order to drop off or pick up a minor, with the appropriate letter of verification
Decree No. 42516-MOPT-S. Reform of Decree Number 42484-MOPT-S of June 17, 2020, Called Vehicular Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country due to the State of National Emergency over COVID-19. (August 5, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The differentiated vehicular restriction measure is reformed for some cantons on orange alert, being as follows:
- For the province of San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Aserrí, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vázquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca, Curridabat and Desamparados except for the districts of San Cristóbal and Frailes.
- For the province of Alajuela, the cantons of Naranjo and Alajuela, except for the Sarapiquí district.
- For the province of Heredia, the cantons of Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, Flores and San Pablo.
Decree No. 42521-MOPT-S. Temporary Vehicular Restriction from August 10 to 21, 2020 for the cantons and districts on Orange Alert during the COVID-19 National State of Emergency. (August 8, 2020).
Cantons on Orange Alert:
- Province of San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Aserrí, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vázquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca, Curridabat and Desamparados except for the districts of San Cristóbal and Frailes;
- Province of Alajuela, the cantons of Naranjo and Alajuela, except for the district of Sarapiquí;
- Province of Heredia, the cantons of Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, Flores and San Pablo;
- Province of Cartago, the canton of La Unión;
- Province of Puntarenas, the district of Pavón in Golfito, the districts of Agua Buena and Sabalito in Coto Brus, Corredores and the districts of Barranca and Chacarita in Puntarenas;
Differentiated daytime vehicular restriction hourly regulation for cantons and districts on Orange Alert: During the period from Monday, August 10 to Friday, August 21, inclusive, and in the period between 5:00 a.m. and 8:59 p.m., vehicular traffic will only be allowed in the cantons and districts indicated in the article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42521-MOPT-S according to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle registration plate or the special AGV circulation permit, as detailed below:
Day | Authorization to circulate according to the last digit of the vehicle registration plate or the special AGV circulation permit |
Monday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 1 & 2 |
Tuesday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 3 & 4 |
Wednesday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 5 & 6 |
Thursday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 7 & 8 |
Friday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 9 & 0 |
Saturday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 & 8 |
Sunday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 |
– The exceptions are at this link.
Decree No. 42523-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, called Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country before the COVID-19 State of National Emergency. (August 9, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The differentiated vehicular restriction measure is reformed for some cantons on Orange Alert, remaining as follows:
- San Carlos, specifically the districts of Cutris, Pital, and Pocosol.
Decree No. 42524-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, called Night Time Vehicular Restriction to Mitigate the Effects of COVID-19. (August 9, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Reform of the first paragraph of article 3 of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, to modify the time slot from Monday to Friday and the following is stated:
- From Monday to Friday, inclusive, and in the period between 9:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m., vehicular traffic will be prohibited throughout the national territory, except for the exceptions contemplated in article 4 of the Executive Decree 42253-MOPT-S
Decree No. 42525-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, called Daytime Vehicular Restriction before the State of National Emergency in the entire Costa Rican Territory due to COVID-19. (August 9, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Reform article 3 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, to modify the time slot and state the following:
- During the days from Monday to Friday, inclusive, and in the period between 05:00 a.m. and 8:59 p.m., vehicular traffic throughout the national territory will be prohibited according to the final number (last digit) of the license plate of vehicular circulation or the special AGV circulation permit, detailed below:
Day |
Restriction to circulate according to the last digit of the vehicle registration plate or the special AGV circulation permit |
Monday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 1 & 2 |
Tuesday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 3 & 4 |
Wednesday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 5 & 6 |
Thursday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 7 & 8 |
Friday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 9 & 0 |
Decree No. 42526-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42521-MOPT-S of August 9, 2020, called Temporary Vehicular Restriction from August 10 to 21, 2020 for the cantons and districts on Orange Alert due to the COVID-19 State of National Emergency. (August 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
Reform article 4 of Executive Decree number 42521-MOPT-S of August 9, 2020, so that the authorization to circulate is correctly recorded according to the last digit of the license plate or special AGV circulation permit for Saturday and Sunday, while the rest of said ordinance remains unchanged, and henceforth reads as follows:
Day |
Authorization to circulate according to the last digit of the vehicle registration plate or the special AGV circulation permit |
Monday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 1& 2 |
Tuesday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 3 & 4 |
Wednesday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 5 & 6 |
Thursday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 7 & 8 |
Friday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 9 & 0 |
Saturday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 |
Sunday | License plate or AGV circulation permit ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 & 8 |
Decree No. 42528-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42521-MOPT-S of August 8, 2020, called Temporary Vehicular Restriction from August 10 to August 21, 2020, for the cantons and districts on Orange Alert due to the COVID-19 National State of Emergency. (August 11, 2020). Click here for more information.
Reforms article 3 of Executive Decree number 42521-MOPT-S of August 8, 2020, to update the cantons in the provinces of San José, Heredia, and Puntarenas on Orange Alert:
- Province of San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Aserrí, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Tibás, Montes de Oca, Curridabat, Puriscal and Desamparados except for the districts of San Cristóbal and Frailes;
- Province of Heredia, the cantons of Heredia, except the district of Varablanca, Santo Domingo, San Isidro, Flores, San Pablo and Belén;
- Province of Puntarenas, Parrita and Corredores, except the district of Corredor.
- Route 34 (Orotina – Palmar Norte) is included among the routes excluded from the restriction
Decree No. 42541-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42521-MOPT-S of August 8, 2020, called Temporary Vehicular Restriction from August 10 to 21, 2020, for the cantons and districts on Orange Alert under the State of National Emergency due to COVID-19. (August 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
It reforms article 3 of Executive Decree number 42521-MOPT-S of August 8, 2020, to update the cantons in the provinces of San José and Puntarenas:
- Province of San José, the cantons of San José, Escazú, Aserrí, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Tibás, Curridabat, Puriscal and Desamparados except for the districts of San Cristóbal and Frailes.
- Province of Puntarenas, Corredores except the district of Corredor.
Decree No. 42559-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, called Vehicle Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country before the COVID-19 National State of Emergency. (August 22, 2020). Click here for more information.
- From 5:00 a.m. on August 22, 2020, until 8:59 p.m. on August 31, 2020, Articles 4 and 5 of this Decree, as well as those related to orange alert cantons are suspended. For the period of said suspension, the cantons on orange alert will be governed by the daytime vehicle restriction measure provided in Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020.
Government presents a plan of action for the entire month of September. (August 26, 2020)
Activities NOT Allowed during September 2020:
- Details of the establishments and activities that will be closed or prohibited throughout the country during the month of September 2020 can be found at this link.
Transition Phase from August 31 until September 8, 2020:
- Closure of all establishments with a health permit for the operation of customer service in cantons on orange alert, except for the list of exceptions that includes supermarkets, hardware stores, home delivery, vehicle repair, shops, restaurants, beauty salons, among others.
- Sports participation is authorized as follows: Individual sports, outdoors or in enclosed spaces, without public attendance; contact sports for the training of the highly competitive Men’s and Women’s National Teams; competitions in the high performance or professional category, behind closed doors and without an audience; and contact sports for individual training without contact or physical interaction; all according to the list authorized by the Minister of Sport.
- Hotels will be able to operate throughout the country with a capacity of 100%, except for common areas (restaurants, swimming pools, gyms, among others) where the presence of guests must be limited to 50% of capacity.
- All the country’s beaches are open from Monday to Sunday until 2:30 p.m.
- Details of the establishments on orange alert in the transition phase can be found at this following link.
Controlled reopening phase – Shared management model, Costa Rica works and takes care of itself from September 9 until September 30, 2020:
- Establishments requiring a health permit to operate and receive the public, may open from Monday to Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and from Saturday to Sunday from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., observing a limit of fifty percent (50%) of their maximum capacity.
- The Ministry of Health established a series of activities that must be closed due to their high-risk level, such as mass concentration events, bars, casinos, etc. Likewise, there is a list of establishments that can function, but with a different capacity, such as places of worship, event rooms, cinemas, and theaters.
- Event rooms for business or academic activities may function with a maximum capacity of 75 persons (with seating separated by at least 1.8 meters, respecting social bubbles and with attendees listed by identification number and contact information). The 75-person capacity does not include an event’s logistics staff. Other event room activities (weddings, baby showers, etc.) must be limited to a maximum of 30 attendees
- Details of the establishments in the controlled reopening phase can be found at this following link.
Vehicular restriction:
- Unified restriction for cantons on yellow and orange alert: throughout September 2020, vehicular circulation will be limited on Monday through Friday from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm, and Saturday and Sunday, from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Day |
Vehicles not circulating in September 2020 |
Monday |
1 & 2 |
Tuesday |
3 & 4 |
Wednesday |
5 & 6 |
Thursday |
7 & 8 |
Friday |
9 & 0 |
Saturday |
0, 2, 4, 6 & 8 |
Sunday |
1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 |
Decree No. 42576-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S dated April 11, 2020, called Vehicular Restriction with Daytime Strip before COVID-19 State of National Emergency throughout the Costa Rican territory. (August 27, 2020).
- From Monday to Friday, inclusive, between 5:00 am and 9:59 pm, vehicular traffic will prohibited throughout the national territory according to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle registration plate or by the special registration certificate AGV:
Day | Restriction to circulate according to the last digit of the vehicular registration plate or the special AGV circulation permit |
Monday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 1 & 2 |
Tuesday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 3 & 4 |
Wednesday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 5 & 6 |
Thursday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 7 & 8 |
Friday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 9 &0 |
- On Saturday and Sunday between 5:00 a.m. and 7:59 p.m., vehicular traffic will be prohibited throughout the national territory according to the final number (last digit) of the vehicle registration plate or of the special AGV circulation permit except to go to an establishment having a sanitary permit that the Ministry of Health enables to open during weekends. Otherwise, the restrictions are as follows:
Day | Restriction to circulate according to the last digit of the vehicular registration plate or the special AGV circulation permit |
Saturday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 |
Sunday | License plate or AGV permit ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 |
- The daytime vehicular restriction contemplated in this Executive Decree will be applied from 5:00 a.m. on April 13 to 9:59 p.m. on September 30, 2020, inclusive. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated according to the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
- From August 31 to September 30, 2020, any employment certificate or other document verifying the exception to this vehicular restriction measure will remain valid according to the contents of article 5 of this Executive Decree that were in force before August 31, 2020.
- Exceptions are shown at this following link.
Decree No. 42577-MOPT-S. Reform to Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, called Nighttime Vehicular Restriction to Mitigate the Effects of COVID-19. (August 27, 2020).
- From Monday to Friday, inclusive, and in the period between 10:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m., vehicular traffic will be prohibited throughout the national territory, except for the exceptions contemplated in article 4 of this Executive Decree.
- On Saturday and Sunday, inclusive, in the period between 8:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m., vehicular traffic will be prohibited throughout the national territory, except for the exceptions contemplated in article 4 of this Executive Decree.
- From August 31 to September 30, 2020, any employment record or any document verifying the exception to this measure will remain valid according to the contents of article 4 of this Executive Decree that were in force before August 31, 2020.
- Exceptions are shown at this following link.
Decree No. 42579-MOPT-S. Temporarily suspends Executive Decree Number 42484-MOPT-S From July 17, 2020, called Vehicular Restriction with Differentiated Time Zone in Certain Cantons of the Country before the State of National Emergency due to COVID-19. (August 27, 2020). Click here for more information.
- From August 31 to September 30, 2020, the application of Executive Decree number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, is suspended in its entirety for said period.
- For the period of suspension established in the previous article of this Executive Decree, the cantons and districts on Orange Alert, as well as the border area will be governed by the vehicular restrictions provided in Executive Decrees number 42253-MOPT-S of 24 March 2020 and 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020.
Decree No. 42630-MP-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020 (September 29, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The exception regime provided in Law number 8488 may be used for the acquisition of vaccines against the disease caused by the SARS-Cov2 virus, for which the Costa Rican Social Security Fund will act as the Executing Unit. For their part, the Ministry of Health and the National Commission for Vaccination and Epidemiology will act as supervisory authorities and will provide support to the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention in the selection of the product, the suppliers, and the sanitary conditions necessary for the personal protection of health and life.
- The Executive Power will manage the budgetary provision of the National Emergency Fund for the eventual acquisition of vaccines against the disease caused by the SARS-Cov2 virus.
Decree No. 42631-MOPT-S. Extend the temporary suspension of executive decree number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, called Vehicular Restriction with a differentiated time slot in certain cantons of the country in the face of the national state of emergency due to COVID-19. (September 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
- During the period from October 1 to October 31, 2020, the application of Executive Decree number 42484-MOPT-S of July 17, 2020, is suspended in its entirety.
- For the suspension period established in the previous article of this Executive Decree, the cantons and districts on orange alert, as well as the border area, will be governed by the vehicular restriction measures provided in Executive Decrees number 42253-MOPT-S of 24 March 2020 and 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020.
Decree No. 42632-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42295-Mopt-S of April 11, 2020, Called Daytime Vehicular Restriction Before the State of National Emergency in the entire Costa Rican Territory due to COVID-19. (September 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The daytime vehicular restriction measure contemplated in this Executive Decree will be applied from 05:00 hours on April 13 to 21:59 hours on October 31, 2020, inclusive. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated in light of the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
Executive Decree No. 42666-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decrees Number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, and 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020. (October 16, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Reform the second paragraph of article 3 of Executive Decree number 42253-MOPT-S of March 24, 2020, so that the following is in effect from now on:
“ARTICLE 3.- Time regulation of the night vehicular restriction. (…) In the case of Saturday and Sunday, inclusive, no vehicular traffic will be allowed throughout the national territory between 9:00 p.m. and 4:59 a.m., except for the exceptions contemplated in article 4 of this Executive Decree. ”
– Reform article 2 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, so that the following is in effect from now on:
“ARTICLE 2.- Obligatory nature. This Executive Decree is of mandatory application for all natural or legal persons who own motor vehicles and for their drivers, regarding their use and circulation in the national territory in the terms established in Article 3 of this Executive Decree. ”
– Repeal article 4 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020.
– Reform article 5 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, so that the first paragraph and subsection c) are adjusted and subsection r) is added, so that from now on the following is in effect:
“ARTICLE 5.- Exceptions to the daytime vehicular restriction measure. The following cases are exempted from the vehicular restriction established in article 3 of this Executive Decree: (…)
c) The person from the public or private sector, with a working day comprised or that coincides with the respective daytime restriction and/or with the time slot established in article 3, whether due to entry, exit or need to travel during working hours, duly accredited. In the case of entering or leaving the workplace, the mobilization may be done in a private vehicle, private motorcycle, or any of the modalities set forth in subsection b) of this article, duly demonstrated (…)
r) The vehicles of the people who must travel strictly to attend the Vehicle Technical Review appointment, duly accredited with the proof of the scheduled appointment. ”
– Reform the second paragraph of article 7 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, so that the following is hereinafter stated:
“ARTICLE 7.- Demonstration for the application of the exception. (…) Independent workers must carry and present a digital or physical supporting document about their work -the possible data listed in the previous paragraph -or activity carried out that justifies mobility on the day of the vehicular restriction or in the time slot of article 3 of this Executive Decree, according to the exceptions established in article 5. (…). “
– Reform article 8 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, so that the following is in effect from now on:
“ARTICLE 8.- Compliance with health guidelines in the cases of article 5. The natural and legal persons who own motor vehicles and the drivers of the same that circulate in the time slot established in article 3 on the occasion of any of the exceptions provided in Article 5 of this Executive Decree must comply with the health guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health on COVID-19.”
Executive Decree No. 42689-MOPT-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42295 of April 11, 2020 (October 29, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Reform subsection c) of article 6 of Executive Decree number 42295-MOPT-S of April 11, 2020, so that from now on it will read as follows:
c) The circulation of land transport of international authorized routes will be subject to cases authorized according to the sanitary measures in immigration matters issued by the Executive Power for the process of reopening the borders, as well as the corresponding provisions issued by the Public Transport Council to regulate the transit of this type of public transport.
Law N°9830. Tax Relief Law due to COVID – 19. (March 20, 2020)
– On March 21, 2020, article 2 of the Law was changed so that the resources of this loan can finance the support program in response by the Costa Rican State to the international emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus. Click here for more information.
Law N°9832. Law to Authorize the Reduction of Workdays due to the National Emergency Declaration. (March 21, 2020)
– The temporary reduction of working hours and wages is authorized by emergency declaration. A company must anticipate a reduction of 20% of gross income or more to request a 50% decrease, and an expectation of a 60% reduction or more to request a 75% decrease in hours and wages. For companies with less than 1 year of existence, the average of the last three months applies. The law applies to private sector labor relations. Click here for more information.
Law N°9831. Law for Maximum Commissions for Card System. (March 21, 2020)
– Establishes that the Central Bank of Costa Rica and the Commission to Promote Competition will determine the exchange percentages and acquisition fees for purchase transactions with credit and debit cards, based on technical criteria and best international practices. Click here for more information.
Law N°9833. Law to Approve the Loan Agreement to Finance the Support Program for the Strengthening of Public Finances Signed between the Republic of Costa Rica and the Andean Development Corporation. (March 24, 2020)
– On March 24, 2020, article 2 was modified to use the resources of this loan to support the program to finance the response of the Costa Rican State to the international emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus. If unused funds remain at the end of the year, they must be used to amortize the public debt. Click here for more information.
Law N°9836. Law for the Financial Strengthening of the Non-Contributory Regime of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund. (March 26, 2020).
– Article 4 of Law 9383, Framework Law on Special Contribution of Pension Regimes, of July 29, 2016, is amended to allow the resources obtained from the special, solidarity and redistributive contributions established by this law to enter the State Treasury. Click here for more information.
Law N°9838, Modification of the Traffic Law on Public Roads and Road Safety, Law No. 9078 of October 4, 2012, and its Amendments, to establish Vehicle Restriction in Cases of National Emergency Previously Decreed (April 3, 2020).
– The approved law-proposal establishes the creation of an additional category for vehicle restriction related only to national emergencies. The fine associated with violating said emergency restriction shall have a higher category. More information at this link.
Law N°9839, Withdrawal from the Labor Capitalization Fund by those suspended from an employment contract or who have had a reduction in salary (April 3, 2020).
– Persons whose employment contracts are suspended, or their salaries reduced, shall withdraw from the Labor Capitalization Fund. More information at this link.
Law No. 9840, Law for the Protection of Working People during the Emergency due to Illness COVID-19. (April 23, 2020)
– Creates a subsidy for the care of unemployment status, temporary suspension of the employment contract or reduction of working hours, in favor of private-sector workers, informal workers and independent workers who have seen their earnings affected as a consequence of the entry into force of executive decree 42227-MP-S, published in scope 46, of March 16, 2020, and the measures adopted by national authorities during the response and rehabilitation phase of the emergency due to COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Law No. 9844, Authorization Law for the Automatic Extension of the Management Period of the Boards of Directors and the Prosecutor Bodies of Associations, Federations and Confederations established under Law 218, Associations Law of August 8, 1939, per COVID-19 Pandemic. (May 4, 2020).
– The appointment of the essential organs of all the associations, federations and confederations that are duly registered within the Registry of Legal Persons under the protection of Law 218, Law of Associations of August 8, 1939, which have expired as of March 1, 2020, and expire before December 31, 2020, inclusive, unless the sanitary measures defined by the Ministry of Health allow the organization to hold the general assembly or meeting according to the law. Click here for more information.
Law No. 9845, Reform to Article 160 of Law 5395, General Health Law of October 30, 1973. (May 4, 2020).
– Article 160 of Law 5395, General Health Law, of October 30, 1973, which indicates that, in a situation of suspicion or confirmation of a case of communicable disease of mandatory reporting, the doctor must order the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the disease, according to the standards set by the health authority is amended. Click here for more information.
Law No.9847, Law to Authorize Capital Transfer of the National Insurance Institute in favor of the State for the attention of the Emergency of the Pandemic COVID-19. (May 16, 2020).
– The National Insurance Institute (INS) must withdraw, for a single time, the sum of seventy-five billion colones (ç75,000,000,000.00) of its accumulated capital, which will be deposited to the account of the Ministry of Treasury to deal with the COVID-19 emergency declaration and will be used exclusively for transfers to the benefit of persons who have been economically affected by the emergency. More information at this link.
Law No. 9848, Law to Support the Local Taxpayer and Strengthen the Financial Management of the Municipalities, in light of the National Emergency due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. (May 19, 2020).
– Provisions are issued to strengthen the financial management of the municipalities and municipal actions are approved to support the taxpayer in the payment of municipal taxes, including a moratorium on taxes, fees, public prices and municipal services, and leases. More information at this link.
Law No. 9866, Authorization to Extend in the Appointments of Boards of Directors and Other Bodies in Civil Organizations expiring in 2020, the term is extended to the Year 2021 in an Automatic Way, due to COVID-19 National Emergency. (June 24, 2020).
– Appointments that have expired as of March 1, 2020, and are expiring before December 31, 2020, inclusive, or that must carry out their renewal processes during that period, are considered to be extended, for up to an additional year for all bodies and social organizations indicated at this link.
Law No. 9882. Attention to the Touristic Sector due to the Covid-19 National Emergency by Modifying Article 26 and Transitory IX of Law 9635, Strengthening Public Finances, of December 3, 2018. (July 29, 2020). Más información en este enlace.
- Modifies the first and second paragraph of transitory IX of title V, chapter I, of the Law of Strengthening of Public Finances, Law No. 9635, of December 3, 2019, and exempts tourist services provided by those who are duly registered with the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) during the first two years of the law’s validity. During the third year, such services shall be subject to a reduced rate of four percent (4%), and in the fourth year to a reduced rate of eight percent (8%). As of the fifth year of validity of this law, they will be subject to the value-added tax in general.
Law No. 9886, Law for the National Council for the Elderly to Face the National Emergency Due to Covid-19. (July 29, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The National Council of the Elderly Person (Conapam), in the exercise of the ordinary and extraordinary budget of the year 2020, will be exempt from complying with the application of subsection 1) of article 7 of Law 9791, Law of Ordinary and Extraordinary Budget of the Republic for the Fiscal Year 2020, of November 26, 2019.
- Conapam is authorized to use the resources from Law 7972, Creation of Tax Burdens on Liquors, Beers and Cigarettes to finance a Comprehensive Plan for the Protection and Safeguard of the Elderly Population, Girls and Boys at Social Risk, Abandoned Disabled Persons, Rehabilitation of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts, Support for the Work of the Red Cross, and Repeal of Minor Taxes on Agricultural Activities and its Consequent Substitution, of December 22, 1999, sections 2 and 3 of subsection a) of article 15, exclusively, in the care of elderly people in need, abandoned or indigent, in programs carried out by public or private institutions.
- Conapam is also authorized to use the resources from subsection o) of article 3 of Law 5662, Law of Social Development and Family Allowances, of December 23, 1974, as amended, among others, by Law 9188, Law of Strengthening of the National Council of the Elderly Person (Conapam), of November 28, 2013, to cover necessary expenses in the execution of the functions and purposes defined by Law 7935, Comprehensive Law for the Elderly Person, of October 25, 1999.
Law No. 9890. Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica Plenary Authorization of Extension of the Appointments of the Bodies Constituted to the Protection of Law 8285, Law of Creation of the Rice Corporation, of May 30, 2002, before the Declaration of National Emergency for Covid-19. (August 11, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Appointments that have expired as of March 1, 2020, or will expire before December 31, 2020, inclusive, or that must carry out their structural renovation processes during that period, are considered to be extended up to a year more.
Law No. 9911. Law for the Relief in the Payment of March 2021. (October 29, 2020).
- The Ministry of Finance will reduce the amount to be paid for the property tax of motor vehicles corresponding to the year 2021, created by Article 9 of Law 7088, Tax Readjustment Law and Resolution 18th Central American Tariff and Customs Council, of 30 of November 1987, with respect to the parameters set in that standard, as a result of the national emergency of COVID-19, declared by decree No. 42,227, of March 16, 2020.
- The parameters are in at this link.
Law No. 9910, Law for the Balance of Fines for Vehicle Restriction in Cases of National Emergency. (November 3, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Subparagraph d) of article 136 and paragraph k) of article 151 of Law 9078, Law of Traffic on Public Land Roads and Road Safety, of October 4, 2012, are repealed.
- Transitional XXIV of Law 9078, Law of Traffic on Public Land Roads and Road Safety, of October 4, 2012, is amended, added by Law 9838, Modification of the Law of Traffic on Public Roads and Road Safety, Law 9078, of October 4, 2012, and its Reforms, to Establish Vehicular Restriction in Cases of National Emergency Previously Decreed, of April 3, 2020.
General guidelines for owners and managers of workplaces within the framework of COVID-19 (March 3, 2020).
– The rules establish guidelines that must be followed by all workplaces to operate in collaboration with the containment and care of people who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms. Click here for more information.
– Updated guidelines to May 12, 2020.
General guidelines for Public and Private Educational Centers, Kindergartens and the like by COVID-19 (March 03, 2020).
– Minimum actions that the principals of public or private Educational Centers must take care to avoid the spread of COVID-19 are established. Click here for more information.
Guidelines for mass group activities in shopping centers, cinemas, supermarkets and physical conditioning spaces within the framework of COVID-19. (March 11, 2020)
– Establishes the rules that must be observed by shopping centers, cinemas, supermarkets, and fitness centers to avoid disease transmission chains generated by the concentration of people in the same place. Click here for more information.
CCSS changes regulations temporarily and exclusively to grant home isolation paid leave for Covid-19 under present circumstances. (March 11, 2020)
– Amendments to the CCSS Health Insurance Regulations for the granting of paid leave due to quarantine for those insured (employees and independent workers), so that this benefit can be granted to asymptomatic contacts, but who have a sanitary order of home isolation for COVID-19 issued by the Ministry of Health. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for owners and managers of Tourist Services within the framework of COVID-19. (March 12, 2020)
– The minimum sanitary norms that tourist services must meet to contribute to the prevention, detection, and control of this disease are established. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for establishments, activities, and events that draw mass concentrations of people. (March 12, 2020)
– Mandatory norms for all the Establishments, Activities and Events of Massive Concentration of People in the national territory to collaborate in the containment and attention of people who present COVID-19 symptoms. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for formal and informal public transport due to the health alert by COVID-19. (March 13, 2020)
– Minimum health standards are established to be followed by drivers of formal and informal public transport to prevent the development of a transmission chain. Click here for more information.
Preventive provisions for the temporary suspension of lessons in public and private educational centers due to the health alert for Coronavirus COVID-19. (March 13, 2020).
– The guidelines for public and private educational centers to follow in the suspension of lessons for 14 calendar days are established, according to their degree of connection with confirmed cases of Covid-19. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for offices serving the public (banks, post offices, state institutions, the judiciary, private service companies) due to the health alert by COVID-19. (March 17, 2020).
– Health guidelines for establishments that provide services to the public in its facilities to follow are announced. Click here for more information.
Guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting homes in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. (March 12, 2020).
