Upholding Standards of Social Justice
BLP is committedto providing its services in compliance with the highest ethical and legalstandardsof a just society. Aware of the international requirements in this matter, BLP hasdeveloped the following:
Implementation of the Regional Anticorruption Policy:
BLP hasdevelopedan ethics code alongwith a regional ethics policytosignalaclear reinforcement ofthe standards and principles bywhich our conduct should be governed, both internally and externally.
Annual Training:
BLP prepares and trains its entire regional workforce on anti-corruption issues,under bothapplicable legislation and internal policy).
Annual Certifications:
Once a year, all of our administrative and legal staff sign a certification inwhich they commit to complying(and claim to have complied)withthe applicable legislation inmatters of corruption and internal politics.This procedure is most useful both for BLP internally, and for our clients who witness ourcommitment to provide services according to the highest ethical standards.
New Practice Area ofHuman Rights, Business & Development:
In January 2018, BLP establishedthe practice area of Human Rights, Business & Development, having as a background principlesGuiding Business and Human Rights of the UNHRC, as well as the Guide ofthe International BarAssociation. This practice area presents clients with the opportunity to examine our processes,business policies,and management decisions from the perspective of the international protectionof human rights.
Alliance with HIAS:
Ouralliance with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) consists ofparticipating in a training series, analyzing its most basic elements, as well as the national andinternational legislation that protects refugees. From the knowledge acquired, BLP’s GlobalMobility & Relocation department promotes freerefugeprocedures.Our objective is to help people who because of race, sex, religion, nationality, social group,orpolitical opinion have had to flee their country of origin, are in a situation of vulnerability, andneed the protection of the Costa Rican State
Sustainable Development Goals to which we contribute