Changes to the term of the visas for non-residents (tourist/business) for nationals of group 2

The General Directorate of Immigration, according to resolution DG-0018-07-2022-DG-UV, modified the maximum period of stay for Non-Resident visas (tourism and business) to 30 calendar days for nationals belonging to the Group 2 by the classification of nationalities that this entity has. Nationals of the countries included in this group may request a visa extension for a maximum stay of 90 calendar days.

Additionally, it is essential to indicate that the passport of the nationals of Group 2 must be valid for more than three months at the time of entry to Costa Rica.

Group 2 countries

Antigua and Barbuda Honduras Tonga
Belice Northern Mariana Islands Samoa
Bolivia Marshall Islands Saint Kitts y Nevis
Dominica Solomon Islands Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
El Salvador* Kazakhstan Saint Lucia
Brunei Kiribati São Tomé and Príncipe
Russia Malaysia Seychelles
Philipines Maldives Surinam
Fiji Mauricio Taiwan
Granada Micronesia Tuvalu
Guatemala Nauru Turkey
Guyana Palaos Ukraine