– These guidelines are mandatory for cleaning and disinfecting homes that harbor suspected, probable, or confirmed cases of COVID-19. They can be used as a guide to good practices for cleaning and disinfecting all types of establishments that do not have guidelines. Click here for more information.
General guidelines on breastfeeding in the framework of COVID-19 (March 19, 2020).
– Health indications to consider as protective factors when breastfeeding, protecting the child against a large number of respiratory infections caused by viruses and bacteria; however, since scientific information on this topic is updated every day, current recommendations could vary according to guidelines of international organizations such as the World Health Organization. Click here for more information.
CCSS has approved a reduction of the minimum tax base, applicable for 3 months, during the national emergency. (March 19, 2020) (March 19, 2020).
– Approval of a reduction of 25% of the minimum contributory base in force in health insurance and pension insurance temporarily for three months that cannot be extended, that is, for the billing of employer payroll, and contributions of independent workers.
General Guidelines for commercial condominiums, condominiums with commercial and residential spaces, and residential condos concerning coronavirus (COVID 19). (March 20, 2020).
– Application of mandatory compliance measures for commercial condominiums, joint owners with spaces, and residential condos as part of the preventive and mitigation actions dictated by the Ministry of Health for attention to the COVID-19 alert. Click here for more information.
– Updated guidelines as of April 7, 2020 at this link.
– Updated guidelines as of May 11, 2020 at this link.
– Updated guidelines as of May 12, 2020 at this link.
General guidelines for the home isolation of Costa Ricans, residents, and diplomats who enter the country within the framework of COVID-19. (March 20, 2020).
– Measures for domiciliary isolation established for Costa Ricans, residents, and diplomats who enter the country, considering that any person who arrives at the airport will be suspected of contagion. Click here for more information.
General Guidelines for Employees of Toll Booths due to the sanitary alert of the coronavirus (COVID 19). (March 23, 2020)
– Application of protective measures for the operators and administrative personnel who work in toll booths. Click here for more information.
General Guidelines for commercial chains, supermarkets and minimarkets due to the sanitary alert of the coronavirus (COVID 19). (March 23, 2020)
– Application of protective and preventive measures for owners and personnel who work in these establishments. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for Construction Sector Employees under the COVID-19 health alert. (March 25, 2020)
– Protective measures for employees in the construction sector are established. Click here for more information.
General guidelines to regulate Farmer’s Fairs under the Coronavirus Health Alert (March 26, 2020)
– Protective health measures are adopted for Farmer’s Fairs. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for monitoring and removal of administrative proceedings (sanitary order) of home isolation because of COVID-19. (March 28, 2020)
– Temporary administrative measures are established for the monitoring and removal of the administrative proceedings (sanitary order) for home isolation due to the COVID-19 emergency. Click here for more information.
Temporary administrative measures in regard to activities of mass concentration due to the health alert by COVID-19. (March 28, 2020)
– Mandatory temporary administrative measures will be enforced for the suspension of sanitary authorizations granted to mass concentration activities throughout the national territory. These measures will also apply to publicmeeting places where sanitary operating permit approval is required. Click here for information.
Extension of the validity of the Health Operating Permits, Qualification Certificates, Licenses, and Authorizations (March 31, 2020).
– The validity of the Health Operating Permits, Qualification Certificates, Licenses and Authorizations that expire from March 23 to September 30, 2020, is extended until September 30, 2020. Requests for renewal must be processed in the respective offices responsible for management during September 2020, and not before. When renewed, the validity will be established from the original expiration date. Click here for more information.
DM-RM-0852-2020. Temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits classified as public meeting places, from Friday, April 3, 2020, at 5:00 pm until Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm (April 1, 2020).
– The temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits classified as public meeting places is ordered, from Friday, April 3, 2020, at 5:00 pm and until Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm with some exceptions which can be found at this link.
Exceptions updated by DM-RM-0865-2020 (April 2, 2020).
– More information at this link.
Exceptions updated by MS-DM-2593-2020. (April 2, 2020).
– More information at this link.
Exceptions updated by MS-DM-3845-2020. (April 28, 2020).
– More information at this link.
MS-DM-0820-2020. Sanitary measures are issued to mitigate the risk or damage to public health and address the state of national emergency provided by Executive Decree No. 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, and in pursuit of the welfare of all people residing in Costa Rican territory before the effects of COVID-19 (April 6, 2020).
– Issuance of sanitary measures to request the collaboration of officers of the Public Police and Municipal Police to prevent and mitigate the risk or damage to public health due to the effects of COVID-19 in the national territory. More information at this link.
MS-DM-RM-2486-2020. Sanitary measures in immigration matters are issued to prevent and mitigate the risk or harm to public health and addressing the state of national emergency provided by Executive Decree number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, and seeking the well-being of all people who reside in Costa Rican territory on regular basis before the effects of COVID-19 (April 6, 2020).
– Executive Decree number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, issues immigration measures to prevent and mitigate the risk or harm to public health and addresses the state of national emergency seeking the well-being of all people regularly residing in Costa Rican territory who face the effects of COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42288-S. Prohibition of the sale of any medicine that contains chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin without the respective medical prescription. (April 7, 2020).
– The sale of any medicine containing chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin without the respective prescription is prohibited. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-2658-2020. Sanitary provisions directed to persons in charge of establishments that have a Sanitary Operating Permit from April 13 to 30. (April 11, 2020).
– It provides a temporary closure from 7:00 p.m to 5:00 a.m, Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday, of establishments with sanitary operating permits. These restrictions will apply from April 13, 2020, to April 30, 2020. Exceptions are found at this link.
Technical guidelines for the prevention of COVID-19 in food processing plants. (April 13, 2020).
– Anti-coronavirus guidelines are established for all food processing plant workers in the national territory. Click here for more information.
Guide for the Prevention, Mitigation and Business Continuity in Work Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (April 21, 2020)
– The Ministry of Health with the support of other government institutions presents a detailed guide on how to develop preventive strategies for companies within the framework of the COVID-19 national emergency and offers a tool to assess the decision of the operational continuity of organizations. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for the donation of food during the COVID-19 health alert. (April 24, 2020).
– Mandatory guidelines apply to wholesalers and retailers, food banks, food distribution networks, social welfare organizations and any natural or legal persons who donate food or collect and distribute food donations in the national territory. Click here for more information.
General guidelines to reactivate human activities in the midst of COVID-19. (April 27, 2020).
– Guidelines of mandatory application throughout the national territory aimed at reactivating human activities, as part of the preventive and mitigation actions enacted by the Ministry of Health for attending to the COVID-19 health emergency. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for commercial establishments and services with sanitary operating permits. (April 29, 2020).
– Guidelines are established for commercial and service establishments with current operating health permits to provide their services safely during the COVID-19 alert. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-3874-2020. Sanitary measures are issued in order to Regulate the Operation of Commercial Establishments Serving the Public. (April 30, 2020).
– The temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public on Monday through and Friday is established from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a..m. of the following day with complete closure temporarily ordered on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from May 1, 2020, to May 15, 2020. Exceptions can be found at this link.
General guidelines for beauty salons, aesthetics and barber shops, due to the coronavirus health alert (COVID-19). (April 30, 2020).
– Mandatory guidelines are established for service activities in beauty salons, esthetic clinics, barbershops, and similar businesses to create safe spaces for the prevention of COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Guidelines for the operation of physical conditioning centers or spaces for physical activity without physical contact. (April 30, 2020).
– Mandatory guidelines are established to regulate the use of physical fitness centers or spaces for physical conditioning within the framework of disease prevention under the national alert due to COVID 19. Click here for more information.
Guidelines to practice sports, individual exercises and individual, and family recreation in public spaces enabled to date. (April 30, 2020).
– As preventive measures, mandatory guidelines are established to regulate the practice of individual sports and exercises, and family recreational activities within the framework of attention to the national alert over COVID 19. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for the attention of transporters (drivers) and their companions who enter through land border posts during the COVID-19 emergency. (May 8, 2020).
– Guidelines are established for border health areas, drivers and their companions that transport and enter goods into the national territory, and to the public transport services that operate throughout the national territory, as part of the preventive and mitigation actions dictated by the Ministry of Health under the alert by COVID-19. Click here for more information.
General Guidelines for owners, administrators and users of public transportation nationwide (buses, special tourism services, and transfer of students, as well as boats, trains, etc.) within the framework of the health alert by COVID-19. (May 13, 2020).
– The objective of the guidelines is to guarantee observance of measures of obligatory compliance since the types of services listed are of risk for transmission of the coronavirus. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for owners, drivers and users of taxis, S.E.E TAXI, Airport Taxis due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) (May 13, 2020).
– Application of this guideline is aimed at owners, drivers and users of taxis, SEE TAXI and Airport Taxis throughout the national territory, as part of the preventive and mitigation actions dictated by the Ministry of Health for the attention of the alert by COVID- 19. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4149-2020, Sanitary provisions in effect from May 16-31, 2020, is aimed at persons in charge of establishments that have an operating health permit. (May 14, 2020).
During the period, May 16-31, 2020, all establishments with sanitary operating permits that serve the public will close between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday. Exceptions can be found at this link.
Specific guidelines for the Tourism Sector in light of COVID-19 (May 15, 2020).
– The requirements that allow the reactivation of the tourism sector under COVID-19 are established allowing this commercial activity gradually to provide services of at least 50% of capacity (which will increase over time once the evolution of the situation allows it). Provisions to avoid contagion chains must be taken into account. Click here for more information.
Guidelines for using Protected Wildlife Areas (National Parks and Reserves) with opening permission. (May 19, 2020).
– The objective of these guidelines is to regulate visits in public use areas, as well as the Operational Centers of Protected Wildlife Areas, to promote prevention measures within the framework of the national alert due to COVID 19. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for hospitals, medical offices, clinics, emergency and emergency services, public and private for Coronavirus Disease 2019. (May 21, 2020).
– Aimed at all hospitals, clinics, first-aid and emergency services, both public and private, that operate throughout the national territory, as part of the preventive actions and mitigation dictated by the Ministry of Health for the attention to the COVID-19 alert. Click here for more information.
Guideline No. MS-DM-JM-3127-2020. Measures to be taken against any establishment that fails to comply with provisions issued by the Ministry of Health. (May 21, 2020).
– In the event of non-compliance with the provisions issued by the Ministry of Health due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, establishments in violation must close for 30 calendar days, with a second offense suspending the Sanitary Operation Permit for a term of three months. Subsequently, the establishment may be authorized to reopen if it agrees to comply with the institutional provisions in effect. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting vehicles for owners, administrators, and drivers of freight transport vehicles, physical and sanitary facilities at CHECKPOINT posts in the framework of the COVID-19 health alert. (May 22, 2020).
– This guideline seeks to reduce the risk of contagion from contact with transport units, and physical and sanitary facilities at CHECKPOINT posts, which have been used by people suspected of COVID 19, while transporting goods nationwide, as well as those from outside the country with national or international destinations (vans, trailers, carts, trucks that transport goods, etc.) within the framework of the current health alert. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. 2933-2020. Health provisions are established for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, the General Directorate for Civil Aviation, and the General Directorate for Immigration and Foreigners. (May 27, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The General Directorate of Civil Aviation must issue the necessary instructions so that all airline passengers entering the country, as well as those crew members who remain in the country for more than 72 hours, digitally complete before they arrive in Costa Rica, the epidemiological form for COVID-19.
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship and the General Directorate of Civil Aviation must coordinate with the Ministry of Health two international flights per week of persons entering and landing in the national territory through the Juan Santamaría International Airport.
– Three institutions must send the information on scheduled flights to the Ministry of Health three days in advance so that the respective coordination is carried out in compliance with the established guidelines and protocols.
– The General Directorate of Civil Aviation must communicate two days in advance the information of those flights whose crew remains in the country for more than 72 hours to carry out the respective coordination in compliance with the guidelines and protocols.
Executive Decree No. 42369-S. Declaration of public and national interest of the research project called “Development, Production and Clinical Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Preparations of Anti-SARS-COV-2 Immunoglobulins for the treatment of patients with COVID-19”. (May 28, 2020).
– Declared as of public and national interest is, the collaborative research project entitled “Development, production and clinical evaluation of pharmaceutical preparations of anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulins for the treatment of patients with COVID-19”, as well as the actions involving this project, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund and the University of Costa Rica. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for the restart of general ventilation systems, air conditioning, and water pipes in buildings of general occupation to prevent Legionella in buildings or reused spaces after being closed for COVID-19. (May 29, 2020).
– The objective is to facilitate the operational and maintenance control of the different building systems and equipment, including general ventilation, air conditioning, and interior water conduits to kill bacteria before reopening building operations following the temporary closure due to COVID-19. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for the cleaning and disinfection of physical spaces to deal with COVID-19). (May 29, 2020).
– The objective of this guideline is to indicate the correct way to clean and disinfect spaces and surfaces. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4467-2020. Sanitary provisions aimed at persons in charge of establishments that have an operating sanitary permit from June 1 to June 19, 2020. (May 29, 2020).
– It is resolved to order temporarily the closure from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Monday through Friday of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public. Likewise, the temporary closure of these establishments is ordered all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from June 1, 2020, to June 19, 2020. Exceptions can be found at this link.
Specific guidelines for carriers, owners and managers of companies that receive goods by land transportation during the COVID-19 health alert (June 1, 2020).
– The objective of this guideline is to reduce the risk of contagion through contact with individuals who transport goods by land outside the country. It is aimed at entrepreneurs who receive cargo, transport units, and the physical and sanitary facilities of those companies that receive goods. It is also addressed to drivers, businessmen, and administrators as mandatory measures since their services risk transmission of the virus and the transport units employed require cleaning and disinfecting to safeguard public health. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° MS-DM-JM-3130-2020. Through the municipal police, people are inhibited from entering the following rivers of the national territory: Medio Queso, Frío, Canalization System of the North Caribbean (Tortuguero Channels), Colorado and Sarapiquí, in the time slot that goes from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. from Monday to Sunday in pursuit of the well-being of all people residing in Costa Rican territory under the effects of COVID-19. (June 3, 2020).
– The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) is instructed, through the Maritime Port Authority, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Coast Guard Service, and other respective support, to inhibit people from entering the following rivers in the national territory: Medio Queso, Frío, Canalization System of the North Caribbean (Tortuguero Channels), Colorado and Sarapiquí, during the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., Monday through Sunday.
– The municipalities that have the following rivers in their jurisdictions are urged, through the Municipal Police, to inhibit people from entering them during the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., Monday through Sunday: Medio Queso, Frío, Caribbean Canalization System North (Tortuguero Channels), Colorado and Sarapiquí.
– Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020. Sanitary Provisions to establishments with a Sanitary Operation Permit in the North Zone. (June 3, 2020).
– It is resolved to order temporarily that all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide care to the public close on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., in the districts of Cariari (Pococí), Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Cañas and Bebedero (Cañas) and Las Juntas (Abangares). Likewise, the temporary closure of said establishments is ordered all-day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until June 17, 2020. Exceptions are found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4547-2020. The Second and Third provision of the Therefore of Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-JM-3130-2020 of the fourteen hours of June three of two thousand twenty is modified. (June 4, 2020).
– The Second and Third provisions of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-JM-3130-2020 of fourteen hours on June 3, 2020, are modified, as shown at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4551-2020. The Second provision of the Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of twelve hours on June three of two thousand twenty is modified. (June 4, 2020).
– The Second provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of twelve hours on June 3, 2020, is modified, as shown at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4552-2020. Sanitary measures with the aim of regulating the operation of commercial establishments that serve the public in the country’s cantons that are on the list established by Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S, “Nighttime vehicle restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country before the state of national emergency by COVID-19”. (June 4, 2020).
– It is resolved to order temporarily that all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide care to the public remain closed on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Likewise, the temporary closure of these establishments is ordered all-day on Saturdays and Sundays. Said restrictions will be reviewed and updated depending upon the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19 and on the occasion of the state of national emergency due to the health situation generated by said disease, in the cantons designated by Executive Decree number 42382-MOPT-S of June 2, 2020, “Nighttime vehicle restriction with a different time slot in certain cantons of the country before the state of national emergency by COVID-19”. Exceptions are found at this link.
Biosafety Guidelines, applicable to the Central American Land Transport Sector, approved through resolution COMIECO-COMICSA No. 01-2020 before COVID-19. (June 5, 2020).
– Establish coordinated procedures among SICA member states to prevent the spread of COVID-19, guarantee the health of cargo carriers, the cleaning and disinfection of means of transport, and the flow of trade at land border posts.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4562-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June 3, 2020, and No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes of June 4, 2020, which establishes sanitary dispositions directed to the persons in charge of establishments that have sanitary permission to operate with attention to the public, to diminish the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (June 7, 2020).
– It is resolved that all establishments with sanitary operating permits that attend to the public will close on Monday through Friday, from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in the districts of Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Cañas y Bebedero (Cañas), Las Juntas (Abangares), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Fortuna (San Carlos) and the cantons of Pococí and Upala. The same establishments will remain closed all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until June 17, 2020. Click here for more information.
General guidelines of individual responsibility in coexistence with COVID-19. (June 9, 2020).
– Rules that the general population must follow every day to avoid COVID-19 contagion from lax self-care. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4663-2020. Modification to the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June three of two thousand twenty, which was modified by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of eleven hours thirty minutes on June four, two thousand and twenty and No. MS-DM-4562-2020, twelve hours on June seven, two thousand and twenty. (June 10, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., in the districts of Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Cañas y Bebedero (Cañas), Las Juntas (Abangares), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Fortuna (San Carlos), Paquera and the cantons of Pococí and Upala. Such establishments will remain closed all day Saturday and Sunday. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until June 17, 2020. Click here for more information.
General Guidelines for farms and food packers in the agricultural sector within the framework of the COVID-19 alert. (June 11, 2020).
– These instructions are aimed at farms and food packers in the agricultural sector throughout the national territory as part of the preventive and mitigation actions dictated by the Ministry of Health to combat COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42405-MGP-S. Measures for the Strengthening of Immigration Control in the Country due to the State of National Emergency by COVID-19. (June 12, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Immigration measures to mitigate the spread and damage to public health of COVID-19 include:
- Actions to strengthen immigration control;
- Reinforcement of immigration posts;
- Special collaboration of the police forces for the national state of emergency to strengthen immigration control;
- Coordination of institutional actions.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4786-2020. Modification of the Second and Sixth Provisions of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June 3, 2020, modified by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes from June 4, 2020, No. MS-DM-4562-2020 from twelve o’clock on June 7, 2020 and No. MS-DM-4663-2020 from fourteen hours from June 10, 2020. (June 17, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in the districts of Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Fortuna (San Carlos), Paquera (Puntarenas) and the cantons of Pococí and Upala. The same establishments will remain closed all day on Saturday and Sunday. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until June 24, 2020. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° MS-DM-RM-2971-2020. Administrative Provisions Relating to the Procedures for Renewal of Sanitary Operating Permits, Certificates of Habilitation, Licenses and Authorizations. (June 17, 2020).
– New expiration dates will progressively extend the validity of the Sanitary Operating Permits, Certificates of Habilitation, Licenses and Authorizations of establishments, services and persons who have them and that are due to expire between March 23, 2020, date of the resolution No. 0748-2020 and January 4, 2021, as indicated:
- An expiration date between March 23 and June 30, 2020, will have a new expiration date of January 4, 2021.
- An expiration date between July 1 and September 30, 2020, will have a new expiration date of January 31, 2021.
- An expiration date between October 1 and January 4, 2021, will have a new expiration date of February 28, 2021.
– The requests for renewal of the Health Operating Permits, Certificates of Habilitation, Licenses, and Authorizations that are in the above situation, must be processed in the respective offices responsible for management, one month before their extended expiration, according to the previous information, and not before. When renewed, the validity will be established from the original expiration date.
– New applications and modifications of Health Operating Permits and Certificates of Habilitation, Licenses, and Authorizations, required during the term of this ministerial resolution, must be processed by email while there is no digital system.
– Click here for more information.
Guidelines for conducting public hearings in different State institutions (ARESEP, CTO, SUTEL, SUGEF) due to the COVID-19 health alert. (June 18, 2020).
– Public hearings that need to be held in person can be carried out in a safe and orderly manner within the framework of new sanitary guidelines that complement the functions of each institution. Such guidelines are aimed at activities of institutional origin, which require the concentration of the general public and other parties, including public officials. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for the transportation of agricultural employees in the event of an emergency by COVID-19. (June 18, 2020).
– The objective of this guideline is to prevent the contagion and spread of COVID-19 infections in transport vehicles of agricultural employees, and drivers. Click here for more information.
General guidelines for coffee farms that hire migrant labor (Ngöbe-Buglé Indigenous) within the framework of the COVID-19 alert. (June 19, 2020).
– The guidelines are designed to develop the safe harvesting of coffee within the framework of the COVID-19 alert. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4811-2020. Modify the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June three of two thousand twenty, which was modified by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes on June four, two thousand and twenty, No.MS-DM-4562-2020 from twelve hours on June seven, two thousand and twenty, No. MS-DM-4663-2020 from fourteen hours on ten June two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-4786-2020 eleven hours thirty minutes on June seventeen two thousand twenty. (June 19, 2020).
– Order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., in the Peñas Blancas districts (San Ramón), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Fortuna (San Carlos), Paquera (Puntarenas) and the cantons of Pococí, Upala, Alajuelita and Desamparados. Such establishments will remain closed all day Saturday and Sunday. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until June 24, 2020. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4821-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4467-2020 of the fifteen hours thirty minutes of the twenty-ninth of May of two thousand twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established directed to the persons in charge of establishments that have sanitary operating permission with attention to the public, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (June 19, 2020).
– To modify the Sixth provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4467-2020 of the fifteen hours thirty minutes of the twenty-ninth of May of two thousand and twenty, so that from now on it reads as follows:
- “SIXTH: This resolution is effective as of 5:00 a.m. on June 1 and until 11:59 p.m. on June 26, 2020.”
– Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4823-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for people in charge of establishments that have operating health permits. (June 19, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, from 00:00 hours on Saturday 20-Sunday 21, until 5:00 a.m. on Monday, June 22, 2020. Exceptions are found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-4853-2020. Amendment to the Second and Sixth provisions of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June three of two thousand twenty, which was modified by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes of June four of two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4562-2020 of the twelve hours of June seven of two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4663-2020 of fourteen hours on June 10, two thousand and twenty, No. MS-DM-4786-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on June seventeen, two thousand twenty, and No. MS-DM-4811-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on nineteen June two thousand and twenty. (June 23, 2020).
– The temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits providing service to the public is ordered on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 the districts of Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Fortuna (San Carlos), Paquera (Puntarenas), Pavas (San José) and the cantons of Pococí, Upala, Alajuelita and Desamparados. Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until July 01, 2020.
– Public or private banking and financial services will enforce a reduction of their maximum normal occupant capacity to fifty percent (50%).
– Hotels can only be kept open by those who provide accommodation to officials of the Public Administration or to public service providers (banking, transportation of values, communications, electricity) or those who are working in the service of distribution of merchandise or food items and basic necessities, medicines, agricultural or veterinary supplies.
– Click here for more information.
General guidelines for the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), to prevent exposure to COVID-19 in health services, work centers and use of masks for community use. (June 23, 2020).
– The objective of the guidelines is to provide public officials with the appropriate equipment to protect them from COVID-19 and addresses all workers in health services and work centers. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° MS-DM-4876-2020. Modify the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June three of two thousand twenty, which was modified by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes on June four, two thousand and twenty, No.MS-DM-4562-2020 from twelve hours on June seven, two thousand and twenty, No. MS-DM-4663-2020 from fourteen hours on ten June two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4786-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on June seventeen, two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4811-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on June nineteen two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-4853-2020 from the fourteen hours of June twenty-three two thousand twenty. (June 24, 2020)
– The temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public is ordered on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in the districts of Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Paquera (Puntarenas), Pavas (San José), the towns of La Vega and Bonanza de Florencia (San Carlos), Fortuna (San Carlos), and the cantons of Pococí, Upala, Alajuelita, Desamparados, and Corredores. Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until July 1, 2020. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° MS-DM-4895-2020. Modify the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4513-2020 of the twelve hours of June three of two thousand twenty, which was modified by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-4551-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes on June four, two thousand and twenty, No.MS-DM-4562-2020 from twelve hours on June seven, two thousand and twenty, No. MS-DM-4663-2020 from fourteen hours on ten June two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4786-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on June seventeen, two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4811-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on June nineteen of two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-4853-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-three of two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-4876-2020 of the thirteen hours of June twenty-four of two thousand and twenty. (June 25, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in the districts of Peñas Blancas (San Ramón), Los Chiles (Los Chiles), Paquera (Puntarenas), Pavas (San José), the towns of La Vega and Bonanza de Florencia (San Carlos), Fortuna (San Carlos), San Rafael (Guatuso) and the cantons of Pococí, Upala, Alajuelita, Desamparados, and Corredores. Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from June 4, 2020, until July 1, 2020. Click here for more information.
Guideline No. 090-S. Reform to Guideline Number 076-S of March 19, 2020, addressed to the Borrowing Authorities for the Supplier of Potable Water before the Sanitary Alert of COVID-19. (June 25, 2020).
- Article 2 of Directive number 076-S of March 19, 2020, is amended.
- Article 4 bis is added to Guideline number 076-S of March 19, 2020.
- The amendment and addition are at this link.
Decree No. 42421-S. Special Measure on the Mandatory Use of a Cloth Mask or Plastic Mask as Personal Protective Equipment Due to the State of National Emergency by Covid-19. (June 25, 2020).
- All persons who require access to establishments with sanitary operating permits, as well as those who seek access to various types of paid public transport service or other special services must use as personal protective equipment, a cloth mask covering mouth and nose or a plastic face mask to be determined by the Ministry of Health via resolution,
- Failure to comply with the measure contained in this Executive Decree by the persons indicated in article 2, will be sanctioned under the provisions of the General Health Law, Law number 5395 of October 30, 1973, without prejudice to other sanctions related to the person who violates the provisions related to this measure.
- Click here for more information.
General Guidelines on the use of masks at the community level in the framework of the pandemic. (June 26, 2020).
– The objective of this guideline is to specify the mandatory use of a cloth mask or mask with visor as personal protective equipment for all individuals due to the COVID-19 national emergency. The measure is mandatory to help prevent transmission of the virus. Click here for more information.
Resolution MS-DM-4907-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Public Transport Council, the Ministry of Public Security, the 9-1-1 Emergency System and the Municipalities, to establish the mandatory use of the mask or mask as personal protection equipment. (June 26, 2020).
– All persons who need access to the public transport service in its various forms, as well as to access certain establishments with sanitary operating permits must use a cloth mask or face mask as personal protection equipment.
The list of is at this following link.
