All of Central America commemorates its independence on Thursday, September 15, a mandatory payment holiday. In Nicaragua, September 14 is a paid holiday, as well as September 15, and public sector employees there will enjoy vacations from September 10 through 19.
If a company has a weekly payment mode and pays only the days worked, the employer will be obligated to pay the holiday as a single workday, even if the employees do not work.
If a company has a biweekly or monthly payment mode, the same rule applies, which means that the employer will pay for the day, even if the employees do not work.
In both cases, if the employees work the holiday, the employer must pay double wages.
In Guatemala, if the employees work the day, the employer must pay an additional 50% of the ordinary daily wage.
In Costa Rica, the holiday is celebrated this year on the following Monday to promote internal visitations and economic reactivation in all regions of the country, particularly in the tourism sector.