Resolution MS-DM-4909-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for people in charge of establishments that have operating health permits, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert, thus decreed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention. (June 26, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public on Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., and all day on Saturday and Sunday. These restrictions will apply from June 27, 2020, until July 1, 2020, in districts, cantons, and communities under Orange Alert:
a) Districts Upala, San José (Pizote), Delicias, Yolillal and Canalete of the Canton of Upala.
b) Southeast Sector of the Fortuna District of San Carlos (Communities of Tres Esquinas, Los Angeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia).
c) Districts of Cariari, Colorado, La Rita and Roxana of the Canton of Pococí.
d) Districts of Desamparados, Patarrá, Los Guido, San Miguel, San Rafael Abajo, San Rafael Arriba, San Juan de Dios of the Canton of Desamparados.
e) And Communities of La Vega and Bonanza in the Florence district of the San Carlos Canton.
f) Pavas District (Canton of San José).
g) Peñas Blancas district of the canton of San Ramón, except for the Castillo community.
h) Los Chiles District of Los Chiles Canton.
i) Paquera District of the Canton of Puntarenas.
j) District of San Rafael of the Canton of Guatuso.
k) Alajuelita Canton.
l) Canton of Corredores.
– Exceptions are found at this link.
Resolution MS-DM-4911-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for people in charge of establishments that have operating health permits, which do not advance to phase three of opening administrative measures. (June 26, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public from Monday through Friday from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturday and Sunday entirely. These restrictions will apply from June 27 to July 10, 2020, to districts and cantons that do not advance to phase three:
1. Canton of Curridabat.
2. From the canton of San José: the districts of La Uruca, La Merced, Hospital, Hatillo, Mata Redonda, Catedral, Zapote, San Francisco de Dos Ríos and San Sebastián.
3. From the canton of Escazú: the district of San Rafael.
4. From the canton of Aserrí: the districts of Aserrí and San Gabriel.
5. From the canton of Cartago: the Corralillo district.
6. From the Heredia canton: the Ulloa district.
– Exceptions are listed at this link.
Resolution MS-DM-4912-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for persons in charge of establishments that have operating sanitary permits. (June 26, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public from Monday to Friday from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturday and Sunday. These restrictions will apply from June 27 to July 10, 2020.
– Exceptions are found at this link.
Resolution MS-DM-4915-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4911-2020 of the fifteen hours thirty minutes of the twenty-sixth of June of the two thousand twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established directed to the persons in charge of establishments that have sanitary operating permits with attention to the public, which do not advance to phase three of opening administrative measures. (June 27, 2020).
– The activities of supermarkets, suppliers, grocery stores and mini-supermarkets with sanitary operating permits under ISIC code 4711 B, B * and C, in the second provision of Therefore of the aforementioned resolution, as clarified for the managers of such commercial establishments, will be limited on Saturdays and Sundays to the sale of food, beverages, groceries, cleaning, and hygiene supplies, and basic needs. Click here for more information.
Resolution MS-DM-4916-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolution No.MS-DM-4909-2020 of the fourteen hours and thirty minutes of the twenty-sixth of June of two thousand twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established directed to the persons in charge of establishments that have sanitary permits of operation and provide attention to the public, in those areas that are listed as Orange Alert. (June 27, 2020).
– The activities of supermarkets, suppliers, grocery stores and mini-supermarkets with sanitary operating permits under ISIC code 4711 B, B * and C, in the second provision of Therefore of the aforementioned resolution, as clarified for the managers of such commercial establishments, will be limited on Saturdays and Sundays to the sale of food, beverages, groceries, cleaning, and hygiene supplies, and basic needs. Click here for more information.
Resolution MS-DM-4990-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4909-2020 of the fourteen hours and thirty minutes of the twenty-sixth of June of two thousand twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established for persons in charge of establishments that have sanitary permission from operation with attention to the public, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert. (July 1, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The Sixth provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4909-2020 of the fourteen hours and thirty minutes of the twenty-sixth of June of two thousand and twenty is modified so that it reads as follows:
o “SIXTH: This resolution is effective from June 27, 2020, until July 3, 2020.”
General guidelines for the isolation of cases confirmed with the COVID-19 disease in authorized lodgings. (July 1, 2020).
– The objective of these Guidelines is to place persons confirmed to have COVID-19, and with a previous Sanitary Order, in authorized accommodation so that they receive the services of lodging, food, security, and adequate and timely attention. Click here for more information.
MS-DM-6002-2020. Modification of the Second provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM 4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-six of two thousand twenty. (July 2, 2020).
– The compulsory use of a mask as personal protection equipment for all persons seeking access to supermarkets and shops is described at this link.
MS-DM-6007-2020. Temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide care to the public, in the risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Orange Alert. (July 2, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure on Monday through Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public in the risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency. Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from July 3, 2020, until July 13, 2020.
– Locations under Orange Alert:
- San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Puriscal, Aserrí, Goicoechea, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca, Curridabat, Alajuelita
- Alajuela, San Ramón, Grecia, Palmares, Upala, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Sector Sureste del Distrito de la Fortuna de San Carlos (Tres Esquinas, Los Ángeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia); y La Vega y Bonanza del distrito de Florencia del Cantón San Carlos
- La Unión
- Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo
- Bagaces
- Puntarenas, salvo los distritos de Cobano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco y Isla Venado
- Corredores
- Pococí
– Exceptions are found at this link.
MS-DM-6011-2020. Temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide care to the public from Monday to Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following day. (July 2, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure on Monday through Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public Such establishments will remain closed all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from July 3, 2020, until July 13, 2020. Exceptions are found at this link.
MS-DM-JM-3635-2020. Amendment to the third provision of Guideline No. MS-DM-JM-3127-2020 of May 21, 2020. (July 3, 2020).
– So that it is read as follows:
“THIRD: That, in the event of non-compliance with the provisions issued by the Ministry of Health, due to the health emergency situation caused by the disease COVID-19, the establishments must be closed for 30 calendar days, and in case of non-compliance a second time the Sanitary Operating Permit will be suspended for a term of three months. Subsequently, the opening of the establishment may be authorized if it complies with the institutional provisions in force on the date of this.
In the case of non-compliance by a farmer’s fair, it should be closed for 7 calendar days. Subsequently, the opening of the fair may be authorized if the institutional provisions in force on the date of the fair are complied with”.
Specific guidelines for farmer fairs located in cantons declared under orange alert by COVID-19. (July 3, 2020).
– The objective of the guidelines is to continue activities of expansion of agricultural, livestock, aquaculture, and fishing products in fairs or fairgrounds while under COVID-19 alert. Click here for more information.
Basic guidelines of conduct to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 by taking individual responsibility. (July 5, 2020)
– The objective of the guidelines is to instruct the general public on the affirmative behaviors that must be practiced in daily life for self-care to avoid contagion by COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6105-2020. Sanitary provisions for people in charge of establishments that have operating sanitary permits, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert. (July 10, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits in the risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Orange Alert by the National Prevention Commission of Risks and Emergency Attention, from Monday, July 13 through Friday, July 17, 2020, for the complete 24 hours a day.
- Cantons on orange alert:
Cantons on Orange Alert |
Province |
Cantons |
San José |
· GAM: San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Aserrí, Mora, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vásquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca y Curridabat.
· Other: Puriscal |
Alajuela |
· GAM: Alajuela, Poás, Atenas, Grecia, Sarchí, Palmares, Naranjo, San Ramón y Zarcero.
· Other: Upala, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Southeastreste del Distrito de la Fortuna de San Carlos (Tres Esquinas, Los Ángeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia); y La Vega y Bonanza del distrito de Florencia del Cantón San Carlos. |
Cartago |
· GAM: Cartago, Paraíso, La Unión, Alvarado, Oreamuno y El Guarco. |
Heredia |
· GAM: Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, Santa Bárbara, San Rafael, San Isidro, Belén, Flores y San Pablo. |
Guanacaste: |
· Bagaces, Liberia, Carrillo y Cañas. |
Limón |
· Pococí, Talamanca y Guácimo. |
Puntarenas |
· Golfito, Garabito, Corredores y Puntarenas (salvo los distritos de Cobano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco e Isla Venado).
Resolution No. MS-DM-6108-2020. Sanitary provisions for people in charge of establishments that have operating sanitary permits for customer service. (July 10, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide customer service to the public Monday to Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Likewise, the temporary closure of these establishments is ordered all day on Saturdays and Sundays. These restrictions will apply from July 11 to July 19, 2020.
- Exceptions can be found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-5051-2020. The Ministry of Health provided special investiture to the Costa Rican Social Security so that civil servants who make notification of health events are empowered to issue the corresponding COVID-19 sanitary order. (July 11, 2020).
- Officers of the Costa Rican Social Security are empowered to carry out notification of health events and report COVID-19 cases with the corresponding health order, as health authority and with the pertinent powers for that specific act. Click here for more information.
Guideline No. 092-S-MTSS. Reform to Guideline No. 077-S-MTSS-Mideplan of March 25, 2020, on the Functioning of State Institutions during the COVID-19 National Emergency Declaratory. (July 12, 2020).
- Add article 2 bis to Guideline N ° 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN of March 25, 2020.
- Add a new article 9 and adapt the numbering of Guideline No. 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN of March 25, 2020, on the operation of state institutions during COVID-19t national emergency declaratory.
- Reform article 10 of Guideline No. 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN of March 25, 2020, on the operation of state institutions during the COVID-19 national emergency declaratory.
- Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6112-2020. Amendment to ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6105-2020 of the fifteen hours and thirty minutes of July ten of two thousand and twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established for people in charge of establishments that have a sanitary operating permit for customer service to the public and for those who do not provide customer service also to the public, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert, thus decreed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (July 12, 2020)
- Amend the Second and Third provisions of the Therefore, ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6105-2020 of the fifteen hours and thirty minutes of July ten of two thousand and twenty and the following exception is included:
Public and private health establishments (clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, laboratories, doctor’s offices, radiodiagnostic services, emergency services, optical, and macrobiotic), veterinary clinics, and drug stores.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6155-2020. Modification of the Second provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6105-2020 of the fifteen hours and thirty minutes of July ten of two thousand and twenty. (July 14, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The following exception is included:
Construction activities and projects exclusively for emergency responses for security reasons, duly authorized by the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, with a maximum of 10 persons and a log of the start time, end time, and compliance with protocols.
Resolution No. MS-DM-5091-2020. The act of special investiture for the professional workers in health sciences of the Department of Occupational Health of the Ministry of Public Security is established by the Ministry of Health so that they are empowered to issue the corresponding COVID-19 health order to officials of the aforementioned Ministry. (July 14, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Professionals in health sciences of the Department of Occupational Health of the Ministry of Public Security are empowered to carry out notification of health events and the issuance and notification of the corresponding COVID-19 health order, as sanitary authorities and with the corresponding attributions for said concrete act, to the personnel of the Ministry of Public Security
Resolution No. MS-DM-6195-2020. Modification of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-six of two thousand twenty, in turn, modified by resolution No. MS-DM-6002-2020 of fourteen hours thirty minutes of two July two thousand and twenty, through which sanitary provisions are established addressed to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Public Transport Council, the Ministry of Public Security, the 9-1-1 Emergency System and the Municipalities, to establish the mandatory use of a mouth and nose mask or a face mask with visor as personal protective equipment, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (July 17, 2020). Click here for more information.
– To modify the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-six of two thousand twenty, modified in turn by resolution No. MS-DM-6002-2020 of the fourteen hours thirty minutes of July two of two thousand and twenty, so it reads as follows:
– Persons obliged to wear a mask that covers nose and mouth or a face mask with visor:
- Those that attend the public, especially in restaurants where a mask should always be worn by the person taking the food order due to that person’s elevated position. The personnel providing personal customer service that has physical barriers (glass, acrylic, polyethylene), is not obliged to use a mask or mask with visor. If a risk assessment carried out by the company itself considers it appropriate, such facial covers can be used as part of the Personal Protective Equipment.
- Bus drivers or other drivers of paid public transportation, as well as customers who use the service of paid public transportation while onboard or while waiting at stations and stops. The bus company will display the correct labeling on the proper use of the mask.
- Assistants and those who officiate religious ceremonies.
- Theater and cinema attendees.
- Visitors to persons admitted to health centers, prisons, care centers for people who consume psychoactive substances, or population care centers that have risk factors.
- Persons who care for the elderly and people with disabilities, especially those who provide this service in nursing homes, shelters, or other residential alternatives.
- People who work in call centers that share work cubicles.
- Clients of banks and public or private financial entities, in compliance with the security measures implemented by the entities and minimizing the manipulation of the mask or mask.
- Supermarket and store customers.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6196-2020. Health provisions are established for people in charge of establishments that have operating health permits that serve the public, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert, as decreed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Care. (July 17, 2020).
– It is resolved to order the temporary closure for 24 hours a day of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide customer service to the public in risk cantons, districts and towns decreed in Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, from Monday, July 20 through Friday, July 31, 2020.
– Areas on Orange Alert:
Orange Alert Cantons |
Province |
Cantons |
San José | · GAM: San José, Escazú, Desamparados, Aserrí, Mora, Goicoechea, Santa Ana, Alajuelita, Vásquez de Coronado, Tibás, Moravia, Montes de Oca and Curridabat. |
Alajuela | · GAM: Alajuela, Poás, Atenas, Grecia, Sarchí, Palmares, Naranjo, San Ramón and Zarcero.
· Other: Upala, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Sector Sureste del Distrito de la Fortuna de San Carlos (Tres Esquinas, Los Ángeles, Sonafluca, La Perla, San Isidro, El Tanque, San Jorge, Santa Cecilia); and La Vega y Bonanza district of Florencia of San Carlos canton. |
Cartago | · GAM: Cartago, Paraíso, La Unión, Oreamuno and El Guarco. |
Heredia | · GAM: Heredia, Barva, Santo Domingo, Santa Bárbara, San Rafael, San Isidro, Belén, Flores and San Pablo. |
Guanacaste: | · Liberia, Cañas and Nicoya. |
Limón | · Pococí and Guácimo. |
Puntarenas | · Garabito, Corredores, Puntarenas (except the district of Cóbano, Lepanto, Monteverde, Isla Chira, Isla Caballo, Isla San Lucas, Isla del Coco and Isla Venado), Pavón district in Golfito canton, and districts of Agua Buena and Sabalito Coto Brus canton. |
– Exceptions can be found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6197-2020. Health provisions are established for persons in charge of establishments that have operating health permits that serve the public, in the rest of the country that is listed as a Yellow Alert, thus decreed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Care, and which continues with the opening of phase 3 (July 17, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide customer service to the public on Monday through Friday from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., and all day on Saturday and Sunday. These restrictions will apply from July 20 to July 31, 2020, inclusive.
- Exceptions are found at this following link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-5178-2020. The Ministry of Health grants special authority to workers who perform agricultural extension functions, as well as those who carry out inspection, surveillance and control functions in animal and plant health matters so that they are empowered to issue the corresponding COVID-19 sanitary order in the activities and establishments that by law corresponds to inspection on behalf of the following dependencies: National Directorate of Agricultural Extension, National Animal Health Service (SENASA) and the State Phytosanitary Service (SFE), all of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, (July 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Workers in certain agricultural functions are authorized to act as a sanitary authority in the inspection, surveillance, and control in animal and plant health matters, as well as in the issuance and notification of the corresponding COVID-19 sanitary order, according to the guidelines, protocols, and sanitary provisions with general and specific measures to ensure proper operation on behalf of the following dependencies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock: National Directorate of Agricultural Extension, National Service of Animal Health (SENASA) and the State Phytosanitary Service (SFE).
Resolution No. MS-DM-6228-2020. Modification of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-six, two thousand and twenty, in turn, modified by resolutions No. MS-DM-6002-2020 of fourteen hours thirty minutes of two July two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-6195-2020 at thirteen hours thirty minutes on July seventeen two thousand twenty, through which sanitary provisions are addressed to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Council of Public Transportation, the Ministry of Public Security, the 9-1-1 Emergency System and the Municipalities, to establish the mandatory use of a mask or mask with visor as personal protective equipment, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (July 20, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Modify the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of the twenty-sixth of June of two thousand twenty, modified in turn by resolutions No. MS-DM-6002-2020 of fourteen hours thirty minutes from July two and No. MS-DM-6195-2020 from thirteen hours thirty minutes from July seventeen two thousand and twenty, to include the following:
- “Mandatory use, as personal protection equipment, of either a mouth and nose mask or visor mask by all individuals using paid public transportation service in its various forms; as well as to access certain establishments with sanitary operating permits:
(…) - Persons in enclosed spaces except for areas where food is eaten. This does not include dwellings, or a room occupied by a single person.
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5210-2020. The act of special powers to the professional collaborators in Medicine of the company’s internal clinic of the Ministry of Justice and Peace, by the Ministry of Health, is established so that they are empowered to issue the corresponding sanitary isolation order by COVID-19 to the officers of the aforementioned Ministry. (July 21, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Medical professionals from the business clinic of the Ministry of Justice and Peace are empowered to give notice of health events to carry out the issuance and notification of the corresponding health order by COVID-19, qualified as health authority and with the corresponding powers for said specific act, to the staff of the Ministry of Justice and Peace.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6268-2020. Modification of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-six, two thousand and twenty, in turn, modified by resolutions No. MS-DM-6002-2020 of fourteen hours thirty minutes of two July two thousand twenty, No. MS-DM-6195-2020 of the thirteen hours thirty minutes of July seventeen, two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-6228-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes of July twenty two thousand twenty, through which sanitary provisions are established addressed to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Public Transport Council, the Ministry of Public Security, the 9-1-1 Emergency System and the Municipalities, to establish the use The mask or mask is mandatory as personal protective equipment, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (July 22, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Modify the Second provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of the twenty-sixth of June of two thousand twenty, modified as well through resolutions No. MS-DM-6002-2020 of the fourteen hours thirty minutes from July two of two thousand and twenty, No. MS-DM-6195-2020 from thirteen hours thirty minutes from July seventeen from two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-6228-2020 from eleven hours thirty minutes of July twenty-two thousand and twenty, to include the following:
“People who are in enclosed spaces except for areas in which food is eaten. This does not include dwellings or rooms where a person is unaccompanied. In the case of television presenters, they may not wear a mask or mask with visor while there is a minimum distance of three meters with the support team or other people on set. In the case of gyms or fitness centers, the mask for trainers or support personnel is required. Clients may not make use of personal protective equipment.”
Resolution No. MS-DM-6299-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6196-2020 of the fourteen hours forty minutes of July seventeen two thousand and twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established for persons in charge of establishments that have sanitary operating permits to receive public, in those areas that are listed as Orange Alert. (July 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Modify the Second provision of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6196-2020 of the fourteen hours forty minutes of the seventeenth of July of two thousand and twenty, and include one more paragraph to the second section of exceptions:
“Closed-door activities of theaters (including the National Theater and the Melico Salazar Popular Theater), churches, municipalities with their municipal council sessions, district councils, meetings of commissions and other municipal meetings, as well as any other closed space for the development of virtual transmissions, with strict compliance of preventive protocols and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and with the minimum required personnel.”
Decree No. 42474-S. Reform to Articles 3, 12, 27 and 29 of Executive Decree No. 32833-S of August 3, 2005. (July 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Summary of modifications to the decree:
- The administrative authorities of the cemeteries will be in charge of burying the corpses in cases of mass deaths, natural disasters, or other health emergencies declared by the Ministry of Health and must supply the protective equipment to the required personnel.
- Not less than 5% of the total of niches for indigents and contingencies should be considered for both public and private cemeteries; this to guarantee the burial of the corpses in spaces suitable for this purpose.
- Burial must be carried out between 24 and 36 hours after death, but in the event of a danger to the health of the population, such as deaths from COVID-19, the doctor in charge of the hospital morgue or failing that, the medical director can certify that the burial is urgent, in order to reduce this period
Resolution No. MS-DM-6347-2020. Temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, in risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, from Monday to Sunday from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. These restrictions will apply from August 1 to August 9, 2020, inclusive; and from August 22 to August 30, 2020, inclusive. (July 29, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, in the risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following day.
- These restrictions will apply from August 1 to 9, 2020 inclusive; and from August 22 to 30, 2020 inclusive.
- Exceptions are found at this following link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6351-2020. Temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, in the risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Yellow Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, from Monday to Friday at 10 p.m. to 5 p.m. the next day. Likewise, the temporary closure of said establishments is ordered on Saturdays and Sundays from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following day. These restrictions will apply from August 1 to 30, 2020 inclusive. (July 29, 2020)
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, in the risky cantons, districts and towns decreed in Yellow Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, from Monday to Friday from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Likewise, the temporary closure of said establishments is ordered on Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the following day. These restrictions will apply from August 1 to August 30, 2020, inclusive.
- Exceptions are found at this following link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6465-2020. Modification of the Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-6347-2020 of the fourteen hours of the twenty-ninth of July of two thousand twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established for the month of August 2020, addressed to the persons in charge of establishments that have operating health permits that receive the public, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert, as decreed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention. (July 31, 2020).
- Modify the Second provision of Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6347-2020 of the fourteen hours of the twenty-ninth of July of two thousand twenty, to add in category A where the activities operate without time restriction and without restriction in their capacity to accommodate the subsection that allows the operation of all those establishments with sanitary operating permits that do not provide service to the public in person, in strict compliance with health protocols and sanitary measures, and eliminate it from category C where activities operate without time restrictions, but with a 50% reduction in capacity.
- Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6466-2020. Modification of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6351-2020 of the fourteen hours twenty minutes of the twenty-ninth of July of two thousand twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established for the month of August 2020, directed to the persons in charge of establishments that have operating health permits that receive public, in those areas that are listed as a Yellow Alert, as decreed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention. (July 31, 2020).
- Modify the Second provision of Therefore of the Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-6351-2020 of the fourteen hours twenty minutes of the twenty-ninth of July of two thousand twenty, to add in category A where the activities operate without time restriction and without restriction in their capacity to accommodate the subsection that allows the operation of all those establishments with sanitary operating permits that do not provide service to the public in person, in strict compliance with health protocols and sanitary measures, and eliminate it from category C where activities operate without restriction hourly but with a 50% reduction in capacity.
- Click here for more information.
Resolution No. MS-DM-5322-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for foreigners who enter the national territory by air under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory Tourism, under the due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in Executive Decree 42513-MGP -S July 31, 2020. (August 3, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Foreign air travelers from countries authorized by the Ministry of Health will be allowed entry under the criteria and technical analysis that will be conducted periodically as the sanitary governing authority.
- Authorized countries of origin for the entry of persons into the national territory:
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Czech Republic, Sweden and Switzerland.
- Foreign persons who travel by air to Costa Rica under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Tourism subcategories, must necessarily meet the following conditions to enter the country:
- Have travel insurance that covers at least the accommodation and medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease, offered by one of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendence of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly endorsed by said authority.
- Complete the epidemiological form called Health Pass online, generated by the Ministry of Health, available at the following link:
- Have obtained a negative test result for COVID-19 through an RT-PCR assay performed within a maximum of 48 hours before the trip.
Executive Decree No. 42515-S. Declaration of Public and National Interest of research projects that contribute to the Development and Validation of Tests or Devices for the Detection of SARS-COV-2 and the Diagnosis of COVID-19, under the Regulatory Law of Biomedical Research. (August 4, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Declared of public and national interest are the research projects that, complying with the research requirements stipulated in the Biomedical Research Regulatory Law, Law number 9234 of April 22, 2014, contribute to the development and validation of tests or devices for detection of SARS-COV-2, and the diagnosis of COVID-19, to improve the control and attention of the pandemic that affects the health of the Costa Rican population.
Executive Decree No. 42517-MGP-S. Reform of executive decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, called Adaptation Measures for the Entry of Foreign Persons into the National Territory by Air within the Framework of the National Sanitary Emergency by COVID-19. (August 5, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Reform to Article 4 of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, to adjust subsection a) and henceforth read as follows:
“ARTICLE 4 °.- On the occasion of this measure, the foreign person who chooses to travel by air to Costa Rica under the migratory category of Non-Resident, Tourism subcategory, must necessarily meet the following conditions to enter the country: a) have travel insurance that covers at least the accommodation and medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease, offered by one of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendence of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly registered with said authority; or b) have current insurance with international coverage that covers medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease, minimum medical expenses equivalent to the costs of hospitalization for the time required for such hospitalization and minimum coverage of 14 days for lodging expenses, under the terms that will be indicated in article 7 of this Executive Decree. If the insurance with international coverage does not meet each of these requirements, the foreign person must purchase travel insurance offered by one of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendence of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly registered by said authority.”
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5350-2020. Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 of 8:00 a.m. on August 3, 2020, is reformed, through which sanitary provisions are established for foreigners who enter the national territory only by air under the migratory category of Non-Resident, subcategory Tourism under due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in Executive Decree 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020. (August 6, 2020). Click here for more information.
– The Fourth provision of Therefore of Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 of 8:00 am on August 3, 2020, is amended for foreigners who choose to travel by air to Costa Rica under the migratory category of Non-Resident, Tourism subcategory, which have the following conditions:
- Have travel insurance that covers at least accommodation and medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease, offered by one of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendence of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly registered with said authority; or have current insurance with international coverage that covers medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease that include minimum medical expenses equivalent to the costs of being admitted to a hospital for the time required for said confinement and minimum coverage of 14 days for lodging expenses. In the case of insurance with international coverage, the Costa Rican Tourism Institute will be in charge of verifying compliance with the minimum conditions established in this section. Consequently, it must establish and coordinate a verification mechanism that ensures the due verification of the respective requirements; it must also disseminate said mechanism, as appropriate, for the knowledge of foreigners. If the insurance with international coverage does not meet any one of these requirements, the foreign person must acquire travel insurance offered by one of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendent of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly registered by said authority;
- Complete online the epidemiological form called Health Pass, generated by the Ministry of Health. The form is available at the following link:
- Have a negative COVID-19 test obtained through the test called RT-PCR. This test must have been carried out within a maximum of 48 hours before the trip.
Resolution No.MS-DM-RM-6520-2020. Modify the Second provision of the Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6347-2020 of fourteen hours on July 29, two thousand and twenty, modified in turn with ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6465-2020 of the sixteen hours thirty minutes of the thirty-first of July of two thousand twenty, to add in category C where the activities operate without time restriction. (August 5, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Modify the Second provision of the Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6347-2020 of fourteen hours on July 29, two thousand and twenty, modified in turn with ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6465- 2020 at sixteen hours thirty minutes on July 31, two thousand and twenty, to add in category C where activities operate without time restriction, but with a reduction in capacity of fifty percent (50%), the businesses that are within the national and international terminals of Juan Santamaría International Airport and Daniel Oduber, with strict compliance with protocols and sanitary measures
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-6521-2020. Modify the second provision of Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6351-2020 of fourteen hours twenty minutes of July twenty-ninth, two thousand and twenty, modified in turn with ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6466 -2020 at seventeen hours thirty minutes on July thirty-first, two thousand and twenty, to be added in category C where activities operate without time restrictions. (August 5, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Modify the second provision of the Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6351-2020 of fourteen hours twenty minutes of July twenty-nine, two thousand and twenty, modified in turn with ministerial resolution No. MS-DM- 6466-2020 at seventeen hours thirty minutes on July 31, two thousand and twenty, to add in category C where activities operate without time restrictions, but with a reduction in capacity of fifty percent (50%) the subsection that allows the operation of businesses that are within the national and international terminals Juan Santamaría International Airport and Daniel Oduber, with strict compliance with protocols and sanitary measures.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6551-2020. Sanitary provisions are established during August 2020, aimed at the persons in charge of establishments that have health operating permits for receiving the public, in those areas that are classified on Yellow Alert, as decreed by the National Prevention Commission Risk and Emergency Attention. (August 8, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with sanitary operating permits that provide service to the public, in the cantons, districts, and towns of risk decreed on Yellow Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, Monday to Friday from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Likewise, the temporary closure of said establishments is ordered on Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. These restrictions will apply from Monday, August 10 to August 30, 2020, inclusive.
- The exceptions are at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6552-2020. Sanitary provisions are established during August 2020, aimed at the persons in charge of establishments with sanitary operating permits that serve the public, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert. (August 8, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure 24 hours a day of all establishments with a sanitary operating permit that provide service to the public, in the cantons, districts and risk towns decreed on Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, from August 10 to August 21, 2020, inclusive.
- The exceptions from August 10 to August 21, 2020, can be found at this link.
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with a sanitary operating permit that provide service to the public, in the cantons, districts and towns of risk decreed on Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Attention to Emergencies, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Likewise, the temporary closure of these establishments is ordered on Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. These restrictions will apply from August 22 to August 30, 2020, inclusive.
- The exceptions from August 22 to August 30, 2020, inclusive can be found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-5352-2020. Ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 at eight o’clock on August 3, two thousand and twenty is reformed, through which sanitary provisions are established for foreigners who enter the national territory under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategories Tourism only by air, under the due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in Executive Decree 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020 (August 12, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Those countries authorized as points of origin for the entry of persons to the national territory are:
1.Australia; 2.Canada; 3. Swiss Confederation; 4. State of the Vatican; 5.Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; 6.Ireland; 7. Japan; 8. New Zealand; 9. Principality of Liechtenstein; 10.Principality of Monaco; 11. Kingdom of Belgium; 12. Kingdom of Denmark; 13. Kingdom of Spain; 14. Kingdom of the Netherlands; 15. Kingdom of Norway; 16. Kingdom of Sweden; 17. Kingdom of Thailand; 18. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; 19. Czech Republic; 20. Cypriot Republic; 21. Republic of Austria; 22. Republic of Bulgaria; 23. Republic of Korea; 24. Republic of Croatia; 25. Republic of Slovenia; 26. Republic of Estonia; 27. Republic of Finland; 28. Republic of Hungary; 29. Republic of Iceland; 30. Republic of Latvia; 31. Republic of Lithuania; 32. Republic of Malta; 33. Republic of Poland; 34. Republic of San Marino; 35. Republic of Singapore; 36. Slovak Republic; 37 Federal Republic of Germany; 38. French Republic; 39.Hellenic Republic (Greece); 40.Italian Republic; 41. Oriental Republic of Uruguay; 42. People’s Republic of China; 43. Portuguese Republic; 44. Romania.
Guideline No. 093-S. Reform to the Directive Number 076-S of March 19, 2020, directed to the borrowing authorities of the drinking water supply in light of the health alert of COVID-19. (August 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
- All potable water suppliers are urged to ensure that the measures aimed at the continuity of the potable water supply contemplated by this Guideline persist for at least 60 calendar days from its effective date and as a deadline of July 15, 2020, according to the possibilities of each service provider; with the possibility of being extended for an additional 60 days before the timely review of the epidemiological situation at the end of said period and with the technical support of the Ministry of Health, if necessary.
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5349-2020. Establishes special empowerment for officers of the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements and the Housing Mortgage Bank, by the Ministry of Health, so that officers who carry out inspections of construction works are empowered to issue and give notice of the sanitary order of prevention or sanitary order of suspension of construction work, due to non-compliance with the General Guidelines for the Construction Sector and the Protocol for construction processes in buildings and homes, under the COVID-19 alert. (August 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Civil servants of the Directorate of Housing and Human Settlements, the Directorate of Integrated Management of the Territory of the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, and the Technical Department of the Directorate of Housing Subsidies Fund of the Mortgage Bank are empowered as health authorities to take actions required to carry out the issuance and notification of the sanitary order of prevention or suspension of construction work, as appropriate, for non-compliance with COVID-19 measures.
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5351-2020. Ministerial Resolution No. DM-RM-2934-2020 of the sixth day of the month of May, two thousand and twenty, on ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROCEDURES OF REGISTRATION, RENEWAL AND CHANGES POST REGISTRATION OF PRODUCTS OF HEALTH INTEREST ON THE PLATFORM “REGISTER IT” is amended. (August 11, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The validity of the health product registrations is progressively extended as follows:
Current Expiration Date |
New Expiration Date |
April 2020 |
January 30, 2021 |
May 2020 |
February 28, 2021 |
June 2020 |
March 30, 2021 |
July 2020 |
January 30, 2021 |
August 2020 |
Feburary 28, 2021 |
September 2020 |
March 30, 2021 |
October 2020 |
April 30, 2021 |
November 2020 |
May 30, 2021 |
December 2020 |
June 30, 2021 |
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-6778-2020. Sanitary provisions are established from August 31 to September 8, 2020, directed at persons in charge of establishments that have health operating permits to serve the public, in those areas that are classified as Orange Alert, as decreed by the National Commission for the Prevention of Risks and Attention to Emergencies. (August 26, 2020).
- It is resolved to order for 24 hours a day the temporary closure of all establishments with a sanitary operating permit to serve the public in the cantons, districts, and towns of risk decreed under Orange Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention. These restrictions will apply from August 31 to September 8, 2020, inclusive. Exceptions can be found at this link.
Resolution No.MS-DM-RM-6793-2020. Sanitary provisions are established from August 31 to September 8, 2020, directed at persons in charge of establishments that have a health operating permit to serve the public, in those areas that are classified as Yellow Alert, as decreed by the National Commission for the Prevention of Risks and Attention to Emergencies. (August 27, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary closure of all establishments with a sanitary operating permit to serve the public in the cantons, districts, and towns of risk decreed under Yellow Alert by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention, Monday through Friday from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Likewise, the temporary closure of said establishments is ordered on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. These restrictions will apply from August 31 to September 8, 2020, inclusive.
- Exceptions can be found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5429-2020. Ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 at eight o’clock on August 3, two thousand and twenty, amended by ministerial resolution MS-DM-RM-5352-2020 at eight o’clock on August 12 of two thousand and twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established aimed at foreigners who enter the national territory under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategories Tourism only by air, under due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in Executive Decree 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020. (August 27, 2020)
- Points of origin for the entry of persons into the national territory are 1. Australia 2. Canada 3. Swiss Confederation 4. Vatican State 5. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 6. Ireland 7. Japan 8. New Zealand 9. Principality of Liechtenstein 10. Principality of Monaco 11. Kingdom of Belgium 12. Kingdom of Denmark 13. Kingdom of Spain 14. Kingdom of the Netherlands 15. Kingdom of Norway 16. Kingdom of Sweden 17. Kingdom of Thailand 18. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 19. The Czech Republic 20. Republic of Cyprus 21. Republic of Austria 22. Republic of Bulgaria 23. Republic of Korea 24. Republic of Croatia 25. Republic of Slovenia 26. Republic of Estonia 27. Republic of Finland 28. Republic of Hungary 29. Republic of Iceland 30.Republic of Latvia 31.Republic of Lithuania 32.Republic of Malta 33.Republic of Poland 34.Republic of San Marino 35.Republic of Singapore 36.Slovak Republic 37.Federal Republic of Germany 38. The French Republic 39. The Hellenic Republic (Greece) 40. Italian Republic 41.Eastern Republic of Uruguay 42.Popular Republic of China 43. Portuguese Republic 44. Romania 45. United States (limited to residents of New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.)
- In order to enter the country, a foreign individual who travels by air to Costa Rica under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Tourism subcategories, must present negative COVID-19 test results obtained through the RT-PCR technique, which must have been performed a maximum of 72 hours before the trip.
Resolution No.MS-DM-RM-5290-2020. Derogates Ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-JM-3130-2020 of fourteen hours on June 3, two thousand and twenty, published in Gazette No. 130 of June 3, 2020, and No. MS-DM-454 -2020 at eleven o’clock on June 4, two thousand and twenty, published in La Gaceta No.132 dated June 5, 2020, through which the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) was instructed, through the Port Maritime Directorate and to the Ministry of Public Security, through the National Coast Guard Service and other respective support, to prevent people from entering the following rivers of the national territory: Medio Queso, Frío, Canalization System of the North Caribbean (Channels of Tortuguero), Colorado, Sarapiquí and San Carlos, in the time slot that goes from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. during the days Monday to Sunday, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19. (August 27, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Terminates ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-JM-3130-2020 at fourteen hours on June 3, two thousand and twenty, published in Gazette No. 130 of June 3, 2020, and No.MS-DM- 4547-2020 at eleven hours on June 4, two thousand and twenty, published in La Gaceta No. 132 of June 5, 2020, in which the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT), through the Maritime Directorate Port and the Ministry of Public Security, through the National Coast Guard Service and other respective support, was instructed to prevent individuals from entering the following rivers of the national territory: Medio Queso, Frío, Canalization System of the North Caribbean (Tortuguero canals), Colorado, Sarapiquí and San Carlos, from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., Monday through Sunday, to reduce the increase in the spread of COVID-19.
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5291-2020. Ministerial resolution NoMS-DM-4552-2020, at twelve o’clock on June 4, two thousand and twenty published in La Gaceta No. 132 of June 5, 2020, through which sanitary provisions were established aimed at the people in charge of establishments that have sanitary operating permits, is annulled. (August 27, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Cancel resolution No. MS-DM-4552-2020, at twelve o’clock on June 4, two thousand and twenty published in La Gaceta No. 132 of June 5, 2020, in which sanitary measures were issued to prevent and mitigate the risk or damage to public health and address the state of national emergency given by Executive Decree number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020.
Resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5430-2020. Administrative Provisions Relating to the Temporary Conversion of the Activities of Commercial Establishments Used as Bars, Canteens and Taverns (ISIC CODE 5630) to Commercial Establishments Used as Restaurants, Sodas and Cafeterias (ISIC CODE 5610) with a current sanitary operating permit. (August 28, 2020). Click here for more information.
- This ministerial resolution authorizes the conversion of commercial establishments used to serve as bars, canteens and taverns (ISIC CODE 5630) with a current sanitary operating permit to become commercial establishments to serve as restaurants, sodas and cafeterias (ISIC CODE 5610), provided that the permittee so requests and complies with the following:
- The establishment must have a valid health operating permit.
- The request must be made by the permit holder by email to the respective Health Governing Area.
- The application must contain a commitment to comply with and respect the requirements, guidelines and protocols issued by the authorities for the operation of restaurants, sodas and coffee shops.
- An affidavit that the establishment meets the requirements to function as a restaurant, soda and cafeteria (ISIC CODE 5610).
- Authorization for the health authority to close the business establishment immediately if it is determined that it does not meet the requirements to function as a restaurant, soda and cafeteria (ISIC CODE 5610) or if it does not respect the requirements, guidelines and protocols issued by the health authorities for this type of establishment classified with ISIC CODE 5610.
- Applications must be processed by email while there is no system in place; the email list is available on the website of the Ministry of Health at
- The respective requests must be digitally signed by the interested party and indicate an email address for notifications. If the interested party does not have a digital signature certificate, he/she may present the scanned documents with an autograph signature supported by a legible copy of the identity document and indicate an email address for notifications. If the interested party does not have access to some of the above options, they must carry out the procedure in person before the corresponding agency.
- Once the permit holder submits an application with the requirements indicated in the First Provision of this Resolution, he will be authorized to change the business line from bar, canteen and tavern (ISIC CODE 5630) to restaurant, soda and cafeteria (CODE ISIC 5610) without the need for the Health Governing Area authority to issue any administrative action in response to such request. Through this administrative resolution, the right to convert a commercial establishment with a valid health operating permit for a bar, canteen and tavern (ISIC CODE 5630) to a commercial establishment for a soda, restaurant and cafeteria (ISIC CODE 5610) is granted provided that the permit holder so requests and complies with the requirements established therein.
Decree No. 42603-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42421-S of June 26, 2020, called Special Measure on the Mandatory Use of a Cloth Mask or Face Shield as Personal Protective Equipment Due to the State of National Emergency due to Covid-19. (September 7, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Reform of the title of Executive Decree number 42421-S of June 26, 2020:
- “Special measure on the mandatory use of a mask as personal protective equipment for all persons due to the COVID-19 State of National Emergency”.
- Amendment to article 3 of Executive Decree number 42421-S of June 26, 2020:
- “ARTICLE 3.- Mandatory use of a mask. Based on article 147 of the General Health Law, Law number 5395 of October 30, 1973, the use of a mask is mandatory and considered as personal protective equipment for all persons who require access to establishments with sanitary permission of operation, which will be determined by the Ministry of Health via resolution, as well as access to paid public transportation service in its different modalities. The use of the mask or face shield will be optional and additional to the mandatory use of the mask as personal protective equipment. The Ministry of Health must establish, using technical and objective reasons and with a human rights approach, the exceptional cases in which the mandatory use of the mask is excluded and whether a substitute device will correspond in such particular cases. “
- Amendment to article 4 of Executive Decree number 42421-S of June 26, 2020:
- “ARTICLE 4.- Duties of the Ministry of Health for the application of this measure. Based on articles 340 and 341 of the General Health Law, the Ministry of Health must issue at least by resolution the official guidelines on the correct use of the mask, the verification of its quality, and the method for the preparation of the mask. Likewise, it will contemplate in said resolution the actions that are necessary to execute with the support of other public bodies for the proper implementation of this measure.
- Amendment to Article 8 of Executive Decree number 42421-S of June 26, 2020:
ARTICLE 8.- Temporary nature of this measure. The measure of mandatory use of the mask outlined in this Executive Decree will be reviewed and updated according to the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19 and on the occasion of the State of National Emergency due to the health situation and to protect the health of the population.”
Resolution No.MS-DM-6796-2020. Modification of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-4907-2020 of the fourteen hours of June twenty-six, two thousand and twenty. (September 8, 2020).
- Based on the aforementioned ordinance 147 of the General Health Law, the Ministry of Public Security, the municipalities with municipal police forces, and the 9-1-1 Emergency System are instructed to provide support and assistance, within the framework of their competencies, to comply with the special measure of mandatory use of a mask as special protective equipment due to the COVID-19 State of National Emergency, according to the LS-PG-016 Guidelines indicated in the previous article of this resolution.
- The use of the mask is mandatory for all persons whenever they require access to paid public transport service in its different modalities; as well as to access certain establishments with a health operating permit.
- The establishments to which the law applies can be found at this link.
Resolution No. MS-DM-6958-2020 Orders the temporary suspension of those activities that favor the arising of a very high number of simultaneous transmission chains or that can occur in a short period of time, generated from the same event of concentration of people and also promote displacement from different parts inside and outside the country. These restrictions will apply as of September 9, 2020. (September 8, 2020).
- It is resolved to order the temporary suspension of those activities that favor the emergence of a very high number of simultaneous transmission chains or that can occur in a short period of time, generated from the same event of concentration of people and also promote displacement from various parts inside and outside the country. These restrictions are effective as of September 9, 2020.
- The suspended activities are listed at this link.
Decree No. 42607-S. Extraordinary Measures to Provide of the Use of Private Health Establishments during the National Emergency for COVID-19. (September 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Under articles 161 and 368 of the General Health Law, Law number 5395 of October 30, 1973, private health service establishments with hospitalization services for critical and/or medium-complexity patients must make available from the Ministry of Health, the hospital beds and the hospitalization resources associated with this service, either in whole or in part, for the care of patients with COVID-19, as established by the Ministry of Health under the corresponding technical considerations.
Resolution No.MS-DM-RM-5662-2020. Ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 at eight o’clock on August 3, two thousand and twenty, amended by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-RM-5352-2020 at eight o’clock on twelve of August of two thousand twenty and No. MS-DM-RM-5429-2020 of the twenty-seven days of the month of August of two thousand and twenty, by means of which sanitary provisions are established directed at foreigners who enter the national territory under the Migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategories Tourism only by air, under due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in Executive Decree 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020. (September 11, 2020 ). Click here for more information.
- The list of countries authorized as points of origin for the entry of persons to the national territory is updated:
- 1. Australia 2. Canada 3. Swiss Confederation 4. Vatican City State 5. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 6. Ireland 7. Japan 8. New Zealand 9. Principality of Liechtenstein 10. Principality of Monaco 11. Kingdom of Belgium 12. Kingdom of Denmark 13. Kingdom of Spain 14. Kingdom of the Netherlands 15. Kingdom of Norway 16. Kingdom of Sweden 17. Kingdom of Thailand 18. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 19. The Czech Republic 20. Republic of Cyprus 21. Republic of Austria 22. Republic of Bulgaria 23. Republic of Korea 24. Republic of Croatia 25. Republic of Slovenia 26. Republic of Estonia 27. Republic of Finland 28. Republic of Hungary 29. Republic of Iceland 30. Republic of Latvia 31. Republic of Lithuania 32. Republic of Malta 33. Republic of Poland 34. Republic of San Marino 35. Republic of Singapore 36. Slovak Republic 37. Federal Republic of Germany 38. French Republic 39. Hellenic Republic (Greece) 40. Italian Republic 41. Eastern Republic of Uruguay 42. People’s Republic of China 43. Portuguese Republic 44. Romania 45. USA limited to the following states: a) Arizona b) Colorado c) Connecticut d) District of Columbia e) Maine f) Maryland g) Massachusetts h) Michigan i) New Jersey j) New York k) New Hampshire l) New Mexico m) Oregon n) Pennsylvania o) Rhode Island p) Vermont q) Virginia r) Washington s) Wyoming.
Resolution No. MS-DM-KR-5217-2020. Administrative provisions are established tending to the extension established in Law 9844 “Law of Authorization for the automatic extension of the period of management of the Boards of Directors and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Associations, Federations and Confederations established under the Associations Law”. (September 18, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The automatic extension for an additional period of six months is authorized for the appointment of the Boards of Directors and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Associations, Federations and Confederations established under the Associations Law, as well as every case in which legal action was issued in the same sense for other types of legal persons.
Resolution No.MS-DM-RM-5764-2020. Ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 at eight o’clock on August 3, two thousand and twenty, amended by ministerial resolutions No. MS-DM-RM-5352-2020 at eight o’clock on twelve of August of two thousand and twenty, No. MS-DM-RM-5429-2020 of the twenty-seven days of the month of August of two thousand twenty, and MS-DM-RM-5662-2020 of the eleven days of the month of September of two thousand and twenty, through which health provisions are established for foreigners who enter the national territory under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategories Tourism only by air. (September 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The list of countries authorized as points of origin for the entry of people to the national territory are:
1.Australia, 2.Canada, 3.Swiss Confederation, 4.Vatican City State, 5. United Mexican States, 6. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 7.Ireland, 8.Jamaica, 9.Japan, 10.New Zealand, 11. Principality of Liechtenstein, 12. Principality of Monaco, 13. Kingdom of Belgium, 14. Kingdom of Denmark, 15. Kingdom of Spain, 16. Kingdom of the Netherlands, 17. Kingdom of Norway, 18. Kingdom of Sweden, 19. Kingdom of Thailand, 20. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 21. Czech Republic, 22. Cypriot Republic, 23. Republic of Austria, 24. Republic of Bulgaria, 25. Republic of Korea, 26. Republic of Croatia, 27. Republic of Slovenia, 28. Republic of Estonia, 29. Republic of Finland, 30. Republic of Hungary, 31. Republic of Iceland, 32. Republic of Latvia, 33. Republic of Lithuania. 34. Republic of Malta, 35. Republic of Poland, 36. Republic of San Marino, 37. Republic of Singapore, 38. Slovak Republic, 39. Federal Republic of Germany, 40. French Republic, 41. Hellenic Republic (Greece), 42. Italian Republic, 43. Eastern Republic of Uruguay, 44. People’s Republic of China, 45. Portuguese Republic, 46. Romania, 47. United States of America, only the following states: a. Arizona b. California c. Colorado d. Connecticut e. District of Columbia f. Maine g. Maryland h. Massachusetts i. Michigan j. New Jersey k. New York l. New Hampshire m. New Mexico n. Ohio o. Oregon p. Pennsylvania q. Rhode Island r. Vermont s. Virginia t. Washington u. Wyoming.
Resolution No. MS-DM-7344-2020. Modification of the sanitary provisions established in resolution MS-DM-6958-2020 at eleven hours and thirty minutes on September 8, two thousand and twenty. (October 6, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Modified the Second Provision of Therefore of Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-6958-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on September 8, two thousand and twenty, to allow certain activities that are, with the proper implementation of protocols, capable of functioning within the Shared Management Model, “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself.”
Resolution No.MS-DM-RM-5953-2020. Reform of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-RM-5322-2020 at eight o’clock on August 3, two thousand and twenty. (October 9, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The list of countries authorized as points of origin for the entry of persons to the national territory are:
1. Australia, 2. Belize, 3. Canada, 4. Swiss Confederation, 5. El Salvador, 6.Vatican City State, 7. United Mexican States, 8. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 9. Guatemala 10. Honduras, 11. Ireland, 12. Jamaica, 13. Japan, 14. Nicaragua, 15. New Zealand, 16. Panama, 17. Principality of Liechtenstein, 18. Principality of Monaco, 19. Kingdom of Belgium, 20. Kingdom of Denmark, 21. Kingdom of Spain, 22. Kingdom of the Netherlands, 23. Kingdom of Norway, 24. Kingdom of Sweden, 25. Kingdom of Thailand, 26. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 27. Czech Republic, 28. Cypriot Republic, 29. Republic of Austria, 30. Republic of Bulgaria, 31. Republic of Korea, 32. Republic of Croatia, 33. Republic of Slovenia, 34. Republic of Estonia, 35. Republic of Finland, 36. Republic of Hungary, 37. Republic of Iceland, 38. Republic of Latvia, 39. Republic of Lithuania. 40. Republic of Malta, 41. Republic of Poland, 42. Republic of San Marino, 43. Republic of Singapore, 44. Slovak Republic, 45. Federal Republic of Germany, 46. French Republic, 47. Hellenic Republic (Greece), 48. Italian Republic, 49. Eastern Republic of Uruguay, 50. People’s Republic of China, 51. Portuguese Republic, 52. Romania, 53. United States of America, only the following states: a. Arizona b. California c. Colorado d. Connecticut e. District of Columbia f. Florida g. Georgia h. Maine i. Maryland j. Massachusetts k. Michigan l. New Jersey m. New York n. New Hampshire o. New Mexico p. Ohio q. Oregon r. Pennsylvania s. Rhode Island t. Texas u. Vermont v. Virginia w. Washington x. Wyoming.
Resolution MS-DM-8551-2020. The sanitary provisions established in resolution MS-DM-6958-2020 of eleven hours and thirty minutes of September 8, two thousand and twenty are modified. (October 15, 2020).
- Modify the Third Provision of Therefore of Ministerial Resolution No. MS-DM-6958-2020 at eleven hours thirty minutes on September 8, two thousand and twenty, to extend the hours of activities allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, within the Shared Management Model “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself.”
- Modify the Fourth provision of Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6958-2020 of eleven hours thirty minutes on September 8, two thousand and twenty, to extend the schedule of activities allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, within the Shared Management Model “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself”.
- Modify headings D and E of annexes I, II, and III, as well as heading B of annex IV, to extend the schedule of activities allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, within the Shared Management Model “Costa Rica works and Take care”
- Details are provided at this link.
Resolution MS-DM-8741-2020. The sanitary provisions established in resolution MS-DM-6958-2020 of eleven hours and thirty minutes of September 8, two thousand and twenty are modified. (October 29, 2020).
- Modify the provision Fourth subsections 5) and 6) of the Therefore of the ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6958-2020 of the eleven hours thirty minutes of the eight of September of two thousand twenty, in order to extend the maximum allowed capacity in activities, organizations or congregations in places of worship and event rooms for business or academic activities, by demonstrating that with the proper implementation of protocols they can expand it within the Shared Management Model “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself.”
- Modify subparagraphs 5) and 6) of point D of annexes I, II and III, to expand the maximum capacity allowed in activities, organizations, or congregations in places of worship and event rooms for business or academic activities; and modify paragraph 13) of point D of annex I, and add paragraph 13) to point D of annexes II and III, to allow activity in public parks as corresponds with the Cantonal Risk Index (IRC), within the Shared Management Model “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself”.
- The details of the provisions can be found at this link.
Resolution MS-DM-7785-2020. Sanitary provisions are established for people who enter the national territory, under due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in Executive Decree 42690-MGP-S of October 30, 2020. (November 11, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The health authorities will issue a Sanitary Isolation Order to persons with the following status who enter the national territory:
- Anyone who at the point of entry (air, land, sea, or river) has symptoms related to COVID-19 under the National Guidelines for Surveillance of the COVID-19 Disease.
- To any Costa Rican or foreign person with authorized legal permanence under the immigration categories of permanent resident, temporary, special category or stay who enters the country by land, except for transporters, in whose case the provisions of the Specific Guidelines apply for carriers, owners, and managers of facilities that receive land carriers of cargo during the health alert for COVID-19. In the case of passenger transporters, the Specific Guidelines for carriers, owners, and managers of facilities that receive land carriers of cargo within the framework of the health alert for COVID-19 shall also apply.
- In the case of maritime crew members who are authorized by the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners to carry out a crew change, they will receive a health order which states that they must complete their departure from the territory within 72 hours after entry into Costa Rica.
Resolution DM-FG-7521-2020. Formalization of version 2 of LS-SI-007 “General guidelines for Comprehensive Care Centers and daycare centers: public, private or mixed, during the declaration of emergency caused by COVID-19.” (November 23, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Formalize version 2 of LS-SI-007 “General guidelines for Comprehensive Care Centers and daycare centers: public, private or mixed, during the declaration of emergency caused by COVID-19.”
- Establishments authorized as Comprehensive Care Centers must guarantee strict compliance with the aforementioned LS-SI-007 guideline and other guidelines of the Ministry of Health, which are applicable to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- To reduce the possible spread of COVID-19, establishments authorized as Comprehensive Care Centers must operate with a maximum capacity of 125 people, including minors, caregivers, cleaning service personnel, food servers, and administrative staff.
- The private Educational Center that has permission granted by the Ministry of Public Education and that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has requested authorization or, as of the date of publication of this resolution, already has authorization to function as a center for Comprehensive care must only and exclusively provide the activities regulated by Law No. 8017 and for no reason may it be used for academic purposes regulated by the Ministry of Public Education.
- The Health Governing Areas that process requests for authorization for comprehensive care centers must verify that these facilities will be limited to the exclusive use for which they are authorized so that they are physically restricted from other economic or social activities, in order to maintain the safety and integrity of minors.
- The health authorities are instructed to issue a Health Order to those comprehensive care centers that do not comply with this provision, ordering the immediate closure of said establishments and the processing of the collection of the resulting fines as appropriate.
Resolution DM-RM-7905-2020. Administrative resolution authorizes the use of vaccines against COVID-19 based on the recognition of the marketing authorization or authorization for use in an emergency by strict regulatory authorities or prequalified by the World Health Organization. (December 03, 2020).
- Measures are adopted for the Authorization of the use of Vaccines against COVID-19 based on the recognition of the marketing authorization or authorization of use in an emergency from Strict Regulatory Authorities or prequalified by WHO.
- The measures can be found at this link.
MS-DM-7906-2020. Modify the Third provision of Guideline No. MS-DM-JM-3127-2020 of May 21, 2020 (December 7, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The Third provision of Directive No. MS-DM-JM-3127-2020 of May 21, 2020, is modified to read as follows:
“THIRD: That in the face of non-compliance with the provisions issued by the Ministry of Health, due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the temporary suspension of the Sanitary Operating Permit and the closure of the establishments for 3 calendar days for the first offense, and 15 calendar days for the second offense. Subsequently, the opening of an establishment may be authorized if the institutional provisions in force to date are complied with and the corresponding fine has been canceled in accordance with article 378 and 378 bis of the General Health Law. In the case of farmer’s fairs, the closure must be carried out for 7 calendar days. Subsequently, the opening of the fair may be authorized if the institutional provisions in force to date are complied with and the corresponding fine has been canceled in accordance with articles 378 and 378 bis of the General Health Law
INS and CCSS create care protocol for patients suspected of COVID-19 (March 17, 2020).
– A protocol of medical-administrative attention for immediate response to workers covered by the Occupational Risk Policy suspected of COVID-19 symptoms. Click here for more information.
INS approves a grace period for Commercial Insurance. (March 18, 2020)
– The grace periods for the underwritten commercial insurance are extended for up to 4 months (previous period was 10 days). Click here for more information.
MTSS publishes guidelines for the implementation of telework as a preventive measure against COVID-19. (March 10, 2020)
– Guide for the implementation of telework in the public sector as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19 in the country.
Criteria on labor implications before the arrival of the Coronavirus in Costa Rica and possible solutions. (March 11, 2020.)
– Criteria to publicize the implications that could occur in labor relations due to the declaration of an epidemic area, which would imply partial or total closure of the area (meaning, companies), preventive isolation to one or more workers, issue of disabilities and possible legal solutions that could be applied by private sector companies. Among these are: i) telework. ii) Granting of vacations. iii) Suspension of employment contracts, as a last resort.
MTSS issues recommendations for workers in non-teleworkable positions. (March 13, 2020)
– Recommendations for employers of workers with risk factors who occupy non-tele workable positions.
Reform of the Health Regulations and the addition of Article 2 to the Regulations for granting licenses and disabilities to Health Insurance beneficiaries. (March 16, 2020)
– Addition of article 10 bis to the Health Insurance Regulations of the CCSS, to include incapacity for health alert due to Coronavirus “COVID-19”, as an exceptional and temporary rule and addition of article 2 of the Regulations for the Granting of Licenses and Disabilities to Health Insurance Beneficiaries.
CCSS approves measures to support private companies in an Emergency. (March 19, 2020)
– Series of measures aimed at preventing late payments due to quotas from employers and independent workers and encouraging the continuity of employment in the country in the face of the national emergency due to COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42248-MTSS. Regulation on the procedure of suspension of employment contracts in cases related to subsections a) and b) of article 74 of the Labor Code (March 20, 2020).
– The procedure for the temporary suspension of employment contracts is regulated in cases related to subsections a) and b) of article 74 of the Labor Code.
– More information at this link.
Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS. Creation of the PROTECT Voucher. (April 20, 2020).
– The creation of the PROTECT voucher is regulated as an extraordinary and temporary monetary transfer to contribute to the social protection of those households affected by the change in working and income conditions as a consequence of the COVID-19 National Emergency.
– More information at this link.
Executive Decree No. 42317-MTSS-S. Activation of health protocols and sanitary measures in the workplace by occupational health commissions and offices or departments before COVID-19. (April 23, 2020)
– Promotes the collaboration of occupational health commissions and offices or departments in the dissemination and implementation of protocols issued by the Ministry of Health, the Executive Power and other public authorities in health matters, addressing the declaration of a state of national emergency throughout the territory of the Republic of Costa Rica due to COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42329-MTSS-MDHIS. Reform to Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020, called Creation of the PROTEGER Bond. (April 30, 2020).
– The following articles are modified: “Article 1.- End”, “Article 4.- Resources and Financing”, “Article 5.- Beneficiary Population”, “Article 6.- Requirements”, “Article 7.-Exclusions.” , “Article 10.- Ministry of Labor and Social Security”, “Article 11.-Responsibilities of the Mixed Institute of Social Aid.”, “Article 19.-Of the criteria for prioritizing the allocation of resources.”, ” Article 22.-Publicity and disclosure of information and open data. ” and “Article 36.- Non-Seizable Character” of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020, called Creation of the PROTEGER Bonus. Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42478-MTSS. Regulatory Flexibility to Help Employers with Debt before DESAF as a provisional measure to face the COVID-19 Emergency (July 22, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Creates provisional measures as extraordinary and temporary aid for employers who are indebted to DESAF because of a change in their economic conditions as a consequence of the National Emergency caused by COVID-19 and to mitigate the decrease in collections due to employer’s insolvency.
Decree No. 42522-MTSS. Modification and addition to Executive Decree, No. 42248-MTSS “Regulations for the procedure of temporary suspension of employment contracts in cases related to subsections a) and b) of Article 74 of the Labor Code” of March 19, 2020. (August 7, 2020). Click here for more information.
- A more expeditious procedure is enacted for the implementation of the suspension and resumption of work, which allows its timely application while the opening by the Government is arranged and, thus, when the new closure occurs, the application corresponds to the new temporary suspension.
- Add an article 2 Bis, article 5 bis, and a new article 5 ter of Executive Decree No. 42248-MTSS of March 19, 2020 – hereinafter called: “Executive Decree 42248-MTSS”.
- Modify article 6, Compliance with deadlines, and attention to complaints.
Decree No. 42601-MTSS-MDHIS. Reform of the title and of articles 1, 2, 3 and 7 of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS, called Creation of the Protect Bond of April 17, 2020 (September 4, 2020) that modifies the following:
- The title of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020.
- Article 1 of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020, called Creation of the Proteger Bond.
- Article 2 of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020, called Creation of the Proteger Bond.
- Article 3 of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020.
- Article 7 of Executive Decree No. 42305-MTSS-MDHIS of April 17, 2020.
- The list of modifications can be found at this link.
Tax Relief Law before COVID-19. (March 20, 2020).
– Law approved by the Legislative Assembly for a moratorium on the payment of Value Added Tax, partial payments of the profit tax, the selective consumption tax and the taxes to nationalize merchandise, during the months of April, May and June 2020. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42271-H. Regulation to Law No. 9839 of March 19, 2020, on Tax Relief under COVID-19 (March 29, 2020).
– The regulation applies to taxpayers of the value-added tax, selective consumption taxes and/or the profit tax, as well as those compelled to pay customs duties, who adopt any or all of the tax relief measures established in Law No. 9830. Click here for more information.
– Executive Decree No. 42292-H. Modification to Articles 10 and 12 of Executive Decree No. 42271-H, Regulation to Law No. 9830 of March 19, 2020, on Tax Relief for COVID-19 (April 16, 2020).
– Executive Decree No. 42271-H. Regulation to Law No. 9839 of March 19, 2020, on Tax Relief for COVID-19, originally limited the VAT moratorium to the leasing of commercial real estate, a provision that the Law did not have. This reform clarifies that the moratorium applies to the leasing of all movable and immovable property. Click here for more information.
Regulation DGT-R-09-2020 Payment Facilities corresponding to Law No. 9830 of March 19, 2020, Tax Relief Law before COVID-19. (April 23, 2020).
– Regulation and requirements for requests for payment facilities corresponding to the COVID-19 Tax Relief Law (Law No. 9830 of March 19, 2020) which apply to taxpayers of the debts indicated in articles 1 ° and 3 of Law No. 9830 of March 19, 2020, and in Article 2 of its Regulations (Executive Decree No. 42271 of March 27, 2020). Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42481-H. Reform to Executive Decree No. 42411-H of June 22, 2020. (July 16, 2020)
– Deduction of 15% of the gross salary per pay period of the President of the Republic to contribute to the COVID-19 state of national emergency. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-384-2020. Authorized until November 18, 2020, without the express request of the beneficiary, is the extension issued by the National Customs Service due to the COVID-19 emergency of the term of stay in the country of land, air or water vehicles, which have a tourist category temporary import certificate, issued to foreigners and Costa Ricans residing abroad who entered our country after December 17, 2019 (July 31, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The extension of the term of stay in the country of land, air or water vehicles that have a temporary tourist category import certificate, issued by the National Customs Service to foreigners and Costa Rican residents abroad who entered our country after December 17, 2019, is authorized until November 18, 2020, due to the COVID-19 emergency, without the express request of the beneficiary.
Resolution No. DGT-ICD-R-19-2020. Reform of a joint resolution of general scope for the registry of transparency and final beneficiaries. (August 6, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The DGT-ICD-R-06-2020 resolution is reformed to take the declaration of 2019 as the 2020 declaration automatically, without the obligated parties having to manage it in the system, as well as the transfer of the following ordinary declarations as indicated in this resolution.
Decree No. 42519-H. Mechanism for Attention and Execution of the Monthly Salary Deduction Requested by the Senior Members of the Executive Power to Contribute in Solidarity to the Economic Crisis. (August 7, 2020). Más información en este enlace.
- Based on the request made by the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, and Ministers of the Republic, on the temporary deduction of accrued salary equivalent to a 15% reduction in the working day, the National Treasury, a dependency of the Ministry of Finance, will donate the amount of said deduction to the Unique State Fund, as a voluntary contribution to show solidarity with the citizenry before the economic situation facing the country
Decree No. 42529-H. Reform to Executive Decree No. 42411-H of June 22, 2020 COVID-19. (August 13, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Adjustment to the measure adopted by the President of the Republic through Executive Decree number 42411-H of June 22, 2020, as amended by Executive Decree number 42481-H of July 16, 2020, in order to state that the voluntary deduction of the earned salary is equivalent to an eventual 15% reduction in workday hours. In addition to the calculated deduction, 15% of the gross salary must be taken and the corresponding social charges and taxes paid on said 15% will be subtracted, in such a way that an amount of the earned salary equivalent to a possible 15% reduction in workday hours is obtained.
Guideline DGA-003-2020. (March 18, 2020)
– Its purpose is to control the export and re-export of products for surgical use, to avoid possible shortages. More information at this link.
Circular DGA-006-2020. (March 19, 2020)
– Costa Rica´s General Directorate of Customs authorized companies from the Free Trade Zone Regime to transfer the necessary and essential computer equipment and furniture to carry out telework, which includes those items that guarantee the basic conditions of occupational health. Click here for more informartion.
Law N°9830. Tax Relief Law before COVID-19. (March 20, 2020).
– Law approved by the Legislative Assembly for a moratorium on the payment of Value Added Tax, partial payments of the profit tax, the selective consumption tax, and the taxes to nationalize merchandise, during April, May and June 2020. Click here for more information.
Statement DGA-004-2020. (March 20, 2020)
– Costa Rica´s General Directorate of Customs authorizes, during the period of national emergency, that documentary and physical verification of documents and merchandise can be carried out using copies, prints or simple photocopies of the documents required by each regime and modality rather than the originals always required otherwise. Click here for more information.
Statement DGA-005-2020 (March 25, 2020).
– The General Directorate of Customs authorized the possibility for the beneficiaries of the tourist category temporary import regime to extend their temporary import certificates for land, air or water vehicles (VEHITUR) for the authorized period of their immigration status established by the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration. For this, before the expiration of the term granted by the customs authority for temporary importation, the interested party must request an extension from the nearest Customs office due to force majeure. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42271-H. Regulation to Law No. 9839 of March 19, 2020, on COVID-19 Tax Relief. (March 29, 2020)
– The decree describes the process to follow to apply for a moratorium of the customs tax obligation on the final import of merchandise for April, May and June 2020. Agricultural and livestock products classified in chapters 1 to 24 of the Central American Tariff System are excluded from this moratorium. More information at this link.
Executive Decree No. 42351-H. Reform of Titles III and VIII of Article 1, Executive Decree No. 10529-H of August 30, 1979, entitled “Establishes Primary and Secondary Customs Zones”. (May 18, 2020).
– Titles III and VIII of article 1 of Executive Decree number 10529-H of August 30, 1979, are amended concerning the primary and secondary areas of the Peñas Blancas Customs and Paso Canoas Customs. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-239-2020. Authorizes the extension of the term of stay in the country of land, air, or aquatic vehicles that have a tourist category temporary import certificate, issued to by the National Customs Service to foreigners and Costa Ricans residing abroad who entered Costa Rica. (May 19, 2020).
– The authorization is due to the COVID-19 emergency and will remain in effect until July 17, 2020, without the express request of the beneficiary. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-254-2020. New protection and prevention measures, temporarily empowering the Customs Depositaries arranged by the General Directorate of Customs to attend the land transit of merchandise during the validity of the national emergency declaration. (May 25, 2020).
– New protection and prevention measures are established, temporarily empowering the Customs Depositaries arranged by the General Directorate of Customs to attend the land transit of merchandise during the validity of the national emergency declaration determined by Executive Decree No. 42227-MP-S, of March 16, 2020, in order to regulate the entry of foreign persons who are part of international land transport personnel. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-270-2020. Protocol for the Conduct of Virtual Regularization Hearings and Administrative Procedures by Technological Means. (May 29, 2020).
– It establishes the guidelines to follow so that the regularization of hearings and those conducted within the processing of administrative procedures that are currently carried out in person, are presented only through the Microsoft Teams virtual platform, guaranteeing the constitutional and procedural rights established in the regulations, as well as their legitimacy and security. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-272-2020. Authorizes the entry of foreign persons conducting the international terrestrial transport of merchandise, under the immigration category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of international means of transport of passengers and merchandise”. (June 2, 2020).
– Given the particular characteristics of the Sixaola Border Post at the Customs office in Limón, it is necessary specifically under the immigration category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of international means of transport of passengers and merchandise”, established in article 87, paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners to regulate the entry conditions of foreigners who carry out international land transport of goods that require loading or unloading of agricultural products in the Limón area, as well as regulate the transportation of goods that, due to their technical specifications and infrastructure, require loading and unloading through private transportation units, because of the nature of certain liquid goods, in bulk, hazardous to human, animal and plant health and the environment, as well as refrigerated goods. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-275-2020. It informs that companies temporarily authorized by the Ministry of Health to receive cargo directly at their facilities, as indicated in resolution RES-DGA-272-2020 and during the validity of the national emergency declaration, determined by Executive Decree No. 42227 -MP-S of March 16, 2020, correspond to those indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance: (June 1, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Reports that companies temporarily authorized by the Ministry of Health to receive cargo directly at their facilities, as indicated in resolution RES-DGA-272-2020 and during the term of the national emergency declaration, determined by Executive Decree No. 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, correspond to those indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance:
Resolution N ° RES-DGA-303-2020. Guidelines to regulate the entry and exit of vehicles and goods, transported by national or foreign resident carriers who are going to carry out unhooking and hooking operations in the primary area of Peñas Blancas and the Customs Post of Las Tablillas. (June 9, 2020).
– June 9, 2020, saw the issuance of “Guidelines to regulate the entry and exit of vehicles and goods, conducted by resident national or foreign carriers who are going to carry out unhooking and hooking operations in the primary area of Peñas Blancas and the Customs Post of Las Tablillas.” Click here for more information.
Circular DGA-CIR-016-2020. Restriction of entry to Costa Rica by empty cargo vehicles and exit of loaded containers with Panamanian license plates that enter and exit through the Paso Canoas Customs. (July 14, 2020).
- International terrestrial cargo carriers that drive transport units with Panamanian plates can only enter the national territory under the modalities of entry to the facilities of a customs warehouse or a duly authorized company, where they can only unload merchandise.
- The entry of empty transport units by the Paso Canoas Customs will only be allowed in transit from border to border, and the vehicles of transport units with Panamanian plates will not be allowed to leave the national territory loaded.
- Provisions will not apply to the means of transportation that enter the facilities of authorized companies and that have specific technical and infrastructure specifications to carry out the loading and unloading of the transport unit, namely: 1) refrigerated trucks or trucks that have a cooling system; 2) trucks that transport bulk goods without packing, in large quantities of mass and volume, where the means of transport itself acts as a container; 3) tank trucks; 4) vehicles that transport live animals.
Resolution DGA-380-2020. Formalized the “Temporary Procedure for the Application of Tests of Homologation of Electronic Seals” (July 29, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Formalized the “Temporary Procedure for the Application of Homologation Tests of Electronic Seals”, according to Annex No. 1 of this resolution and in accordance with Resolution RES-DGA-DGT-030-2017 and Executive Decree 42227-MP -S, which will be available on the website of the Ministry of Finance, at the following address:
Resolution DGA-427-2020. Payment of customs tax obligations not collected from the importer associated with the declarations transmitted from April 1 to June 30, 2020. (September 4, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The total amount of customs tax not collected from the importer associated with the declarations transmitted from April 1 to June 30, 2020, must be paid no later than December 31, 2020.
Resolution DGA-434-2020. Guidelines to regulate the use of global positioning systems (GPS) and security markers, in vehicles that enter the country by land and that are going to carry out international land transit operations of goods or units and means of transport without goods, among the Peñas Blancas and Paso Canoas Customs. (September 08, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The “guidelines to regulate the use of global positioning systems (GPS) and security markers, in vehicles that enter the country by land and that are going to carry out international land transit operations of goods or units and means of transport without merchandise, between the Peñas Blancas and Paso Canoas Customs” is issued and approved.
Resolution DGA-436-2020. -Establishes the taxi routes exclusively allowed to carry out international land transit operations of goods or units and means of transport without goods, from the Paso Canoas Customs to the Peñas Blancas Customs and vice versa. (September 10, 2020).
Resolution DGA-441-2020. Land transit operations by foreigners from border to border (from Paso Canoas to Peñas Blancas or vice versa, including their respective border posts of Sixaola and Tablillas) with or without cargo. (September 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Land transit operations from border to border (from Paso Canoas to Peñas Blancas or vice versa, including their respective border posts of Sixaola and Tablillas) with or without cargo, conducted by foreign persons who are part of the personnel of international means of transport goods, will be carried out under the guidelines issued by this Directorate through resolutions numbers RES-DGA-434-2020 of September 8, 2020, referring to the use of global positioning systems (GPS) and security markings and RES-DGA-436-2020 of September 10, 2020, referring to taxi routes.
- Companies, premises, and customs warehouses that receive personnel who conduct international land transport of goods must comply with the “Specific guidelines for carriers, owners and administrators of companies that receive goods by land transport within the framework of the COVID-19 health alert” and its reforms, issued by the Ministry of Health.
- Border-to-border transit operations and loading and/or unloading, carried out by foreigners who are part of the staff of means of international land transport of goods, must be carried out in compliance with the traceability measures for sanitary control by the competent authorities and will be authorized up to the period determined by the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners, being subject to the changes that said authorities make.
- Vehicles, transport units, and merchandise that enter national customs territory through the border posts of Peñas Blancas or Paso Canoas, must be assigned to a customs regime in a term no longer than three hours from the registration of their entry. After the three hours indicated, the vehicles, any other means of transport, and merchandise that have not been destined for a customs regime must be transferred to one of the customs depositories by modifying the route of the trip of the TICA computer application and continue towards said customs location authorized under the same DUCA-T with which it arrived at the border post.
- The possibility of hooking up and unhooking, under the already known conditions, is maintained as an optional measure, until September 29, 2020.
- The entry of empty Transportation Units will be allowed; any other provision to the contrary is without effect.
- Resolution nullifies resolutions RES-DGA-254-2020 of May 25, 2020, RES-DGA-272-2020 of June 1, 2020, RES-DGA-275-2020 of June 1, 2020, RES-DGA-303 -2020 of June 9, 2020, and RES-DGA-343-2020 of July 2, 2020.
Resolution DGA-463-2020. In cases where a beneficiary of the temporary tourist category import regime has temporarily left the country before or during the pandemic, requesting the suspension of the temporary import regime, and for reasons of sanitary and migratory restrictions has not been able to return to the country, the nine-month suspension term will not be computed. (October 9, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The suspension of the temporary import regime for tourist category vehicles is authorized for automobiles that are under customs control beyond the nine months established in Article 446 of the Regulations to the General Customs Law until the Executive Branch declares the lifting of the National Emergency, as well as the restriction of entry by land, river, air, and sea (except yachts or sailboats).
- Those vehicles under the control of customs, that has been authorized to suspend the regime under the previous section, will continue under suspension automatically, without the importer’s request, until the National Emergency ends and the impediments are mutually resolved.
- Once the restriction of entry and exit of persons between Costa Rica and a country has been officially lifted, the vehicles will remain under the aforementioned automatic suspension for three months, so that importers can carry out the necessary paperwork and procedures for their re-export and effective departure from the country or the nationalization of such vehicles.
Resolution DGA-489-2020. Authorize until March 2, 2021, inclusive, without the express request of the beneficiary, the extension of the period of stay in the country of any land, air, or water vehicle that has a certificate of temporary importation category tourist. (November 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Authorize until March 2, 2021, inclusive, without the express request of the beneficiary, the extension of the period of stay in the country of any land, air, or water vehicle that has a certificate of temporary importation category tourist, granted to Foreigners and Costa Ricans residing abroad who entered our country, after December 17, 2019, and until November 30, 2020, which was issued by the National Customs Service, due to the emergency caused by COVID- 19.
- Establish that the period of permanence under the immigration subcategory of Tourism of persons who enter the country as of December 1, 2020, inclusive, will be determined by the immigration control officer.
- Instruct Customs to apply this resolution from its issuance, without having to wait for publication, under article 140 of the General Law of Public Administration.
- Instruct the Supervision Directorate of the General Customs Directorate, so that, once the national emergency is over, they carry out the subsequent review, in accordance with their competencies and criteria that are determined by the Risk Management Directorate and proceed with the respective verification and other relevant control aspects.
Extraordinary deadline for businesses and industries to pay for electricity (March 20, 2020)
– Commercial and industrial clients of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) will be able to request the benefit of paying half of their energy consumption during March, April and May 2020. The collection of the remaining 50% must be paid in equal installments from July to December 2020. Click here for more information.
CIRCULAR N ° 52-2020 Functional Closure of the Judiciary. (March 20th, 2020).
– Functional Closure of the Judiciary
– Suspension of face-to-face activities and the ones are not workable with the following exceptions:
- People in preventive detention;
- Precautionary measures in administrative or jurisdictional matters;
- Services related to alimony and domestic violence;
- Attention to hearings in progress that are necessary for the protection of your life, health, safety or freedom and a jurisdictional decision is required for its maintenance, extension and / or lifting, in accordance with law.
– Additionally, procedural deadlines are suspended.
CIRCULAR No. 112-2020 Extension of the Effects of Agreement 18-2020. (May 28, 2020).
– Extends the effects of the agreement of the session No. 18-2020 held on April 2 of the current year, Sole Article, as well as the provisions of the extraordinary session agreement No. 26-2020, held on May 13, 2020, Sole article, as of June 1, 2020, and until June 15, 2020, and reminds all offices of the duty to respect sanitary measures, maximum capacity and social distance established by the Ministry of Health in its different guidelines, as well as in the agreements of this Court and the Superior Council.
CIRCULAR N ° 153-2020. Full Court Agreement. Session No. 42-2020 of July 20, 2020, in response to the national emergency declaration, due to the health emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 disease. (July 20, 2020). Click here for more information.
– “In order to have clarity on the operation of the criminal jurisdiction (criminal and juvenile criminal courts, trial courts, in flagrante delicto proceedings, appeals of criminal sentences, enforcement of an adult or juvenile sentence, and the Cassation Penal Chamber), from July 20 and until August 15, 2020, unless otherwise agreed, as provided in guideline No. 146-2020 and the aforementioned guidelines, that operation must comply with the provisions of the guidelines 101-2020 (yellow alert) or 120-2020 (orange alert), depending on the type of alert that is in force in the seat of the criminal office in question, which implies that these will remain open under the conditions established therein. In a complementary way, it should be considered that they also remain valid and guideline 102-2020 (videoconferencing protocol), 61-2020 (measurement system), 86-2020 juvenile prison, 88-2020 (oral hearings are not considered). suspended in the event of a prescription), 67-2020 (organization of law firms), 58-2020 (care of cases of persons deprived of liberty). It is effective as of July 20, 2020 …”.
SUGEF reduces to the minimal of countercyclical estimations in the financial institutions so they can increase the granting of loans. (March 16, 2020).
– Reduction to 0% of the reserves that financial institutions must keep during times of financial growth, allowing them to use these reserves to grant credits. The reduction will be subject to revision during the remainder of 2020. Click here for more information.
CONASSIF approved to extend as of June 30, 2020, the option to renegotiate up to two times within 24 months, the terms and conditions outlined in credits. (March 16, 2020): Click here for more information.
– These changes will not have repercussions on debtors´ files held in the Center of Credit Information (CIC).
– This measure covers loans of more than ₡100 million and to those loans of the same amount or less that have been collected at least two times in the last 24 months.
– Borrowers with credit up to ₡100 million or less that, until this date, has been collected at least two times in the last 24 months, will be allowed to readjust their operation at least one more time within the period ending on June 30, 2021, without this being deemed as a special operation.
Central Bank approved a reduction in the interest rates. (March 16, 2020).
– The following rates were reduced applicable as of March 17th, 2020. Click here for more information.
- Monetary Policy Rate (“TPM”) by 100 basis points, to 1.25% yearly;
- Interest Gross Rate for overnight deposits (“DON,” depósitos a un dia plazo) to 0.01% annually, and a reduction of the Permanent Credit Facility and the Facility of the Permanent Deposits of the Integrated Liquidity Market to 2.00% and 0.01% respectively.
Central Bank approved a reduction in the minimum legal reserve. (March 20, 2020).
– Amend the control of the Minimum Legal Reserve from 97.5% to a minimum of 90%: “during each and every day of the reserve control period, the balance at the end of the day of deposits in the Central Bank shall not be less than 90% of the minimum legal reserve requirement two previous natural fortnights”. This measure aims to free up the daily liquidity in the country’s commercial banks; however, it is important to note that the required percentages of the Minimum Legal Reserve have not changed (15% in dollars and 12% in colones). Click here for more information.
Central Bank will participate in the liquidity markets of the National Stock Market (overnight market and repurchase market) as an investor in dollars starting March 24, 2020. (March 23, 2020).
– In order to impact liquidity markets positively, the Central Bank will participate as an investor in Costarican colones in said markets with terms of one day up to thirty days. Click here for more information.
Central Bank will participate in the Integrated Liquidity Market (the banks’ liquidity market). (March 23, 2020).
– The Central Bank has expressed its intention to participate in the Integrated Liquidity Market (the banks’ liquidity market), with investor positions in dollars of a one-day term. Click here for more information.
CONASIFF approved measures concerning the payment capacity. (March 23, 2020).
– Maintain the level of payment capacity of companies and individuals that they had before the effects of COVID -19. Said measure is temporary until March 31, 2021. Click here for more information.
CONASIFF approved measures concerning the policies and procedures of credit. (March 23, 2020).
– This measure facilitates the procedures for both the granting of new credits and the readjustments and/or refinancing. Thus, the financial entities may omit, in their policies and credit procedures, the information they ask their customers daily to verify their ability to pay. Said provision will be in force until March 31, 2021. Click here for more information.
CONASIFF approved measures regarding the suspension of classification of irregularities – Sanitation Plan. (March 23, 2020).
– The provision that classifies a financial entity as “type 2 irregularity”, when the institution presents losses for six months or more, in the last 12 months, was suspended for one year. This measure will remain in force for 12 months. Click here for more information.
CONASIFF approved measures regarding the granting of Grace Periods. (March 23, 2020).
– Government Directive 075-H allows financial entities to establish grace periods for clients without the payment of interest or principal. Click here for more information.
CONASIFF approved measures regarding the de-accumulation of countercyclical provisions. (March 23, 2020).
– It was agreed to allow financial entities to establish processes of de-accumulation of counter-cyclical provisions and classify them as income. Click here for more information.
The Central Bank agreed to raise the maximum amount of credit card payments without the need for a signature or ID from ₡ 15,000 to ₡ 30,000. (April 17, 2020).
– The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Costa Rica at session JD-5926/06 approved fast payments for those transactions that are carried out with a current payment device and that have EMV technology, eliminating verification of the card holder’s identity or signature for transaction amounts less than or equal to thirty thousand colones. Click here for more information.
Central Bank agreed to suspend until July 31, 2020, the application of the 2% commission on certain currency transactions by institutions in the Non-Banking Public Sector. (April 21, 2020)
– The Central Bank suspended until the close of business on July 31, 2020, the application of the 2% commission, established in Article 10, number 2, of the minutes of the session 5651-2014, held on June 25, 2014, for those transactions of purchase or sale of currencies not programmed according to the current regulations, that are required to be carried out by institutions of the Non-Banking Public Sector with the Central Bank of Costa Rica. Click here for more information.
Sessions N ° 1570-2020 and 1571-2020 of the Central Bank approved the amendment to article 38, Extensions of the Financial Information Regulation (RIF). (April 28, 2020).
– Article 38 of the RIF is modified to provide flexibility in presenting information required in such regulation by entities supervised by the National Council for the Supervision of the Financial System. Click here for more information.
Sessions N ° 1573-2020 and 1574-2020 of the Central Bank. Article 16 is modified and a transitory VIII of SUGEF Agreement 30-18, Financial Information Regulation is included. (May 12, 2020).
– Reduce the impact of the estimate that entities supervised by SUGEF must record monthly on assets awarded in court auction and received as payment, extending the period from 24 to 48 months for the asset to be estimated at 100%. Click here for more information.
SGV-A-240 Agreement. Temporary exemption from the presentation of physical documents related to notary certifications or sworn declarations by the participating entities of the stock market due to the declaration of a state of National Emergency. (May 15, 2020).
– Temporarily dispenses with the presentation of the physical documents related to notary certifications or sworn declarations by the entities participating in the stock market and that are required in any of the Agreements issued by the General Securities Superintendence, to enable compliance by sending the digitized image of the notary certification or sworn statement. The physical document must be kept, and the entity must present the original document when specifically required by the process or once the declaration of emergency is concluded. Click here for more information.
Sessions No. 1579-2020 of the Central Bank. Modifications to the solvency regime applicable to insurance and reinsurance entities. (June 1, 2020).
– Modifications to the solvency regime applicable to insurance and reinsurance entities as outlined below:
- Modify the detail of the asset weights contained in point 2 – Capital Requirement for Asset Risk – of Annex RCS-1;
- Add to the Regulation on the solvency of insurance and reinsurance entities the transitional provisions indicated at this link.
Session N ° 5958-2020 of the Central Bank. Maintenance of the Monetary Policy Rate. (September 16, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The Monetary Policy Rate will stay at 0.75% per year, thereby giving continuity to the expansionary and countercyclical stance of the Central Bank’s monetary policy.
The term of water concessions and permits expiring in 2020 is extended (March 31, 2020).
– Through resolution R-0080-2020-MINAE, the term of water use concessions and spillage permits that expire in 2020 was extended. Click here for more information.
An extension for concessions, permits or authorizations expiring between April and June 2020 is granted to fuel suppliers (March 31, 2020).
– MINAE granted an automatic three-month extension to service stations, transport units, peddlers (house-to-house sale) and self-consumption fuel tanks, and for those entities or service providers whose concession, authorization or permit expires between April and June 2020. Click here for more information.
ICT agrees to a moratorium on payment of tourism taxes (April 1, 2020).
– It grants a payment moratorium during April, May, June, and July to companies that owe taxes to the Costa Rican Tourism Institute Click here for more information.
Resolution No. PGP-218-2020. Reduction of compliance guarantees to concessionaires of the Gulf of Papagayo Tourist Pole. (April 7, 2020).
– The Costa Rican Tourism Institute, through a resolution of its Board of Directors, has ordered the reduction of compliance guarantees that support the development projects of the concessionaires of the Gulf of Papagayo Tourist Pole. Such a reduction in the compliance guarantees allows the amount of the guarantees granted to decrease temporarily from 5% to 1% of the value of the works of its projects. Click here for more information.
Circular No. DGCE-CIR-EXT-001-2020. In the case of import and export tariff quotas, officials of the General Directorate of Foreign Trade are authorized to verify documents based on copies of the originals (March 31, 2020).
– Officers of the General Directorate of Foreign Trade may carry out the verification of documents that accompany the import and export tariff quota requests based on copies, impressions or simple photocopies of the required documentation under the same procedure used when the original documents are not available. Click here for more information.
Guideline No. 079-MP-MEIC. Institutions will receive 10 working days to expedite procedures (April 8, 2020).
– The Government of the Republic gave both the Central Public Administration and the Decentralized Public Administration ten working days to adjust their internal arrangements, to provide a quick and timely response to the needs of users. Exceptional measures seek to extend until January 4, 2021, the validity of permits, authorizations, concessions, licenses that enable natural and legal persons to carry out productive, economic, commercial or any other activities. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42323-MEIC. Extension of the validity of the SME status before COVID-19. (April 27, 2020).
– The extension of the validity of the condition of a Small Medium-sized Enterprise is established for 9 months from April 27, 2020, for those SMEs whose status expires in April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November or December of the year 2020. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42324-MEIC. Temporary suspension of the application of Article 10 of Executive Decree No. 38884-MEIC of February 24, 2015 for the effects of COVID-19. (April 27, 2020)
– The application of Article 10 of Executive Decree No. 38884-MEIC of February 24, 2015, is temporarily suspended during the state of national emergency and in accordance with the terms indicated in Article 2 of this Executive Decree. The remaining content of Executive Decree No. 38884-MEIC of February 24, 2015, remains intact and in force. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42320-MAG-MEIC-COMEX. Import authorization of quota of rice in pellets due to shortages in the national market. (April 27, 2020).
– The importation of 50,012 metric tons of rice is authorized, with a rate of 6.5% of Import Duties under the tariff subsection referred to in the Central American Import Tariff on rice, shelled (“paddy”) rice and others. Click here for more information.
Guideline No. 085-MIDEPLAN-MEIC. Measures to accelerate the simplification of proceedings, requirements or procedures that have a favorable impact on the citizen and the productive sector. (May 21, 2020).
– Accelerate under the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in the Public Administration, the implementation of the affidavit, the Single Window for Investment, and institutional regulatory improvement plans, in order to improve the performance of the Public Administration, contribute to the economic recovery and generate jobs. Click here for more information.
Resolution N ° AJDIP / 0048-2020. Postponement of collection of license fees, concessions and authorizations. (April 22, 2020)
– The collection of annual fees for commercial fishing licenses, aquaculture authorizations, transport authorizations and marketing of fishery products, except for supermarkets, is postponed provided a request for postponement is made between March 16 to June 16, 2020, which will be granted for 3 months from the expiration of the corresponding annual fee to proceed with the respective payment with the institution. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S. Sanitary measures in immigration matters to prevent the effects of COVID-19. (March 17, 2020).
– To counter the effects of COVID-19, sanitary measures are issued in immigration matters aimed at preventing and mitigating the risk and harm to public health, addressing the state of national emergency given by Executive Decree number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, and seeking the well-being of all those who reside in Costa Rican territory on regular basis. Click here for more information.
Delegatory Agreement of Signature N ° 03-04-2020. Delegation of signature of resolutions in officers of the Professional Police of Migration and Aliens. (April 11, 2020).
– Officers of the Professional Police for Immigration and Foreigners are authorized to sign the resolutions to initiate the cancellation of residence, to initiate the process of cessation of refuge, to reject the application for migratory accreditation and to reject the application for refuge, under the procedures generated by the General Directorate in response to the COVID-19 health emergency. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42319-MGP. Postponement of the date for the collection of a fine established in article 33, subsection 3) of the General Law on Migration and Aliens, Law No. 8764 of August 19, 2009, due to the national emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus. (April 23, 2020).
– Postponed during the state of national emergency, declared in Executive Decree number 42227-MP-S of March 16, 2020, is the start date of the collection of the fine established in article 33 subsection 3) of the General Law of Migration and Immigration, Law No. 8764 of August 19, 2009, regulated in article 364 of Executive Decree No. 36769-G of May 23, 2011, published in the Official Gazette La Gaceta No. 184 of September 26, 2011, and its reforms. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. DJUR-0069-04-2020-JM. The Directorate General of Immigration and Nationality takes new measures. (April 24, 2020).
– Foreigners who entered Costa Rica between December 17, 2019, and March 17, 2020, may remain in the country legally until July 17, 2020. More information at this link.
Executive Decree No. 42327-MGP. Extension of the Sanitary Measures in Immigration Matters Issued to Prevent the Effects of COVID-19. (April 30, 2020).
– The sanitary measures on migration for entry to the country are extended until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 15, 2020, and the restriction measures on sanitary matters that will be issued by the Ministry of Health, which will apply to foreigners who have an authorized legal stay under the migratory categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents Stay subcategory, who leave the country between 11:59 p.m. on March 25 and 11:59 p.m. on May 15 of the year 2020, both dates inclusive. More information at this link.
– Immigration health measures for entry into the country are extended until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 15, 2020.
Resolution No. DJUR 0074-04-2020-ABM modifying the fourth section of resolution No. DJUR-069-04-2019-JM, published in Scope No. 96 to La Gaceta No. 89 on April 23, 2020, adopts measures to extend visas under the provisions of Executive Decree 42327-MGP-S published in Scope N ° 102 to La Gaceta N ° 95, on April 29, 2020 (April 30, 2020).
– The visa measures adopted in relation to the granting and stamping of consular visas, stamping of visas authorized by the Visa and Shelter Commission, for people whose nationality is in the fourth group of the general visa guidelines of entry and stay for non-residents, stamping of visas authorized by the General Directorate of Immigration, the deadline for the use of already stamped visas, applications submitted to the visa unit, documents issued abroad that were in force before March 17, 2020, and deadlines for submission of prevention and artist visas are extended. More information at this link.
Circular No. AJ-0844-05-2020. Entrance, stay, and departure of persons who transport cargo or merchandise into the country. (May 9, 2020).
– Guidelines for the attention of any foreign person who intends to enter or leave the national territory as an operator or part of the personnel of international means of transport of cargo or merchandise, which will be mandatory for all Immigration Control officers. More information at this link.
Resolution No. DJUR-0077-05-2020JM, New temporary administrative measures for the adequate and responsible provision of public services of the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners to the external user. (May 14, 2020).
– Measures are adopted concerning the Refuge, Migration Management and Aliens Management Unit.
– Until July 18, 2020, the following visas will not be stamped: consular visas, visas authorized by the Commission on Visas and Refuge for people whose nationality is in the fourth group of the general guidelines for entry visas and Permanence for non-residents, and visas authorized by the General Directorate of Immigration.
– The 60-day period for the use of already stamped visas is suspended until July 18, 2020.
– Applications submitted to the visa unit will not be received until July 18, 2020.
– Immigration documents issued abroad that were in force before March 17, 2020, have been extended until September 18, 2020.
– The deadline for submission of prevention has been extended until September 18, 2020.
– Artist permits will not be granted.
– The legal permanence term authorizing foreigners to enter the country after December 17, 2019, under the migratory tourism subcategory, is extended until August 18, 2020.
– The validity of the Immigration Identity Document for Foreigners (DIMEX) of persons authorized to stay in the country under the migratory categories of Temporary Residence and Special Categories, which expired after December 18, 2019, is extended until September 30, 2020.
– The validity of the DIMEX of persons authorized to stay in the country under the migratory category of Non-Resident, Sub-Category Stay, which expired after March 17, 2020, is extended until August 18, 2020. Foreign persons whose stay expired before March 17, 2020, and who have not completed the procedures for stay renewal or change of immigration category must leave the country
– More information at this link.
Executive Decree No. 42350-MGP. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, called sanitary measures on immigration to prevent the effects of COVID-19. (May 18, 2020).
– Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Executive Decree number 42238-MP-S of March 17, 2020, are reformed and the entry to the national territory of foreign persons under the immigration category is temporarily restricted for Non-Residents, Tourism, and Personnel Subcategories of International Transport Means of Merchandise, referred to in Article 87 subsections 1) and 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners, whether by air, sea, land or river, with exceptions as shown at this link.
Resolution No. DJUR-079-05-2020-JM. Policies for the Entrance of Users and Visitors to the Facilities of the Offices of the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners and the Professional Police of Immigration and Foreigners during the Health Emergency of COVID-19. (May 18, 2020).
– These policies are established to regulate the entrance of users and visitors to the institution’s facilities and adapt the sanitary guidelines issued by the competent authorities to the reality of the Immigration Administration system, to guarantee the adequate and efficient provision of services in a healthy and controlled environment for officials, users, and visitors. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. DJUR-081-05-2020-JM. New regulations to authorize the entry and stay of foreigners under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of international means of transport of passengers and goods” established in article 87, subsection 5 of the General Law on Migration and Aliens No. 8764. (May 21, 2020).
– New regulations are established to authorize the entry and stay of foreigners under the immigration category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of international means of transport of passengers and merchandise”, which includes entry to carry out international land transport of merchandise, entry of foreign persons who are part of the staff of international land transportation of goods that are not making an international transit and require entry to the facilities of a customs warehouse, entry of foreign persons who are part of the staff of international ground transportation of goods that are not carrying out an international transit and require entry to carry out the authorized logistical operations without using the facilities of a customs depositary, and entry of foreign persons who conduct international means of transport without goods. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. DJUR-0082-05-2020-JM. Administrative measures regarding the authorization of entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Transport Means of Passengers and Merchandise” established by article 87, subsection 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners N ° 8764, for the immigration post enabled in Sixaola. (May 21, 2020).
– Administrative measures are established for entry at the immigration post authorized for cargo loading in Sixaola. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42353-MGP-H-S. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, entitled Sanitary Measures in Immigration Matters to Prevent the effects of COVID-19. (May 22, 2020).
– Article 5 of Executive Decree number 42238-MP-S of March 17, 2020, will be amended so that the pertinent actions of persons engaged in international land, air, and sea freight transport, as well as those who are crews of international air or maritime transport comply with the guidelines and sanitary measures issued by the Ministry of Health on COVID-19. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. DJUR-0083-05-2020-JM. Administrative measures, in relation to the current stay in the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Transport Means of Passengers and Merchandise” established by article 87, paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners No. 8764, by foreign persons who have not been able to graduate due to the closure of borders for land transportation by the Republic of Nicaragua. (May 26, 2020).
– The term of authorized legal stay under the migratory category of non-residents, subcategory “Personnel of international means of transport of passengers and goods” established in article 87, paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners No. 8764, is extended for up to ten more calendar days from May 28, 2029, to all foreigners who enter the country after May 15, 2020. Click here for more information.
Executive Decree No. 42374-MGP- S. Extension of the Sanitary Measures in Immigration Matters issued to Prevent the Effects of COVID-19. (May 29, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Article 6 and 5 of Executive Decree number 42238-MP-S of March 17, 2020, amend the term of sanitary measures adopted in Executive Decree number 42347-MGP-S of May 14, 2020, as follows:
- Restriction on entering the country, set forth in Article 2 of this Executive Decree, will remain in effect from 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18 to 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
- Restriction measures established in article 2 of this Executive Decree, as well as the sanitary actions that the Ministry of Health will carry out in this regard, apply to foreigners who have an authorized legal stay under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents, Subcategory Stay, who leave the country between 11:59 p.m. on March 25 and 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2020, both dates inclusive.
- Both measures apply to all immigration posts enabled for the entry of persons by land, air, river, or sea.
Resolution No. DJUR-0092-05-2020-JM. New administrative measures to regulate the entry and stay of foreigners under the immigration category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of international means of transport of passengers and goods”. (May 31, 2020). Click here for more information.
– New administrative measures are provided for:
- Entry to carry out international land transport of goods
- Entry of foreign persons who are part of the personnel of international land transportation of goods that are not transiting internationally and require entry to the facilities of a customs depositary
- Entry of foreign persons who are part of the personnel of international land transportation of goods that are not carrying out international transit and require entry to carry out authorized logistical operations without using the facilities of a customs depositary
- Entry of foreign persons who drive international transport vehicles that do not contain merchandise
- Alternative measures for the entry of foreign persons who are part of the personnel of international land transportation of merchandise who are transiting internationally and must be transported in vehicles that have particular specifications.
Resolution No. DJUR-0093-05-2020-JM. Administrative measures are agreed and updated to comply with Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S, of March 17, 2020, and its reforms, regarding the authorization of entry of foreigners to the country under the immigration category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Transport Means of Passengers and Merchandise”. (June 2, 2020).
– The entry of foreigners to the country under the immigration category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Transport Means of Passengers and Merchandise” established by article 87, subsection 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigner No. 8764, is authorized provided that the foreign person presents: a) Document issued by the General Directorate of Customs indicating the modality under which the carrier would enter; b) Document that shows the approval of the sanitary authority to enter.
– Periods of stay are established for persons who must enter the country under the immigration category of Non-Residents, Personnel subcategory of international means of transportation of passengers and goods, established in article 87, paragraph 5) of the General Law of Migration and Aliens, which can be found at this link.
Executive Decree No. 42432-MGP-S. To extend the sanitary measures in immigration matters enacted to prevent the effects of COVID-19. (June 29, 2020).
– Article 6 of Executive Decree number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, is amended by Executive Decree number 42374-MGP-S of May 29, 2020, as follows:
- “The restriction measure for entry into the country will be given from 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18 to 11:59 p.m. until Saturday, August 1, 2020. This restriction will apply to all authorized immigration posts for the entry of people by air, sea, land, or river. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and analyzed by the Executive Power commensurate with the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19”.
– Article 5 of Executive Decree number 42256-MGP-S of March 25, 2020, is amended by Executive Decree number 42374-MGP-S of May 29, 2020, so that the term of the sanitary measure adopted in said Executive Decree is extended:
- The established restriction measures, as well as the sanitary actions that the Ministry of Health will issue in this regard, will be applied to foreigners who have an authorized legal stay under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents Stay subcategory, who leave the country between 11:59 p.m. on March 25 and 11:59 p.m. on August 1, 2020, both dates inclusive.
- This restriction will be applied in all immigration posts enabled for the entry of people by land, air, river, or sea. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated in light of the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
Resolution No. DJUR-0105-07-2020-JM. The temporary administrative measures for the care of the external user, issued by resolution No. DJUR-0077-05-2019-JM, are modified and extended. (July 07, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The new temporary administrative measures are determined, for the adequate and responsible provision of public services of the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners for third-party use concerning the following: refuge unit, foreigner status management, immigration management, visas unit, comptroller of services, professional foreigner status and immigration police, authorized legal permanence under the tourism subcategory, and extension of the validity of the documents that prove the legal permanence of foreign persons in the country (known as DIMEX).
- Resolution DJUR-077-05-2020-JM, from seventeen hours on May 4, two thousand twenty, published in Scope No. 111 to La Gaceta No. 110 on May 14, 2020, is repealed.
Resolution No. DJUR-0109-07-2020-JM. Exit requirements are established for people traveling to Nicaragua, based on the national emergency declaration resulting from COVID-19. (July 24, 2020). Click here for more information.
- To establish temporarily and until further notice, according to the epidemiological development of COVID-19 and the conditions of entry of people to Nicaragua, as a requirement to leave Costa Rica to Nicaragua by land, sea, river or air, the obligation to present proof that a real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test for COVID-19 was performed within the previous 72 hours with a negative result. This requirement will be required of both Costa Rican and foreign persons who intend to travel to Nicaragua. People who do not comply with this requirement, in addition to those stipulated in article 53 of the Migration Control Regulation, issued by Executive Decree 36769-GOB, will not be authorized to leave the country by the Costa Rican immigration authorities.
Executive Decree No. 42513-MGP-S. Adaptation Measures for the Entry of Foreign Persons into the National Territory Via Air in the Framework of the National Sanitary Emergency by COVID-19. (July 31, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Foreign nationals will be allowed to enter the national territory under the migratory category of Non-Resident, subcategory Tourism, only by air, under due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in this Executive Decree.
– Only the entry of foreigners arriving from countries authorized by the Ministry of Health, under the criteria and technical analysis that will be carried out periodically as a sanitary governing authority is permitted.
– A foreign person who chooses to travel by air to Costa Rica under the migratory category of Non-Resident, subcategory Tourism, must necessarily meet the following conditions to enter the country:
- Have travel insurance that covers at least the accommodation and medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease, offered by one of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendent of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly endorsed by said authority.
- Complete the form called Health Pass, generated by the Ministry of Health.
- Submit a negative result from a test for COVID-19 called PCR-RT, in the terms established by the Ministry of Health.
– Restriction measures for entering the country, established in article 2 of this Executive Decree, will be in force from 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18 to 11:59 p.m. on Monday, August 31, 2020.
Executive Decree No. 42527-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decrees Number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, and 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020 (August 13, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Establishes the possibility of considering alternative measures to the sanitary isolation order for Costa Ricans and persons with authorized legal permanence in order to generate an alternative for foreigners who have an authorized legal stay under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Resident Stay subcategory.
- The optional route will consist of presenting the respective proof of payment of the insurance to the current social security; in case of not having said insurance, one could comply under the terms of article 4 paragraph a) of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP -S, or with insurance that covers at least the medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease and the negative COVID-19 results obtained through the test called RT-PCR, under the terms established by the Ministry of Health
CircularAJ-1467-08-2020. Migratory provisions for the application of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S and its reforms. (August 14, 2020).
– New provisions are made regarding the procedure and requirements necessary to carry out immigration control, in the following matters:
- List of countries authorized by the Ministry of Health, as origins from which persons can enter Costa Rica.
- Repatriation flights.
- Private flights.
- Entry regulations.
– The relevant provisions can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42585-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decrees Number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, 42556-MGP-S of March 25, 2020, and 42513- MGP-S of July 31, 2020 (August 28, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Foreign individuals will be allowed to enter the national territory under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory Tourism only by air, or maritime by yacht or sailboat, exclusively for tourism, under due compliance and verification by the competent authorities of the conditions established in this Executive Decree.
- For purposes of this measure, yachts and sailboats that transport foreign individuals must enter and dock in the national territory through authorized marinas.
- Air entry will only be allowed for foreign individuals who come from countries authorized by the Ministry of Health, under the criteria and technical analysis that will be carried out periodically by the health governing authority.
- Reform article 4 of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, so that the phrase “or maritime by yacht or sailboat” is added to the first paragraph, the wording of paragraphs a), b) is adjusted, c) and d), as well as to add subsections e) and f).
- Add an article 4 ter to Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020.
- Reform article 7 of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020.
- Reform article 8 of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, so that the phrase “or maritime by yacht or sailboat” is added to the first paragraph, with the remaining contents of the article unchanged.
- Reform article 8 bis of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, so that the phrase “or maritime by yacht or sailboat” is added to the first paragraph, with the remaining contents of the article unchanged.
- Reform Executive Decree number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, to adjust the wording of the first paragraph of article 2 and article 6.
- Reform Executive Decree number 42256-MGP-S of March 25, 2020, to adjust the third paragraph of article 2, as well as the first and second paragraphs of article 5.
Decree No. 42586-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S called Sanitary Measures in Immigration Matters to Prevent the Effects of COVID-19. (August 31, 2020).
- Article 5 of Executive Decree number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, is amended, so that only the wording of paragraphs b) and d) is adjusted. The reforms can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42604-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, Adaptation Measures for the Entry of Foreigners to the National Territory by Air or Sea Under the Assumptions Allowed in the Framework of the COVID-19 National Health Emergency. (September 7, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Article 8 bis of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, is amended:
- Foreigners who have a legal status authorized under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents, subcategory Stay and who intend to enter the country by air or sea by yacht or sailboat, must necessarily meet the following conditions to allow authorization of their entry into the country:
- Present the form called Health Pass, for the corresponding health control at the port of entry into the country.
- Present a current immigration identification document for foreigners (DIMEX) with the corresponding exceptions provided by the General Directorate of Foreign Migration.
- Submit proof of payment of current social security insurance or have any of the travel insurance contemplated in paragraph a) of article 4 of this Executive Decree, with a minimum coverage of 22 days.
- Foreigners who do not have current social security insurance and acquire travel insurance with a minimum coverage of 22 days, must carry out the corresponding procedures to normalize their insurance situation before the Costa Rican Social Security within the said period, according to the warning to be issued by the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners, through the Professional Police of Migration and Foreigners, at the time of authorization of their entry into the country.
- Foreigners who have a legal status authorized under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents, subcategory Stay and who intend to enter the country by air or sea by yacht or sailboat, must necessarily meet the following conditions to allow authorization of their entry into the country:
Resolution No. DJUR-0132-09-2020-JM. The temporary administrative measures for external user attention are modified by resolution No. DJUR-0105-07-2019-JM, published in Scope 169 to La Gaceta No. 165 of July 8, 2020. (September 18, 2020).
- The administrative offices will continue working from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., onsite or by telework, as established by this General Directorate. A capacity of no more than twenty percent of the institution’s officials will be maintained, as well as the actual capacity of each office to attend to visitors.
- All procedures that involve face-to-face care will be regulated according to health protocols that the General Directorate implements, paying special attention to the “Policies for the Entry of Users and Visitors to the facilities of the Offices of the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration and the Professional Police of Migration and Foreigners in the face of the health emergency due to COVID-19,” published in Digital Scope number 117 to La Gaceta number 114 of May 18, 2020, as well as the possible updates that are published in the Official Gazette. La Gaceta and on the website
- For all purposes, the period of legal permanence authorized to foreigners under the migration subcategory of Tourism who entered the country after December 17, 2019, and until October 31, 2020, is extended until March 2, 2021. The term of permanence under the migratory subcategory of Tourism of persons who enter the country as of December 1, 2020, inclusive, will be the one determined by the immigration control officer, under the General Law on Immigration and Foreigners and the Immigration Control Regulations, decree 36769-G, of September 28, 2011.
- Visitor stays are extended, according to the following:
- The validity of the DIMEX of foreign persons authorized to remain in the country under the migratory category of Permanent Residence will be considered extended until January 11, 2021. However, the fine for non-renewal established in article 254 of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners must be canceled, except for the expiration months that run from December 2019 onwards; that is, from December 2019 to January 11, 2021, the fine will not be paid.
- The validity of all DIMEX of foreign persons authorized to remain in the country under the immigration categories of Temporary Residence and Special Categories, which expired after December 18, 2019, is extended until January 11, 2021.
- Once the automatic extension period established in the two preceding paragraphs has expired, the foreign person will have three months, as established in article 129 paragraph 10) of the General Law of Migration and Aliens number 8764, to carry out renewal procedures by the ordinary processing established by the Immigration Regulations (Executive Decree 37112-GOB) and this General Directorate, under the principle of administrative self-determination.
- The validity of the DIMEX of foreign persons authorized to remain in the country under the immigration category of Non-Resident, Subcategory Stay that has expired after March 17, 2020, is extended until February 12, 2021. Foreigners whose stay expired before March 17, 2020, and who have not completed the procedures for their renewal or change of immigration status must leave the country.
- New measures are in place regarding:
- Shelter Unit Attention
- Immigration Management
- Management of Foreigners
- Documentation Sub-process
- Visa Unit
- The measures can be found at this link.
Resolution No. DJUR-0137-09-2020-ABM. Authorize the entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Means of Transport of Passengers and Goods”. (September 24, 2020).
- To authorize the entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Means of Transport of Passengers and Goods” established by article 87 subsection 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners N ° 8764, the foreign person must comply with the requirement to present (1) document issued by the General Directorate of Customs in which the modality under which the carrier would enter is indicated; (2) document that demonstrates having the approval of the health authority to enter.
- The following periods of permanence are established for persons who enter the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Migration and Foreigner:
- ENTRY TO CONDUCT LAND TRANSIT FROM BORDER TO BORDER will be authorized for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours to travel between border posts from north to south or vice versa, through Paso Canoas or Sixaola to Peñas Blancas or Las Tablillas. However, this period may be extended when necessary for fortuitous reasons or force majeure.
- ENTRY TO CARRY OUT LOADING AND/OR UNLOADING OPERATIONS IN THE NATIONAL TERRITORY may be authorized for up to a maximum period of five (5) days.
- The General Conditions of entry can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42633-MGP-S. Extend the Sanitary Measures on Immigration Matters Issued to Prevent the Effects of COVID-19. (September 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Entry into the country, as set forth in Article 2 of this Executive Decree, will be restricted from 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18 to 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, October 31, 2020. This restriction will be applied to any immigration post authorized for the entry of persons by land, river, air as appropriate, or sea, except in the case of yachts or sailboats. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and analyzed by the Executive Power in light of the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
- The restriction measures established in article 2 of this Executive Decree, as well as the sanitary actions that the Ministry of Health may take, will be applied to foreigners who have an authorized legal stay under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents, subcategory Stay, who leave the country between 11:59 p.m. on March 25 and 11:59 p.m. on October 31, 2020, both dates included.
- This restriction will be applied to any immigration post authorized for the entry of persons by land, river, or sea, except in the case of yachts or sailboats. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and updated in light of the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
CircularDG-41-09-2020. New immigration provisions for the application of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S and its reforms. (September 25, 2020).
- New provisions are issued on the procedures and requirements of immigration control for the following:
- Verification of the QR of the Health Pass.
- Airway Entry.
- Maritime Entry.
- The relevant provisions can be found at this link.
Resolution No. DJUR-0161-10-2020-JM. Administrative measures are adapted and updated to comply with Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S, of March 17, 2020, and its reforms, in relation to the authorization of entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of Means of International Transport of Passengers and Goods” established by article 87 subsection 5) of the General Law on Migration and Aliens N ° 8764. (October 9, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The following periods of permanence are established for persons who need to enter the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners:
A) ENTRY TO TRANSIT FROM BORDER TO BORDER BY LAND: 1) This entry will be authorized for up to a maximum of seventy-two (72) hours, to move between border posts from north to south and vice versa, through Paso Canoas or Sixaola to Peñas Blancas or Las Tablillas. However, this period may be extended when necessary due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure. 2) This entry authorization will imply a stay within the primary customs zone where the respective immigration, customs, health, and any other legally applicable controls will be carried out; and once the pertinent requirements have been met, the foreign person’s movement to the border post of egress may proceed. 3) Prior to admission, such persons must comply with the health guidelines established by the competent authorities under articles 5 and 5 bis of Executive Decree 42238-MGP-S and its reforms.
B) ENTRY TO CARRY OUT LOADING AND / OR UNLOADING OPERATIONS IN THE NATIONAL TERRITORY: 1) This entry may be authorized up to a maximum period of ten (10) days. 2) This entry authorization will imply a stay within the primary customs zone where the respective immigration, customs, health, and any other legally appropriate controls will be conducted. 3) Prior to admission, persons subject to this authorization must comply with the health guidelines established by the competent authorities, under articles 5 and 5 bis of Executive Decree 42238-MGP-S.
A) To authorize the entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Means of Transport of Passengers and Goods” established by article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Migration and Foreigners No. 8764, the foreign person must comply with the requirement to present: I) A document issued by the General Customs Directorate in which the modality under which the carrier would enter is indicated; II) A document that demonstrates having the approval of the health authority to enter.
B) Any foreign person who requires to enter the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners, will be notified of a health order by the civil servants of the Professional Police of Migration and Foreigners, whose non-compliance could imply administrative, migratory and criminal sanctions as indicated in the same health order under article 5 bis of Executive Decree 42238-MGP -S and its reforms.
C) For the purposes of this resolution, in which the customs zones of Peñas Blancas and Paso Canoas are understood to be the primary customs zones, the territorial delimitation is established by Executive Decree No. 10529-H of August 30, 1979; and as within the primary customs zone of Las Tablillas and Sixaola, which is established through the regulations issued for that purpose by the General Customs Directorate.
D) As an exception to the above, the passage of a second person in the same transport unit may be authorized, as long as both persons prove the existence of a labor or commercial relationship linked to the load they are transporting at that time or to the transport unit, in case the trip is an empty load.
Entry without a consular visa and/or multiple carrier permits will be authorized for all personnel of the international means of transport of goods that intend to transit under the migratory category contemplated in numeral 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners.
Circular No. DG-43-10-2020. Updating of immigration provisions for the application of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S and its reforms. (October 13,2020).
– They will follow new provisions concerning the procedures and requirements to carry out immigration control over the following:
- o Verification of the QR of the Health Pass.
- o Airway Entry.
- o Maritime Entry.
– The relevant provisions can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42672-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020 (October 19, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Optionally, so that the issuance of the sanitary isolation order is not applied, Costa Ricans who come from a country authorized by the Ministry of Health, in accordance with article 3 of this Executive Decree, may present the negative results for COVID-19 obtained through the test called RT-PCR, under the terms established by the Ministry of Health.
Policies for the entry of users and visitors to the facilities of the offices of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners and the Professional Police of Migration and Foreigners, in the face of the health emergency due to COVID-19 version 2: updated to October 14, 2020. (October 14, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Establishes the provisions for the entry of users or visitors to the DGME and HIPC facilities during the health emergency of COVID-19
Decree No. 42690-MGP-S. Temporary Migration Measures in the Border Reopening Process in the Framework of the State of National Health Emergency due to COVID-19. (October 30, 2020).
- Costa Rican persons must prove their nationality by means of their passport, identity card, or other reliable means so that their entry into the country by air, land, sea, or river is authorized. Also, they must complete the Health Pass form (available at https: //, and abide by the health measures for admission issued by the Ministry of Health to combat COVID-19.
- Foreigners who have a legal stay authorized under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents, subcategory Stay, may enter the country by air, land, sea, or river, under the fulfillment of the following requirements:
- Comply with the COVID-19 sanitary measures dictated by the Ministry of Health.
- Complete the form called Health Pass, available at the link
- Present the current Immigration Identification Document for Foreigners (DIMEX) or a notarized resolution in the terms established by the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners via resolution for such purposes. Any person that does not comply with these terms will not be able to enter without meeting the conditions for entering the country through the non-resident migratory category, Tourism subcategory.
- Have current insurance from the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, or failing that, travel insurance that must cover at least the accommodation and medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease. This insurance may be one of those offered by any of the insurers authorized by the General Superintendency of Insurance in Costa Rica and duly registered with the said authority, or travel insurance with international coverage that is in force and that covers medical expenses generated by the COVID-19 disease, equivalent to the costs of hospitalization in a hospital with a minimum coverage of 22 days, as well as lodging expenses for the same minimum period. Foreigners who do not have current social insurance and acquire travel insurance in the aforementioned terms must carry out the corresponding procedures to put in order their insurance situation before the Costa Rican Social Security Fund during the term of the insurance, according to the warning that will be carried out by the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners, through the Professional Police of Migration and Foreigners, at the time of authorization of their entry into the country. This warning will not be made to persons who have immigration status under the Immigration Subcategory of Students or Stay, because they are not obliged to enroll in the insurance of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund.
- The rest of the provisions can be found at this link.
Resolution No. DJUR-0165-10-2020-JM. Temporary administrative measures for external user attention are modified, issued by resolution No. DJUR-0132-09-2020-JM, published in Scope 249 to La Gaceta No. 233 of September 21, 2020. (October 29, 2020).
- Modify point FOUR of the operative part of resolution No. DJUR-0132-09-2020-JM, published in Scope 249 to La Gaceta No. 233 of September 21, 2020.
- Modify point seventh point 1 of the operative part of resolution No. DJUR-0132-09-2020-JM, published in Scope 249 to La Gaceta No. 233 of September 21, 2020.
- Details of the modifications can be found at this link.
Decree No. 42694-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree Number 42690-MGP-S Of October 30, 2020, called Temporary Migration Measures in the Border Reopening Process in the Framework of the National Health Emergency State Due to COVID-19. (November 2, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Reform article 5 of Executive Decree 42690-MPG-S of October 30, 2020, specifically its second paragraph, so that from now on it reads as follows:
ARTICLE 5 – (…) In both previous cases, the immigration authority that carries out the corresponding control must issue and notify foreign persons who are part of the personnel of means of international land transport of goods, a mandatory health order, with which they must fully comply during their stay in the country. The content of this health order must be coordinated with the Ministry of Health.
Resolution N ° D. JUR-168-10-2020-ABM. Administrative measures are issued to comply with Executive Decree No. 42690-MGP-S, of October 30, 2020, and its reforms, in relation to the authorization of entry of foreigners to the country (November 5, 2020).
– Administrative measures are issued for the application of Executive Decree No. 42690-MGP-S for the entry of the following persons:
- Maritime Crew Members Under the Figure of Short Pass To The Coast;
- Maritime Crew Members in transit;
- Aircrews;
- Aircrews in Transit;
– The relevant provisions can be found at this link.
Decree 42703-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42690-MGP-S of October 30, 2020, called Temporary migratory measures in the process of reopening borders within the framework of the national health emergency for COVID-19. (November 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Article 5 bis.-The entry of foreigners to the country by land is authorized under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal Subcategory of International Means of Transport, to drivers of means of international transport of persons, who must observe the following requirements:
o Comply with the sanitary measures dictated by the Ministry of Health to confront the COVID-19 pandemic.
o Comply with the corresponding immigration requirements.
o Complete the form called Health Pass, available at the link
o Recognize that the maximum period of stay to be granted in the national territory will be the number of hours established by a resolution of the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration.
- The immigration authority that carries out the corresponding control must issue and notify foreign personnel of means of international land transportation of persons of a mandatory health order with which they must fully comply during their stay in the country. The content of this health order must be coordinated with the Ministry of Health. Individuals who are authorized to enter the country pursuant to the above, who fail to comply with the aforementioned provisions, may be sanctioned under the corresponding health legislation, without prejudice to the filing of criminal actions established by the national legal system. Likewise, under article 61 subsections 2) and 6) of the General Law on Immigration and Foreigners, the General Directorate for Immigration and Foreigners may impose an impediment to entry into the country, according to the assessment made by the competent immigration control officer.
- Diplomatic personnel who are not accredited before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica and who have a special permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship will be allowed to enter. Said permit must be communicated to the authorities of the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners at the corresponding port of entry by air or land through which diplomatic personnel will arrive and must indicate the exact date of arrival and other entry conditions that are considered necessary.
- Foreign minors without a current immigration category, who are children of Costa Ricans or foreigners who have current permanent or temporary residence, will be allowed to enter the country by any means, provided that documents issued in Spanish or English demonstrate a reliable link. Documents in other languages must have a copy translated into Spanish. Such minors must travel in the company of their parents and will be exempt from the requirement of an entry visa.
Resolution D.JUR-167-10-2020. Administrative measures are adapted and updated to comply with Executive Decree No. 42690-MGP-S, of October 30, 2020, regarding the authorization of entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of Means of International Transportation of Passengers and Goods ”established by article 87 subsection 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners N ° 8764. (November 13, 2020). Click here for more information.
- New periods of permanence (“stays”) are established for persons who need to enter the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners.
- To authorize the entry of foreigners to the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, subcategory “Personnel of International Means of Transport of Passengers and Goods” established by article 87 subsection 5) of the General Law of Migration and Aliens N ° 8764, the foreign person must meet these requirements:
– Present a document issued by the General Directorate of Customs in which the modality under which the carrier would enter is indicated.
– Present a document that demonstrates the approval of the health authority to enter.
- Any foreign person who requires to enter the country under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners, will be notified of a sanitary order by the civil servants of the Professional Police of Immigration and Foreigners, whose non-compliance could imply administrative, migratory and criminal sanctions that will indicate this in the same sanitary order under article 5 of executive decree 42690-MGP-S.
- All personnel of the international means of transport of goods that intend to perform their duties under the migratory category contemplated in numeral 87 subsection 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners Entrance shall be authorized to enter without a consular visa and/or multiple carrier permits.
- The issuance of multiple carrier permits for foreigners at the border immigration posts authorized for this purpose is abolished under the national emergency decreed by the Executive Branch until COVID-19 ends. Moreover, multiple carrier permits in favor of Costa Ricans may only be issued by Migration Management of the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners.
Resolution D.JUR-172-11-2020. Administrative measures regarding the authorization of entry of foreigners into the national territory are issued to comply with Executive Decree No. 42690-MGP-S, of October 30, 2020, and its reforms. (November 13, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Maximum stays within the country are established as follows.
– Foreign persons who meet the immigration requirements to enter the country may be allowed entry under the corresponding immigration category, establishing a maximum stay of 72 hours.
– The entry of members of maritime crews may be allowed under the category of “short passage to the coast” to foreigners who meet the immigration requirements to enter the country according to the migratory category that corresponds to them, establishing a maximum stay of 72 hours. Such persons will only be able to leave from the same entry point through which they were admitted to the country. The change of crews between vessels will be allowed as long as they are in national waters and carry out the ordinary process before the Professional Police of Immigration and Foreigners to authorize the aforementioned crew transfer.
– Foreign members of maritime crews who have been previously granted a “Transit Visa for Crew Members” may be allowed to enter with a maximum stay of 72 hours to transit by air, land, or river and vice versa for exit by sea. Such persons must present travel insurance with at least 5 days of validity when entering the country.
– The entry by air of personnel of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise including aircrew members may be allowed for a maximum stay of 72 hours under the terms of article 12 of regulation 42690-MGP-S
– Permission to enter in transit by air or by yacht or sailboat with departure via any immigration post will be granted with a maximum stay of 12 hours to foreign persons who meet all the requirements to enter under the category Non-resident immigration subcategory Tourism immigration as long as they present travel insurance with at least 5 days of validity.
Decree No. 42738-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree number 42690-MGP-S of October 30, 2020, called Temporary migratory measures in the process of reopening borders within the framework of the state of national health emergency due to COVID-19. (November 27, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The restriction of entry to the country of foreigners contemplated in the second paragraph of article 4 of Executive Decree 42690-MGP-S, will be in effect from 12:00 a.m. on November 1, 2020, to 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2020. The validity of this measure will be reviewed and analyzed by the Executive Power in accordance with the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19.
Resolution No. 1490-2020. Administrative provisions for the suspension by the Public Force of the execution of administrative evictions and those requested by judicial authorities during the national emergency of COVID-19. (April 29, 2020).
– From April 29, 2020, and until further notice, the execution of administrative evictions processed by the Department of Administrative Evictions of the Directorate of Legal Advice enforced by the Public Force, as well as those ordered by other administrative or judicial authorities, is suspended. Click here for more information.
Resolution No. 2708-2020. Extension of some administrative provisions on procedures related to weapons, ammunition, accessories, explosives and chemicals governed by Law 7530 and its regulations during the COVID-19 declaration of national emergency. (August 14, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Maintains provisions of Resolution No. 2114-2020 DM of June 16, 2020, extending until December 31, 2020, the deferral of the validity of the permits to carry weapons, whose expiration is after March 27, 2020, is extended until 24 hours on December 31, 2020.
- The validity of the licenses issued by the General Directorate of Armament that expires as of March 27, 2020, for the import, export, and commercialization of arms, ammunition, explosives, and related materials regulated by law 7530 is extended until 24 hours on March 31 December 2020.
- The operation of shooting ranges or polygons whose authorization issued by the General Directorate of Armament expires after March 27, 2020, is extended until 24 hours on December 31, 2020.
- As of August 26, 2020, the entire ControlPAS platform will be enabled.
Resolution No. 2709-2020. Extension of some administrative provisions related to private security services, in accordance with Law No. 8395 and its regulations during the COVID-19 national emergency. (August 14, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Maintains provisions of Resolution No. 2113-2020 DM of June 16, 2020, regarding the extension until December 31, 2020, of the validity of the credentials of Private Security Agents which expired during March, April, May, June, July or are about to expire during August, September, October, November, and December.
- As of August 31, 2020, personal attention to the public is reopened, completing all of the services that are provided digitally under the ControlPas Platform, by appointment managed by email at [email protected]
- Updates the email addresses that are available at [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] for the referral and processing of registrations and cancellations of company security agents and eliminates the need for such agents and processors to travel to the facilities of the Private Security Services Directorate.
Executive Decree No. 42651-MGP-S. Reform of Executive Decree No. 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, called Sanitary Measures in Immigration Matters to Prevent the Effects of COVID-19. (October 9, 2020). Más información en este enlace.
- Reform article 5 of Executive Decree number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, as follows:
b) Entry to enable land transit from border to border of foreign persons who are part of the staff of means of international land transportation of goods that require entry into the country to transit by land between border ports from north to south and vice versa. Under the operational capacity of the competent authorities, such persons will be allowed to enter under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners, after verification of the control measures by the health authorities at the relevant border post, and up to the number of hours determined by the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners. Their stay in the primary customs zone will be in keeping with the territorial delimitation established by Executive Decree number 10529-H, of August 30, 1979, and its reforms, in the case of Peñas Blancas and Paso Canoas, as well as within the primary zone of Las Tablillas or Sixaola and according to the regulations issued for that purpose by the General Customs Directorate, as well as in keeping within the operational capacity of the competent authorities, so that the respective immigration, customs, and other legally appropriate controls are carried out within that territorial extension. Their movement will be subject to the international transit route defined, and under the provisions given, by the competent authorities. Likewise, such persons must comply at all times with the health guidelines established by the competent authorities. This modality will be applicable both for those foreigners who are part of the staff of means of international land transport of goods that require the transfer of goods, as well as those who drive international land transport vehicles without any cargo.
c) Entry to carry out cargo loading and/or unloading operations in the national territory by foreign persons who are part of the personnel of the means of international land transportation of merchandise may be authorized under the migratory category of Non-Residents, Personal subcategory of means of international transport of passengers and merchandise, established in article 87 paragraph 5) of the General Law of Immigration and Foreigners, after verification of the measures of control by the health authorities at the relevant border post, and up to the number of days determined by the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration. The stay of such persons in the primary customs zone will be within the territorial delimitation established by Executive Decree number 10529-H, of August 30, 1979, and its reforms, in the case of Peñas Blancas and Paso Canoas, as well as within the primary zone of Las Tablillas or Sixaola and according to the regulations issued for this purpose by the General Directorate of Customs, as well as in keeping with the operational capacity of the competent authorities, so that the respective immigration, customs, and other legally appropriate controls are carried out within that territorial extension. The movement of such persons will be subject to the international transit route defined, and under the provisions given, by the competent authorities. Likewise, they must comply at all times with the health guidelines established by the competent authorities.
Executive Decree No. 42682-MGP-S. Reform to Executive Decree No. 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, called Adaptation measures for the entry of foreign persons in the national territory COVID-19. (October 23, 2020). Click here for more information.
- Section c) of article 4 of Executive Decree number 42513-MGP-S of July 31, 2020, is repealed. To comply with conditions b) and d) of article 4 of this Executive Decree, the Ministry of Health will coordinate the pertinent actions to generate and ensure access to the form called Health Pass, to enable traceability of foreign persons by prior registration.
- In the case of Costa Ricans who return to the country by air or by yacht or sailboat, the provisions of Article 4 of Executive Decree number 42238-MGP-S of March 17, 2020, will be maintained, regarding the duty to comply with the measures dictated by the Ministry of Health for the health care of COVID-19 and compliance with the sanitary isolation order as appropriate. Such persons must present a completed form called the Health Pass, for the respective health control at the time of their entry into the country. For the above, the officials of the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners are designated and empowered to exercise immigration control at the country’s airports and docks to issue the corresponding sanitary isolation orders for 14 calendar days. The authorities of the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners must send a copy of the corresponding health orders issued to the Ministry of Health. In the case of foreigners who have a legal stay authorized under the immigration categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories or Non-Residents, subcategory Stay and who intend to enter the country by air or by yacht or sailboat, they must necessarily comply with the following conditions so that your entry to the country can be authorized: a) The form called Health Pass, for the corresponding health control at the time of entry to the country; b) The current immigration identification document for foreigners (DIMEX) with the corresponding exceptions provided by the General Directorate of Foreign Migration; c) Proof of payment of the current social security insurance or have any of the travel insurance contemplated in paragraph a) of article 4 of this Executive Decree, with a minimum coverage of 22 days. In addition, they must comply with the sanitary measures dictated by the Ministry of Health for the health care of COVID-19 and compliance with the sanitary isolation order. If these requirements are not met, their entry may not be authorized even though such persons have an authorized stay. In the case of those who have an entry impediment, according to the provisions of Executive Decree number 42256-MGP-S of March 25, 2020, if they meet the previous requirements, said impediment will be lifted and their entry permitted. On the occasion of the requirement set forth in subsection c) of this article, foreign persons who do not have current social security insurance and acquire travel insurance with a minimum coverage of 22 days, must carry out the corresponding procedures to order their insurance situation before the Costa Rican Social Security Fund within said period, according to the warning that the General Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners will make, through the Professional Police for Immigration and Foreigners, at the time of authorization to enter the country.
Circular No. AJ-1945-11-2020-ABM. Updating of immigration provisions for the application of Executive Decree number 42690-MGP-S and its reforms. (November 23, 2020). Click here for more information.
- New provisions are made concerning the procedure and requirements necessary to perform immigration control of entry of the following:
- Enabled Entry Routes.
- Verification of the QR of the Health Pass.
- Entry provisions.
- Exceptions.
- Provisions repealed: Decree 42690-MGP-S repealed all the provisions contained in decrees 42238-MGP-S, 42256-MGP-S and 42513-MGP-S; therefore, as of November 1, 2020, all circulars, guidelines, or resolutions issued under this regulation are repealed, except for the entry impediments established for land transporters, since article 18 of the first decree cited expressly indicates that they remain in force
Guideline No. 083-H-MIDEPLAN. Promotion of Credit under Favorable Conditions for Working and Investment Capital for Individuals and Companies Affected by COVID-19. (May 9, 2020).
– The State banks are urged to constitute a financing mechanism in favor of natural and legal persons affected by circumstances caused by COVID-19. More information at this link.
Guideline No. 088-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN. Reforms articles 2 and 9, adds article 5 bis to directive No. 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN of March 25, 2020, on the operation of state institutions during the COVID-19 national emergency. (May 30, 2020). Click here for more information.
– Added the possibility for employees to work in cumulative days and/or staggered hours:
- Cumulative days: officials may request the modification of the workweek to work four continuous days up to 10 hours per day, with the fifth day of the week, which may be any day from Monday to Friday totally or partially, free, in proportion to the number of hours that make up their workday.
- Staggered hours: work entry is authorized at 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., and 9:30 a.m. The departure times must be adapted to the specific rules that govern the workday at each institution.
Decree No. 098-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN. Reform of Directive No. 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN of March 25, 2020, on the Operation of State Institutions during the COVID-19 Declaration of National Emergency. (October 26, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The Central Administration is instructed, and the Decentralized Administration is urged to establish immediately a return plan for those offices that provide service to the public in person, guaranteeing the continuity of those tasks necessary to ensure the institutional public purpose, as well as strict compliance with the sanitary protocols of the Ministry of Health for the attention of the national emergency due to COVID-19.
- It may continue under the telework modality in those positions where possible, without affecting the continuity of the institutional services of attention to the public, according to the terms of the previous article. The Decentralized Public Administration is urged to apply this provision.
- The Ministry of Public Education, through a motivated administrative resolution, must establish the corresponding measures to implement in said Ministry the provisions of this Directive.
- Repeal articles 2 bis, 3 and 4 of Directive No. 077-S-MTSS-MIDEPLAN of March 25, 2020, “On the Operation of State Institutions during the declaration of national emergency due to COVID-19.”
Executive Decree No. 42618-MP-PLAN. Regulation that authorizes under the declaration of national emergency due to COVID-19 the automatic extension of appointments and substitutions in the directories of the Regional Development Councils that expire in 2020. (November 10, 2020). Click here for more information.
- The Boards of Directors appointed in the General Assemblies of the Regional Development Councils, held during 2018, that have expired or expire between August 1 and December 31, 2020, are considered automatically extended, up to an additional year.
Ordinary session 42-2020 of the Board of Directors of the Public Transportation Council. Units with a Special Tourism Service permit (current and up to date) are authorized to circulate and operate in the specific activity. (June 4, 2020).
– As detailed below:
- On Monday and Tuesday, only those vehicles whose license plate number ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 may circulate;
- On Wednesday and Thursday, vehicles whose license plate number ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 may circulate;
- On Friday, Saturday and Sunday all vehicles may circulate.
– The operators (drivers) that transport tourists will carry a copy of the reservations for hotels, cabins, and accommodations to or from which they are heading or returning, with the day and date that correspond to the programming of the transportation service.
– Click here for more information.
Decree No. 42406-MAG-MGP. Procedure to Access the Exception Regime for the Migratory Regularization of the Workers of the Agricultural, Livestock, Agro-export or Agroindustrial Sectors. (June 22, 2020).
- The purpose of the Executive Decree is to establish the procedure to access the exception regime for the migratory regularization of workers in the agricultural, livestock, agro-export, or agro-industrial sectors, which due to the state of national emergency by COVID-19 have been affected by the lack or insufficiency of labor. The authorization of a special migratory category will be called “Special Category for Temporary Workers in the Agricultural, Livestock, Agro-export or Agroindustrial Sector”.
- The established procedure covers migrant workers in agricultural, agro-exporting or agro-industrial activities, who work independently or in a dependency relationship, and is aimed at the production of economic goods and services during a specific period, which includes the production, cultivation, harvest, breeding, and reproduction of plants and animals.
- Click here for more information.
Legislative Proposal N°21522, Amnesty for the formalization and collection of social charges
– To grant amnesty to independent workers, voluntarily insured parties and employers, consisting of the forgiveness of late payments, fines, penalties, and interest, as long as their situation is regularized within six months of its entry into force, in the event the proposal is approved as the law of the Republic.
Legislative Proposal N°21838, General law to rescue companies before the declaration of pandemics
- Postpone payment of Value Added Tax (VAT).
- Reduce the amounts of employer contributions to the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).
- Readjust debts with state banks.
Legislative Proposal N°21843, Determination of prices for products of basic necessity in case of national emergencies
– Protect citizens from the effects of economic and health disorders that may arise in national emergencies as a result of speculation, hoarding, and shortages of products of basic necessity or of those that are necessary to safeguard the health.
Legislative Proposal N°21848, Law to safeguard the national productive sector of effects of COVID-19
– Issue guidelines to State commercial banks and the Popular and Community Development Bank, to restructure the debts of affected companies, giving priority to the tourism sector. Labor flexibility with an annualized working day.
Legislative Proposal N°21850, Moratorium to collect the Value Added Tax on the basic food basket to mitigate the economic effects of COVID-19 on the vulnerable population.
– As a result, the Value Added Tax of the basic basket will come into effect two semesters after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Legislative Proposal N°21851, Law for events of force majeure to modify or suspend forms of payment and other contractual conditions.
– Update the regulations in the event a force majeure causes a declaration of national emergency by developing the scope of contractual effects.
Legislative Proposal N°21855, Special law for the suspension of credit payments, mortgages and secured loans due to COVID-19 National State of Emergency
– Temporary suspension or one-time extension only up to 4 months on the payments of mortgages and secured loans for both individuals and corporations, affected with the declared state of emergency, resulting from COVID 19. This applies to creditors with loans within the National Banking system, monitored or not by SUGEF. Payments will be due to the end of the payment period stated in the transaction.
Legislative Proposal N°21852, Special law for late credit payments due to the resulting sanitary emergency from COVID-19
– Addressing late credit payments within the National Financing System and CONAPE: With regard to credits valued at $200 million USD or less, this bill aims to stop payments for both principal and interest until May 31st 2020 and from June 1, 2020 until August 31st 2020 interests will be charged and the principal payment suspended. This is per request of the debtor only. Other loans valued at $200 million USD or less, debtors who lack employment insurance and are unemployed, or Pymes or Pympas that reduce their net income in accordance to income generated on the previous month, per the debtors request, payments for both principal and interest will be suspended from the date this law comes into effect until August 31st, 2020.
– Once this bill comes into effect up until August 31st, 2020 if the person becomes employed Pymes or Pympas can increased their income, per request can be protected by the point described earlier, in regards with the suspension of payments for both the principal and interests. During this time period, the balances on credit cards will be suspended with respect to payments toward principal, interest and commissions or charges associated with the minimum payments. This suspension does not authorize CONAPE or the issuers of credit cards to request new guarantees or initiate collection proceedings on existing ones, or to impose a charge to process suspension requests. At the end of the suspension period, payments on balances will resume under the original terms and conditions.
Legislative Proposal Unassigned Number Special Law for exceptional total moratorium of credit, housing, personal, consumption and vehicles payments due to state of emergency from COVID-19.
Entities supervised or not by SUGEF will suspend for a period of 4 months, payments in relation with mortgages, auto payments, personal or consumption and financial leasing, including principal, insurance and interest payments, for both individuals and corporations. Such period can be extended for another 4 months once this law comes into effect. During this timeframe, entities under the supervision of SUGESE will suspend insurance down payments associated with the financial operation described above, applied late payments will be due in last 4 months of each credit. It is not mandatory for debtors to change and follow the late payment structured described above.
Legislative Proposal No. 21883, Progressive and Solidarity Fiscal Contingence Law to confront the COVID-19 National Emergency.
– The proposal provides the possibility of establishing extraordinary income taxes, such as solidarity taxes. These taxes will be the extraordinary tax on profits generated by Large National Taxpayers and Large Territorial Companies and by individuals with lucrative activity who receive high incomes, the extraordinary tax on disposable income distributed by Large National Taxpayers and Large Territorial Companies, and the extraordinary tax on high incomes received from self-employment, pension or other remuneration for personal services.
Legislative Proposal No. 21889, General Law of Authorization to Local Governments for Tax Forgiveness under COVID-19.
– The proposed law authorizes Municipalities to forgive debts, interests, surcharges, and fines of their taxpayers; establish payment arrangements and apply adjustments to taxes, fees, patents, and business licenses. The law would apply from the national declaration of emergency until the end of 2020. For debts before the declaration of emergency, up to 50% of the principal owed may be forgiven, on condition that the remaining balance due be canceled during the following 3 months. Reductions in the rates and amounts of taxes for the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2020 may also be approved.
Legislative Proposal No. 21882, Bailout Law on Alimony in the COVID-19.
– Guarantee the right to maintenance and food supply for children and adolescents in a state of destitution or extreme poverty when the defendant parent cannot comply with the payment of alimony for reasons justified by the COVID-19 crisis and suspension of physical constraint for noncompliance with the payment of alimony to the complainant parent.
Legislative Proposal No. 21917, Addition of a Single Transitory Provision to the Public Administration Wages Law No. 2166 of October 9, 1957.
– No recognition or payment of the annuity to public servants for the year 2020.
Legislative Proposal No. 21884, Solidarity Fund for the Unemployed due to Emergencies, through Temporary Savings in International Fuel Purchases.
– Creation of the Solidarity Fund from Temporary Savings in the Purchase of Fuel, when the price of oil is less than $60 per barrel.
Legislative Proposal No. 21889, National Solidarity Fund for Wage Contingencies.
– The creation of the National Solidarity Fund for Wage Contingencies would have the purpose of financing and subsidizing workers who apply after a suspension of the employment contract or dismissal as a result of a reduction in the gross income of companies caused by internal difficulties, public calamity, or national emergency declared by the Executive Power.
Legislative Proposal N ° 21876, Law for the state to intervene in the regulation of prices and the market for medicines for the treatment of COVID-19.
– The State would be authorized to intervene in the regulation of the market and prices of the medicines that will be used for the treatment of COVID-19, in order to avoid speculation in such market.
Legislative Proposal No. 21881, Special Law to suspend payment of debts contracted by the country’s municipalities with the Institute for Municipal Development and Advice (IFAM), the Development Board of the Southern Zone (JUDESUR) and entities of the national financial system , for the COVID-19 health emergency.
– The proposal would suspend the collection of principal and interest of all the credit transactions granted by the Institute of Municipal Development and Advice (IFAM), the Regional Development Board of the South Zone (JUDESUR) and the entities of the National Financial System, to the municipalities that make the request.
Legislative Proposal No. 21883, Progressive and Solidarity Fiscal Contingency Law for the COVID-19 National Emergency.
– Would establish extraordinary income taxes, such as solidarity taxes, aimed at financing the treatment of the national emergency generated by the Covid-19 pandemic and its socioeconomic effects.
Legislative Proposal No. 21885, Extension of the Moratorium Established in Law No. 9810, of January 29, 2020, due to the COVID-19 National Emergency.
– To extend for a further six months the term of the moratorium established in the sole article of Law No. 9810, of January 29, 2020, decreeing a national emergency due to COVID-19.
Legislative Proposal No. 21869, Solidarity Contribution of Public Officials with High Remuneration and Pensions for the Care of COVID-19.
– Generate a mandatory solidarity contribution from public officials with high salaries and pensions, temporarily and for the exclusive use of the Executive Power to combat COVID-19.
Legislative Proposal No. 21940, Law for Solidarity Economic Support, Financed by the Compulsory Complementary Pension Regime.
– Establishes additional credit flexibility measures that minimize the economic impact of Covid-19, promoting the rescue and economic stability of the different national economic sectors, especially households and families, safeguarding at all times the liquidity of the National Financial System, as well as the protection of public savings.
Legislative Proposal No. 21919, Reform of Article 46 of Law No. 7052 “Law of the National Financial System for Housing and Creation of the BANHVI (Housing Mortgage Bank)” to grant a housing rental subsidy to affected people economically by COVID-19.
– Use of the BANHVI fund during the national emergency declared by Executive Decree No. 42227-MP-S, dated March 16, 2020, as a result of COVID-19, to subsidize the payment of housing rentals by a period of up to 6 months and for an amount equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of the monthly base salary of clerk 1 of the Judiciary, to all those who during the period of public calamity, suffered dismissal or suspension, or who receive 50% of their salary from the reduction of their working hours, and therefore their regular sources of income have been significantly reduced, all duly verified and justified
Legislative Proposal No. 21940, Law for the Temporary Forgiveness of Municipal Taxes in Solidarity with Legal Persons and Companies (patented) Product of the Effect of the Pandemic COVID 19.
– Establish different levels of forgiveness of municipal taxes according to the percentage of affected income that people have suffered directly, due to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Legislative Proposal No. 21928, Law authorizing the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch and autonomous state entities to renegotiate rental contracts due to the present health emergency.
– Authorize the chief executives of the Legislative Power, Executive Power, Judicial Power and autonomous State institutions, to renegotiate the lease contracts on properties contracted for the execution of their departments’ functions and services.
Legislative Proposal No. 21941 to Transfer Holidays to Fridays to Promote Internal Visitation and Tourism during the Years 2020 and 2021.
– The proposal would add a Temporary Provision to Article 148 of the Labor Code, valid for two years, that holidays that fall on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday, are to be worked on the day itself with the enjoyment of the holiday moved to Friday, thus creating a long weekend during the years 2020 and 2021.
Legislative Proposal No. 21923, Law on Incentives for Donations to Address the Health and Social Crisis of COVID-19.
– Would allow as deductions from income tax 50% of the donations made by taxpayers to the indicated donors, duly registered and supported by accounting, during the fiscal period 2020 and 2021.
Legislative Proposal No. 21939, Law to Exempt the Basic Basket from Paying Value Added Tax Due to the National Emergency of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
– Proposes a modification to the Law for Strengthening Public Finance of December 3, 2019, that would exempt from taxation the goods and services of the basic basket until the end of the second year of validity of the Value Added Tax.
Legislative Proposal No. 21935, Law on Rescue, Recovery and Strengthening of Companies in Situation of Vulnerability and Stimulation of Production.
– Regulate the special rescue, recovery and strengthening processes of private non-financial companies, in administrative proceedings, when they are in a vulnerable economic situation. Return the farms, plots, houses and lots, which were offered as collateral or payment, for debts from agricultural or livestock activities and which have been awarded to banks, the Inder, associations, corporations, foundations, and cooperatives.
Legislative Proposal No. 21944, Law to Support Small Businesses and the Agricultural Sector during the National Emergency of COVID-19.
– The proposal aims to support small entrepreneurs, who as a consequence of the current national emergency due to COVID-19 have had to close, lay off staff, stop paying payroll or decrease their production or sale of services due to lack of liquidity.
Legislative Proposal No. 21952, Law to Support and Promote the Reactivation of the Artistic, Cultural and Public Entertainment Sector in the face of COVID-19.
– The law if approved would promote the reactivation of the artistic, cultural, and public entertainment sector, with a temporary and exceptional reduction of the tax burden on the organization of public shows and cultural and artistic activities.
Legislative Proposal No. 21911, Temporary Exemption from VAT on Hygiene and Cleaning Products.
– Would exempt from the payment of Value-Added Tax (VAT) on hygiene and cleaning products, including disinfectant and antibacterial soaps in tablets, liquids, sticks and powders, disinfectants in spray and liquids, sanitizers, detergents, liquid alcohol, alcohol in gel form, chlorine, disinfecting towels and latex or similar gloves.
Legislative Proposal No. 21965, Law on Support to Beneficiaries of the Banking System for Emergency Development by COVID-19.
– Designed to support and strengthen the productive sectors in the face of the emergency presented by COVID-19, through the cancellation of the balance of the debts of micro, small and medium agricultural producers in the country’s rural zones.
Legislative Proposal No. 21966, Law to Protect Costa Rican Families and Companies from Increases in Electricity Rates due to VAT.
– The proposal would modify the Value-Added Tax, created by Law No. 9635, to allow public and private marketing companies to omit the VAT from the tax charged in the chain from the purchase of electricity to its transmission and distribution. With this change, the costs of electricity commercialization can be partially covered without reducing protection measures for the beneficiary population approved by Law No. 9635.
Legislative Proposal No. 21967, Credit Creation Law for economic reactivation in the face of the COVID-19 national emergency declaration.
– The creation of a special Trust would serve to fund a supportive line of credit for legal or physical persons who, having the status of SMEs, comply with the requirements presented in the law.
Legislative Proposal No. 21976, Law of relief to the construction sector due to the national emergency of COVID-19 through the amendment to Transitory V of the Law of Strengthening of Public Finances, Law No. 9635, of December 3, 2019.
– The proposal seeks to modify the second paragraph of transitory V of title V, Chapter I, of the Law for Strengthening Public Finances, Law No. 9635, of December 3, 2019, so that a reduced rate is charged during the third, fourth and fifth year of the law’s validity.
Legislative proposal No. 21998, Law to Ensure Access to the Goods of the Basic Basket in the Context of the Health Emergency by COVID-19.
– The proposal would extend the period of exoneration of the products of the Basic Basket for up to a year, with the tax that was established at 1% remaining in effect until July 1, 2021
Legislative proposal No. 22000, Reduction of the Marchamo 2021.
– The bill, to take effect in 2021, would temporarily decrease by 20% the tax on the ownership of motor vehicles, boats, and aircraft, established in Article 9.
Legislative Proposal No. 22013, Law for the Reduction of Value Added Tax due to the Effects of the COVID-19 Emergency.
– The bill would reduce, for one year from the entry into force as a law, the collection of 30% of the Value- Added Tax rate according to the conditions and rates of operations subject to the payment of VAT on the sale of goods and in the provision of services under the provisions of Law No. 9635, Strengthening of Public Finances, of December 3, 2018, and its reforms.
Legislative Proposal No. 22018, Law Authorizing the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica for the Contracting of a Credit by means of the Rapid Financing Instrument (IFR) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for budget support in the attention of the COVID-19 emergency.
– Authorize the Government of the Republic to contract a loan with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through the Rapid Financing Instrument (IRF).
Legislative Proposal No. 22019, Law to Guarantee Alimony in the Framework of the Crisis derived from the Disease COVID-19.
– Guarantee the access to food of people who are receiving alimony and authorize the temporary and exceptional suspension of the corporal hardship to people who are food-impaired and whose income has been reduced to a degree that makes it impossible for them to meet the food quota, the direct cause of which is associated with the declaration of emergency.
Legislative Proposal No. 22020, Comprehensive Reform to the Law of Incentives for Tourism Development, Law No. 6990 of July 15, 1985.
– Promote an accelerated and rational process of development of sustainable tourism activity and its ramifications, as well as generate an economic reactivation for the already existing infrastructure and tourism companies, for which the incentives, benefits, and credits that will be granted as per this law are established.
Legislative Proposal No. 22026, Law to Exempt Medications from the Payment of Value Added Tax Due to the Global Pandemic and National Emergency of COVID-19.
– The bill takes medicines out of the Value Added Tax (VAT) scheme to make their prices more accessible, both to people who are within High-Risk Groups and to the rest of the population, which requires a health condition with high immunity against the threat posed by COVID-19.
Legislative Proposal No. 22029, Moratorium for the Collection of the Rate of 1% of the Value Added Tax of subsection 3 of Article 11 of the Law for Strengthening Public Finances of December 3, 2018 and elimination of the non-subjection of the school salary to the Single Tax on the Income Received by Dependent Personal Work or by Concept of Retirement or Pension or Other Remuneration for Personal services.
– Proposal to declare a moratorium on the collection of the 1% rate of the value-added tax of subsection 3) of article 11 of the Law on Strengthening Public Finance, of December 3, 2018, which constitutes a convenient measure that will have a positive impact on the consumption capacity of Costa Rican households and reduce the negative effects of the crisis.
Legislative Proposal No. 22045, Law on Attention to Tenants and Lessors of Commercial Premises, by Modifying Article 6 of Law No. 9830, COVID-19 Tax Relief Law.
– Article 6 of Law No. 9830, of March 19, 2020, is amended to read as follows:
- Article 6- Exemption from Value Added Tax in Commercial Leases:
The leases used for commercial activities are exempt from the payment of the tax established in Law No. 6826, Law of Value Added Tax, of November 8, 1982, for April, May, June, July, August and September 2020, as long as the lessee and the lessor are registered in the Single Tax Registry of the General Directorate of Taxation, in the General Regime, or the Special Agricultural Regime.
Legislative Proposal No. 22046, Reform to Article 65 of the Organic Law of the National Banking System, Law No. 1644.
– Reform Article 65 of the Organic Law of the National Banking System, Law 1644, so that it reads as follows:
- Article 65: Before granting a loan, banks shall endeavor to ensure that the persons responsible for repayment are financially capable of fulfilling their obligation within the respective term. To this end, when deemed necessary, banks may require from the applicants a declaration of assets, income and expenses, certified by an Authorized Public Accountant when deemed appropriate or a declaration of testimonials. Declarants will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided. If, after the loan is granted, the Bank proves the falsity of the declarations, it may terminate the term and immediately demand the payment of the outstanding balance, without prejudice to the other responsibilities that the declarants may have incurred. The National Council for the Supervision of the Financial System (CONASSIF) is empowered to establish specialized regulations for determining the viability of economic activity and the payment capacity of those seeking credit, under exceptional conditions of the national economic environment. These specialized regulations that will have the purpose of facilitating access to credit, reactivating or promoting productive activity and job creation must temporarily replace the payment capacity analysis indicated in the first paragraph of this article with available information, considering the possibility that a total reduction or suspension of cash flow may occur for a certain period. The conditions that justify such specialized regulations may be caused by natural catastrophes, pandemics or atypical and unpredictable events due to the risk analysis models used by financial entities, which temporarily cause the paralysis of the productive activities of goods and services and the reduction or suspension of the cash flow of the borrowers. The rescue, reactivation, and strengthening of business activities is an objective of financial intermediaries since credit is an essential pillar for national production. The employment generated by the business sector entails the possibility that also the debtors of the personal banking credit portfolios, may have sufficient payment capacity to meet their obligations; in this sense, the preservation of business activities, their development and growth are essential to achieve a healthy and stable financial system.
Legislative Proposal No. 22048, Extension of the Deadlines Established in the COVID-19 Tax Relief Law, Law No. 9830 of March 20, 2020
- Moratorium on Value Added Tax: Taxpayers of this tax must file, during July, August, and September 2020, the tax returns for the periods of June, July, and August, with the option of not paying the value-added tax (VAT). Taxpayers who avail themselves of this possibility must pay the respective tax for the months covered by the moratorium no later than December 31, 2020, or make a payment arrangement with the Tax Administration without incurring interest or fines, under the conditions determined by the Tax Administration in the regulations.
- Elimination of the partial payments of the profit tax: the taxpayers referred to in article 2 of said law are exempt, for a single time, from making partial payments of the profit tax that should be paid in July, August, and September 2020.
- Moratorium on the selective consumption tax: Taxpayers of this tax, and who are also registered as taxpayers in the Single Tax Registry of the General Directorate of Taxation, must submit the tax declarations for June, July, and August, with the option of not paying the tax during July, August and September 2020. Taxpayers who avail themselves of this possibility must enter the respective tax for the months covered by the moratorium no later than December 31, 2020.
- Tariff moratorium: This measure excludes agricultural and livestock products classified from Chapters 1 to 24 of the Central American Tariff System and the mechanisms established in national regulations will be maintained, in the event of a possible shortage. Taxpayers who avail themselves of this possibility must pay the VAT corresponding to the months covered by the moratorium no later than December 31, 2020, or make a payment arrangement with the Tax Administration without incurring interest or fines, under the conditions determined by the Customs Administration in the regulations.
Legislative Proposal No. 22075, Agricultural and Fishing Incentive Law due to the COVID-19 National Emergency.
- The exemption from payment of the value-added tax is decreed for one year, as of the publication of this law, to farming and fishing suppliers contained in subsection d), numeral 3, of article 11 of Law N• 9635, Strengthening of Public Finances of December 3, 2018.
Legislative Proposal No. 22081, Law for the Reduction of Working Hours in the Public Sector.
– This bill, which would apply to public institutions included in article 26 of the Public Administration Wages Law, Law No. 2166, of October 9, 1957, for a non-extendable term of twelve months from its entry into force, reduces by fifteen percent (15%) the ordinary working hours of personnel who receive a gross monthly income of at least one million five hundred thousand colones (¢1,500,000). Excluding:
- Police Forces
- Deserving Fire Departments
- Ministry of Health
- Costa Rican Social Security (CCSS)
- National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention
- Detention Centers
Legislative Proposal No. 22070, Law for the Creation of the National System for the Social Protection of People on the Street in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic.
- The purpose of this law is to create the National System for the Social Protection of People on the Street, as an instance for deliberation, consultation, agreement, coordination and follow-up between the Joint Institute of Social Aid, the Executive Power, the decentralized institutions of the State, the municipalities and related social welfare organizations and those of a non-governmental nature. This System will have a National Council coordinated by the Joint Institute of Social Aid in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Legislative Proposal No. 22071, Solidarity by the State in compliance with the Constitutional Mandate to Ensure the social welfare of all people who meet the requirements for their retirement and remain working with personal, family, and population risk from the COVID Pandemic -19.
- To authorize once and for all that an “adult” or “older adult” public or private sector employee and/or worker who meets the requirements for the enjoyment of retirement and who remains working, schedule with their employer, institution, entity, state agency or unit, or private company the procedure that corresponds to the process for the enjoyment of their pension, in a maximum period of 90 calendar days.
Legislative Proposal No. 22072, Fiscal and Financial Relief of the Municipality of Siquirres before COVID-19.
- Partial write-off of patent payments.
- Amnesty for payment of interest and penalties as payment incentive.
- Write-off of land, market, and cemetery claim debts.
Legislative Proposal No. 22085, Law for the Relief in the Payment of the Marchamo 2021.
- Draft law that aims to reduce by fifty percent the cost of paying the 2021 tax for motor vehicles, boats, and aircraft, in response to the exceptional situation in our country, which was declared by decree number 42,227 dated March 16, 2020.
Legislative Proposal No. 22084, Reform of Article 26 of the Law of Regulation and Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages No. 9047, of June 25, 2012 (Authorization To Municipalities To Decree Dry Law).
- Each municipality will have the power to regulate the sale, marketing, and consumption on public roads of alcoholic beverages, whose restrictions must be approved by a qualified majority of the municipal council in firm agreement.
- The aforementioned restrictions may be adopted for the days that civic events, parades, or other official cantonal activities are held, as well as in the context of emergency decrees issued by the Executive Power and that affect the respective canton, or when there are reasons of public interest. duly justified to safeguard the safety, life, and physical integrity of individuals.
Legislative Proposal, Law No. 22118, Law for the Promotion of Tourism Investment in Costa Rica.
- Its purpose is to promote and attract tourism investment that allows the economic reactivation and development of the sector, for which stimulation is provided through incentives granted in a special contract in favor of tourism capital investments.
Legislative Proposal No. 22120, National Fund to Support SMEs and MSMEs in the Tourism Sector.
- Its objective is the creation of the National Non-Refundable Fund for the Support of SMEs and MSMEs in the Tourism Sector, known as FONATURIS, to reactivate, energize and innovate in the tourism sector.
Legislative Proposal No. 22134, Law for the Balance of Fines for Vehicle Restriction in Cases of National Emergency.
- Repeal subsection d) of article 136, subsection dd) of article 145 and subsection k) of article 151, of Law 9078, Law of Traffic on Public Land Roads and Road Safety, of October 4, 2012, and its amendments.
- Reform subsection ñ), of article 147 of chapter III Administrative Sanctions, of Title V Prohibitions and Sanctions, of Law 9078, Law of Traffic on Public Land Roads and Road Safety, of October 4, 2012, and its reforms.
- Reform Transitory XXIV of Law 9078, Law of Traffic on Public Land Roads and Road Safety, of October 4, 2012, and its reforms, added by Law No. 9838, “MODIFICATION OF THE LAW OF TRANSIT BY PUBLIC ROADS AND ROAD SAFETY, LAW No. 9078 OF OCTOBER 4, 2012 AND ITS AMENDMENTS, TO ESTABLISH VEHICULAR RESTRICTION IN CASES OF PREVIOUSLY DECREED NATIONAL EMERGENCY”, of April 3, 2020.
Legislative Proposal No. 22144, Law for the Creation of the National Endorsement and Guarantees Fund for Economic Reactivation and Support for Companies Affected by COVID 19.
- To promote and facilitate access to financing for individuals and legal entities that carry out commercial or business activities affected by the COVID 19 pandemic, and thereby contribute to the economic reactivation of the country and the preservation and improvement of employment. This law is declared a public policy and, due to its special nature, it will prevail over any other law that may oppose it.
Resolution MS-DM-6958-2020 of eleven hours and thirty minutes of September 8, two thousand and twenty. (October 14, 2020). Más información en este enlace.
Modify paragraph 9 of the Fourth provision of the Therefore of ministerial resolution No. MS-DM-6958-2020 of eleven hours thirty minutes on September 8, two thousand twenty, to extend the opening hours of the beaches within the Shared Management Model “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself.”
Preferential rate for Occupational Risk Insurance.
– A measure to create a differentiated collection is proposed to companies that have 30 workers or less. This initiative has already been approved by the INS Board of Directors and is awaiting the authorization of SUGESE.
Remove COVID-19 from the accident rate of work risks.
– Proposal is that the COVID-19 cases do not add to the individual claims of each company. SUGESE approval pending.
Insurance for tourists.
– It is intended to expand coverage to include COVID-19. Insurance would become covered by declaration of quarantine, because it would cover foreigners for the amount of accommodation of up to two weeks, once they are declared positive by COVID-19. Pending approval by SUGESE.
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